Jordan University of Science & Technology
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Public Health, Community
Medicine, and Family Medicine
P.O.Box 3030 – Irbid – 22110 Jordan
Mobile: 962-796802040
Fax: (962-2)7201064
E-mails: ,
Date of birth: 6/12/1970
Place of birth: Al-Sarih
Nationality: Jordan
- Tulane University, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana. Doctoral of Science (ScD) in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 2002 (content area: Epidemiology)
- Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of physicians of the United kingdom, Fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health through distinction (FFPH), May 2009
- Tulane University, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana. Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH),20/5/2000.
- University of Maastricht in collaboration with Suez CanalUniversity, The Netherlands. Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) 25/3/2007
- Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan. Master of Science (MSc) in Epidemiology, 28/9/1997.
- Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan. Bachelor degree in Dentistry, 28/6/1994
Shoman award for young Arab researchers, July 2012
Promotion with seniority to Professor, 2011
SCOPUS award for scientific contribution , 2009
Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of physicians of the United Kingdom, Fellowship of the Faculty of Public Health through distinction (FFPH), May 2009
Promotion with seniority to Associate Professor, 2007
Delta Omega – Eta Chapter/ Dissertation Award, April 2002
Delta Omega Honorary Public Health Society, 2000
Dean’s List/ Faculty of Dentistry, 1991/1992.
- Dean of Scientific Research/ The president advisor. The Royal University for medical sciences. 2012-2013
- Director of the Health and Medical Sciences sector/ The Higher Council of Science and Technology, 2008-2010
- Assistant Dean. Faculty of Medicine/ Jordan University of Science and Technology, 2004 until 2010
- Chairman of the Department of Health Care System Management/ Jordan University of Science and Technology, 2004-2005
- Professor. Department of Public Health, Community Medicine, and family medicine in Jordan University of Science and Technology. From 17/3/2011 until Now
- Associate professor. Department of Public Health, Community Medicine, and family medicine in Jordan University of Science and Technology. From 10/3/2007- 17/3/2011.
- Lecturer . National Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Jordan University, German-Jordan University, FTEP program at MoH. Applied Balqa University. From 2003- Now
- Assistant professor. Department of Public Health, Community Medicine, and family medicine in Jordan University of Science and Technology. From 10/3/2003 until 10/3/2007.
- Assistant professor. Department of Biostatistics.TulaneUniversity, from February 2002 to February 2003
- Instructor.TulaneCollege, 1999, 2000, 2001
- Research and Teaching Assistant in the Department of Biostatistics at Tulane University, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine for three years; 1999, 2000, 2001
- Research and Teaching Assistant in the Department Public Health and Community Medicine in Jordan University of Science and Technology from February, 1997 to December, 1997.
- Lecturer. Jordan University, Germany-Jordan University, Ministry of Health, Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Nusaibah College for nursing and midwifery.
Committees and Scientific Groups
- The Medical Sciences Research Committee/ Research fund at the Ministry of Higher Education, 2012-now
- Graduate students research projects committee/ Ministry of Higher Education, 2012
- Pharmaceutical studies Committee/ Unit of Pharmaceutical Studies, Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA), 2004-2012
- Technical committee for Defining Scientific Research Priorities in Jordan for the Years 2011-2020/ The Ministry of Higher Education and The Higher Council for Science and Technology
- The national team for Human Resources Management/ Higher Health Council/ 2009
- The steering committee for maternal mortality/ High Population Council/ 2011
- The national team for Mental Health. The Higher Council for Science and Technology/ 2009-2011
- The national team for Diabetes prevention and control/ The Higher Council for Science and Technology/ 2008-2009
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS-CDC)/ Global AIDS Program (GAP) Surveillance Team/ 2008-2011
- Chairman of the Health research and studies Committee/ The Higher Council for Science and Technology 2008-2009
- Chairman of the Evidence based medicine Committee / The Higher Council for Science and Technology/2008-2009
- Chairman of the Non-communicable diseases Committee / The Higher Council for Science and Technology/2008-2009
- Chairman of the Mental heath Committee / The Higher Council for Science and Technology
- Chairman of the Communicable diseases Committee / The Higher Council for Science and Technology/2008-2009
- Chairman of the Health information Committee / The Higher Council for Science and Technology/2008-2009
- Chairman of the Health system research Committee / The Higher Council for Science and Technology/2008-2009
- The 2nd International Conference on e-Health and Telemedicine ICEHTM 2014 ( 22-24 May 2014 - Istanbul – Turkey
- Special Course on Telepathology, 23 May 2014 - Istanbul – Turkey
- Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance Conference: Health of Palestinians Inside and Outside the Occupied Palestinian Territory/ Grand Palace Hotel, Amman, Jordan, 17-18 March 2014 (Organizer)
- First International Conference on Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking - ABU DHABI October 21-23, 2013
- 1stMENA Regulatory Conference on Bioequivalence, Biowaivers, Bioanalysis and Dissolution”, Amman, Jordan, 23-24 September, 2013.
- The first RESCAP-MED international symposium on social determinants of non-communicable diseases in Mediterranean countries.Istanbul, Turkey6-7 May2013.
- The 4th Congress of the Jordanian Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism (JSED), The 3rd Joint JSED-AACE Congress, The 11th Pan Arab Congress of Endocrinology & Diabetes (PACED-11) and The 3rd Postgraduate Seminar t2013. Amman, Jordan on May 13-15, 2013.
- The Sixth International Conference of Medical Services held during the period 19 to 22 of November 2012 at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center at the Dead Sea.
- First Arab -American Frontiers of Science , Engineering, and Medicine (AAFSEM) Symposium , October 17-19, 2011 Kuwait
- Syrian Center for Tobacco Studies and Cancer Control Office King Hussein Cancer Center: The Regional Conference on “Tobacco Dependence Treatment: Global Experience and Regional Perspective” which will be held in Le Meridien hotel - Amman- Jordan during the period of June 27-30, 2011.
- Ayman Hammoudeh , Ismail Hamam, Mohammad Bakri, Abdulnasser Alnaquib, Yousef Khader, Imad Alhaddad, Akram Saleh, Eyas Al-Mousa, Mahmoud Izraiq, Ramzi Tabbalat. The prognostic implications of TIMI risk scores in Middle Eastern patients with acute coronary syndrome. Results from the GLucometabolic abnOrmalities in acute coronaRY syndrome in Jordan (GLORY) Study. The World Congress of Cardiology 2012
- Ayman Hammoudeh, Eyas Al-Mousa, Mahmoud Izraiq, Akram Saleh, Yousef Khader, Assem Nammas, Hatem Tarawneh, Ahmad Harassis, Ramzi Tabbalat, Imad Alhaddad. Absence of "smokers' paradox" among Middle Eastern patients with acute coronary syndrome. The World Congress of Cardiology 2012
- Ayman Hammoudeh, Hatem Tarawneh, Ahmad Harassis, Yousef Khader, Ismail Hamam, Abdulnasser Alnaquib, Mohammad Bakri, Assem Nammmas, Ramzi Tabbalat, Imad Alhaddad. Prevalence and Impact on Prognosis of Glucometabolic States in Middle Eastern Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (The GLORY Study). The World Congress of Cardiology 2012
- The 10th Annual Conference of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Representative committee in Jordan, Syria and Palestine. Landmark Hotel. Amman. Jordan. 26-27th February 2009.
- The Second Conference for faculty of Medicine at the University of Jordan and the 5ht Conference for Jordanian Medical Faculties, in Collaboration with the National Arab American Medical association (NAAMA). Medical Education in the Third Millennium, Amman, Jordan. 18-20 April 2009.
- The Annual Scientific Conference of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology titled UPDATES IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNACOLOGY in Ismailia, Egypt during 24th -25th April 2003
- Fourth Jordan National Tempus Day, Princess Sumaya University of Technology, Amman, Jordan, Feb 25 2009-03-07 (under the patronage of her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint Al-Hasan, and is Excellency Mr. Patrick Renauld, Ambassador/Head of Delegation of the European Union to Jordan)
- The first conference on "Biomediacal research ethics" organized by Ministry of Education, 23-24/11/2009
- The 14th Jordanian Science week " Science and Technology for sustainable development", 3-6/5/2009
- First Medical Conference in PrincessBasmaHospital in Jordan 20-21 November 2008.
- The 1st Jordanian and the 7th Arabic Congress of Pediatric Dentistry Nov.19-21, 2008
- Nano-Materials Conference on November 10-12, 2008. The conference is held at JordanUniversity.
- The first clinical trials conference in the Middle East and North Africa "Facilitating Clinical Trials in the MENA Region": 2008, October 23-24 at the Kempinski Hotel Amman.
- The Fourth Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medicine / Jordan University of Science and Technology held in Jordan in 2006.
- The Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Dentistry / Jordan University of Science and Technology held in Jordan in 2006.
- First Conference of Arab Faculties of Medicine Society and First Conference of Jordanian Faculties of Medicine during 19th – 22nd April 2004
- Third Conference of Faculty of Medicine in Jordan University of Science and Technology during 15th – 16th April 2003
- Tobacco control regional research network workshop at American University of Beirut, 12-14, May 2014.
- 3rd RESCAP-MED PMC and ProMAC Meeting. 2nd & 3rd April 2014, Dead Sea, Jordan
- Environmental Health training workshop. 5-9 April 2014, Amman, Jordan
- RESCAP-MED:Medical Anthropology Workshop/Izmir, Turkey 9-12 Dec 2013
- RESCAP-MED:Health Policy Workshop. Amman, Jordan. 3rd-6th June 2013.
- RESCAP-MED: Needs Assessment training workshop held in Dead Sea, Jordan. 19th–20th May 2012
- World Health Organization. Expert Group meeting workshop" Review evidence on minimum household water security requirements for health protection". Amman 21-22 September 2011-09-24
- The American College of Cardiology, The International Academy of Medicine, The Jordan Cardiac Society, The King Hussein Cancer Center, The Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network and The Halle Institute for Global Learning at Emory University in collaboration with Jordan University. A Continuing Education Course On Complex Management of Systems Failure in the Cardiac Patient and a Workshop On Cardio Metabolic Syndrome 23-25 June 2011
- American University in Beirut. Workshop on Tobacco and Nicotine research. Beirut Jan 31-Feb 2, 2011
- Introduction to a keynote lecture by Dr. K. Hanretty entitled Maternal mortality, national reports and their effect on clinical practice. The 11th International Jordanian Congress of the Jordanian Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Le Royal Hotel. Amman, Jordan, 26-29, September 2012.
- Media Training workshop organised by the Srengthening Family Planning Project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Landmark Hotel. Amman, Jordan. 18-19 October, 2012.
- Workshop on Self-Evaluation of Accademic Programs. Academic Development Centre. Jordan University of Science and Technology. 20th June 2013.
- The Evidence based Medicine Speaker's Training Program for Reproductive Health. Organized by The Private Sector Project (PSP) for Women's Health Implemented by Abt Associates and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Cooperation with the InternationalCenter for Evidence Based Medicine. 7-8th May 2009.
- Meeting and Workshop on Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development organized by the Jordan Medical Council, with the support of USAID-funded Private Sector Project – Jordan. CME in Jordan: Realities and Vision. Movenpic Hotel, Dead Sea. 29-30 October 2009.
- World Health Organization.The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. The role of health care professionals in reaching Millenium Development Goals 4 and 5: Concept note. Amman. Jordan. 17-19 2009.
- Teaching and assessment of communication skills workshop in collaboration with the University of Iowa, Dr. M. Rosenbaum and Dr. G. Burgus, Jordan University of Science and Technology . 13-14 January 2010.
- Evidence Based Medicine in Reproductive Health through Critically Appraised Topics (CATS). Organized by The Private Sector Project (PSP) for Women's Health and the Strengthening Family Planning Project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Holiday Inn. Dead Sea. 27-29 January 2011.
- Higher Council for Science and Technology. Evaluation of mental health system in Jordan. Jordan, October 11, 2010-10-16
- Middle East Cancer Consortium: Cancer Registry Steering Committee Meeting, Antalya, Turkey, February 12-13, 2010
- Research course on Cancer Registry Data, Antalya, Turkey, February 14-15, 2010
- Training course "Standardized Methods of Teaching and Assessment in Clinical Settings"" organized by Jordan University of Science and Technology, 22-24/2/2010
- Workshop on mental health disorders in Eastern Mediterranean Region: Focus on Jordan (WHO & the Higher Council for science and Technology) at Meridian Hotel in 5/3/2009.
- Workshop "The role of advanced technologies in medicine". Organized by the Biological center for excellence at YarmoukUniversity in Feb 19, 2009
- International medical informatics and biomedical engineering industrial show. Organized by the Biological center for excellence at YarmoukUniversity in Feb 19, 2009
- Workshop on evaluation of mental health services in Jordan 26/1/2008 (chairman)
- Workshop on LIBRARY CONSORTIA AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES in Jordan: First National Medical Consortium. 16/11/2008 (chairman)
- Workshop by the International Database for Enhanced Assessments and Learning (IDEAL) on quality test item banking organized by the Faculty of Medicine at Jordan University of Science and Technology. 19th April 2008.
- Training course "Modern University Instructional Methods" organized by Jordan University of Science and Technology, 4-5/11/2007
- Workshop on “Human Resource Development in Health Management and Leadership”. Center for Research and Development in Medical Education and Health Services. Suez CanalUniversity. Ismailia. Egypt. 12/12/2007
- Workshop on Clinical Assessment organized by the Faculty of Medicine at Jordan University of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Department of Medical Education of the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education (FAIMER), John Norcini and Ara Tekian. 19-20 May 2007.
- Training in educational technology entitled “E. Learning” in Jordan University of Science and Technology, 2007
- Workshop entitled “Students’ Assessment” in Jordan University of Science and Technology during the period 14 April 2007
- Workshop entitled “Curriculum Design and Accreditation of Medical schools” in Petra during the period 10-12 May 2007
- Workshop entitled “Students’ Assessment: OSCE” in Jordan University of Science and Technology during the period 21 April 2007
- Workshop on Curriculum Reform at the Faculty of Medicine at JordanUniversity of Science and Technology. Marriot Dead Sea. Jordan. 31st January- 2nd February 2008.
- Workshop on Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) organized by the Faculty of Medicine at the Jordan University of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Wilson Centre for Research in Education, University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine. 13-15 June 2005.
- Workshop on Student Assessment, Objective Structured Clinical Examination organized by the Faculty of Medicine at Jordan University of Science and Technology 2006
- Training in educational technology entitled “Modern University Instructional Methods” in Jordan University of Science and Technology during the period 13-14 June 2006
- Regional training course on Medical Databases including Medline, held in Cairo (WHO) during the period 10 – 12 June 2003
- Training in educational technology entitled “communication and interaction skills in classrooms” in Jordan University of Science and Technology during the period 24-26 June 2003
Contribution to Research
- Editor: Journal of Clinical Studies and Medical Case Reports
- Technical Editor: World Journal of Diabetes
- Academic Editor: Case Reports in Dentistry
- Technical Editor: International Journal of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Disorders.
- Reviewer for:
- Diabetes and its Complications
- Journal of Periodontology
- Journal of Clinical Periodontology
- Diabetes Care
- American Journal of Epidemiology
- International Journal of Epidemiology
- American Journal of Public Health
- Community medicine
- Community health
- American journal of health promotion : AJHP
- Eastern Mediterranean Health journal
- Saudi Medical Journal
- Jordan Medical Journal
- American journal of preventive medicine
- Diabetes & metabolic syndrome
- The Diabetes educator
- Diabetes research and clinical practice
Strategies and Action Plans
- National strategy and plan of action against diabetes in Jordan/2011
- Review evidence on minimum household water security requirements for health protection, 2011
- National Mental Health Action Plan: 2012 - 2013
- National Action Plan to improve maternal and neonatal health services: 2014
Grants (FUNDED PROJECTS); Total amount of fund is 4.2 million US$
Rapid assessment of maternal and neonatal health services in Jordan / 2014 / UNICEF / Principle investigatorEvaluation of Telemedicine Initiative in Jordan / 2012-2013 / CISCO / Principle investigator
Research Capacity for Public Health in the Mediterranean / 2012-2015 / EU-FP7 / Co-investigator
Causes of perinatal and neonatal mortality in Jordan / 2009-2012 / UNICEF / Co-investigator
Patterns of Acquiring and Maintenance of Smoking in Adolescent Students and the Factors Associated with them: A Community-based Longitudinal Study in Irbid, Jordan / 2010-2012 / NIH / Co-investigator
Measures and Causes of Maternal Mortality in Jordan / 2007/2009 / The High Population Council / Principle investigator
Vitamin D deficiency in Jordan / 2009/2011 / Ministry of Higher Education / Co-investigator
Assessment and evaluation of mental health services in Jordan using WHO-AIMS / 2009-2011 / World health organization / Co-investigator
The impact of Maternal Periodontal Diseases on the Risk of Preterm Low Birth Weight in Northern Jordan / 2006-2007 / World Health Organization / Principle investigator
Situation Analysis of Oral and Dental Health Services in Jordan / 2003-2004 / Higher Health Council and World Health Organization. / Principle investigator
Situation Analysis of Nursing Manpower in Jordan / 2003 -2004 / Higher Health Council and World Health Organization / Principle investigator
Designing and developing problem-based learning BSc. Health Management Program in Yemen / 2004-2005 / World Health Organization / Principle investigator
Pattern of Health problems in Poverty Pockets in Jordan and Assessment of the availability and Adequacy of Essential Interventions / 2005 / World Health Organization / Principle investigator
Publications (Total = 190 publications)
- Bibars AR, Obeidat SR, Khader Y, Mahasneh AM, Khabour OF.The Effect of Waterpipe Smoking on Periodontal Health.Oral Health Prev Dent. 2014 Sep 5
- Lataifeh I, Obeidat N, Al-Mehaisen L, Khriesat W, Tadros R, Khader Y, Al-Sukhun S.A survey of Jordanian obstetricians and gynecologists' knowledge and attitudes toward human papillomavirus infection and vaccination.Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2014;35(4):429-32.
- Al Omari M, Khassawneh BY, Khader Y, Dauod AS, Bergus G.Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among adult male cigarettes smokers: a community-based study in Jordan.Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2014 Jul 17;9:753-8.
- The Global Burden of Diseases experts (Khader YS). Global, regional, and national incidence and mortality for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.Lancet. 2014 Jul 21.
- El-Khateeb M, Khader Y, Batieha A, Jaddou H, Hyassat D, Belbisi A, Ajlouni K. Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Jordan: A Population-Based Study.Ann Nutr Metab. 2014 Jun 17;64(2):101-105.
- The Global Burden of Diseases experts (Khader YS). Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.Lancet. 2014 May 28
- Tayyem RF, Dajani R, Khader YS, Abu-Mweis SS, Fatahallah R, Bawadi HA. Nutrient intake and lifestyle factors by diabetes status of Circassians and Chechans in Jordan. Ethn Dis. 2014 Spring;24(2):200-6.
- The Global Burden of Diseases experts (Khader YS). Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.Lancet. 2014 May 2.
- The Global Burden of Diseases experts (Khader YS). Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.Lancet. 2014 May 2.
- Samrah S, Khatib I, Omari M, Khassawneh B, Momany S, Daoud A, Malkawi M, Khader Y. Vitamin D deficiency and level of asthma control in women from North of Jordan: a case-control study.Asthma. 2014 Apr 29.
- Al Hayek AA, Khader YS, Jafal S, Khawaja N, Robert AA, Ajlouni K.Prevalence of low testosterone levels in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study.
J Family Community Med. 2013 Sep;20(3):179-86