38th National Nutrient Databank Conference

Food Composition: Bridging the Gaps

14-17 May 2014, Portland, OR

Student and New Investigator Travel Awards

Students and new investigators are eligible for Travel Awards, which provide partial support to attend the NNDC Annual Meeting. These travel awards are based on the scientific merit of the abstract submitted for presentation and the letter(s) of support for the presenter. The number of travel awards funded is based on the budget approved by the NNDC Steering Committee.

Applicants must submit their abstract via the designated abstract submission system. Following submission, this application must be completed and received by March 15, 2014. The application requires a recommendation letter(s), a biosketch, and a copy of the submitted abstract. Please submit all materials as a PDF or Word file.

Applicants will be acknowledged by e-mail regarding the status of their application by April 1, 2014.

Visitors traveling to the United States are encouraged to apply for visas as early as possible (if needed).

Eligibility and Criteria

§  Students and New Investigators
Undergraduate students
Graduate students
New investigators (< 5 years post degree)

§  Have submitted abstract for poster/oral presentation at the 38th Annual NNDC

§  Presenting author of the poster/oral presentaion

Application and Selection Process

§  The electronic Travel Award application is located within NNDC Call for Abstracts site (http://www.nutrientdataconf.org/abs_call.html ).

§  Complete the application, attach the required documentation (letter(s) of support and biosketch), and email to . The application deadline is March 15, 2014.

§  Applications must be on time and properly completed.

§  All recipients will be chosen by the NNDC Executive Committee.

§  Applicants selected to receive a travel award will be notified via email by April 1, 2014.

§  Letter(s) of support will greatly impact the selection process. Up to $1000 will be awarded to offset travel costs. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, awards will be presented following the conference.

Student and New Investigator Travel Award Application

email Address:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Address Line 3:
Years attending NNDC, including this year:
In 250 words or less, please describe the importance of attending NNDC to your career:
Amount Requested (max of $1000):
Requesting funds for (event name/title): / 38th National Nutrient Databank Conference
Event location: / Portland, OR
Event date(s): / May 14 – 17, 2014
Budget items: / Please complete the budget items that pertain to your expenses
Budget Item
/ Costs
/ Budget Item
/ Costs
Conference Registration: / Taxi/Shuttle:
Airline Ticket: / Parking:
Hotel: / Mileage (if driving your own vehicle):
Meals: / Vehicle Rental:
Tolls: / Other Expenses:
Total Budget Costs
Comments regarding budget items (Include a description of any "Other Expenses" from above):
Supporting Documents: / Please include the following with your application:
·  letter of support (from research mentor, faculty advisor or research collaborator)
·  second letter of support (optional)
·  biosketch (or CV)
·  copy of your submitted abstract.