As a Gay Idiot, I just wonder how long you'd last in your blessed Palestinian Authority. Even the closeted Gay Arafat who died of AIDS approved scores of Judicial Killings of Palestinian Gays, pal.

And yet you defend them and hate Israel. You are an IDIOT and a Fascist - you also have NO right whatsoever to teach American students. Go to Hamas U. - again let's see how long you'd last with your chums.


Mr. or is it Miss Barnard,

A Fascist is still a Fascist and an Anti-Semite is still an Anti-Semite no matter how you slice it.

For calling Israel "Racist" you do fit in the above categories as far as this Jewish-American is concerned.

Go peddle your views, especially Gay Rights to those in the oh-so-tolerant Palestinian Authority where even the closet Gay and Baby-murderer Arafat ordered the judicial killings of Gays. Or in Tehran, where Gays are so tolerated they're hang from lampposts.

Then preach your Fascist nonsense about Israel.

Mr.Alan Rockman

----- Original Message -----

From: Ian Barnard

To: Alan

Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 2:18 PM

Subject: Re: Divestment and Boycott of Israel

Dear Alan Rockman:

First, you don't seem to understand the distinction between critique of Israel and anti-Semitism. I suggest you read Judith Butler's essay, "The Charge of Anti-Semitism: Jews, Israel and the Risks of Public Critique" (it appears in her book Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence), for a cogent analysis of this distinction. As you know, Butler, Adrienne Rich, and many other prominent Jewish US academics and intellectuals have endorsed the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

Second, you seem to mistake critique of Israelipolicyfor support of homophobia. I don't understand how you make this leap, but I should clarify that I don't support homophobia anywhere, whether in Israel, Gaza, the US, or anywhere else.

I grew up in apartheid South Africa, and that experience has shaped my commitment to contesting intolerance and discrimination in any form, whether that be homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, or the Israeli government's crimes against humanity. The academic and cultural boycott of the apartheid state in South Africa played a role in bringing democracy to South Africa, and I hope that the academic and cultural boycott of Israel can also play a role, however small, in bringing an end to the Israeli government's racist policies and practices.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Barnard

Ian Barnard, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of English
California State University, Northridge
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8248

Home Page:

----- Original Message -----

From: Alan


Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:50 AM

Subject: Re: Divestment and Boycott of Israel

Mister Barnard,

Anyone, anyone, and I don't give a damn if they're Gay, Straight, Black, White, Brown, Christian, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist, or even of Jewish origin who supports an odious and terrible policy of Divestment and Boycott of Israel is a Fascist, or to be more blunt, a Nazi.

If the shoe fits, boy, you wear it. After all, you lent your name to that petition of Jew-hate.

Interestingly enough, Barnard, I notice that you push a Gay agenda. So I presume you're Gay too.

Nice, considering how Gays are treated in the Islamic World. You and your schmekel wouldn't last 5 minutes in Tehran, or Gaza, yet you promote the goosesteppers and the throat-slitters.

Ever read the accounts of Gays being "Judicially Murdered" in the so-benevolent Palestinian Authority and Hamaistan? You probably put your dumb head in the sand like an ostrich when it comes to those matters, just like you'd refuse to divest from the Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia,Zimbabwe, Venezuela, China and other REAL abusers of Human Rights. Yasser Arafat, a queer himself ridden with AIDS personally approved the execution of countless Gay Palestinians, but little boy Barnard wants to blame Israel.

An Israel that only chose to fight back after 3 years of non-stop rocketing of Sderot and other towns, with the wounding and traumization of children, the murder of innocent civilians and farm animals, and the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit. Anyone in their right mind would have done the same, except Hitlerians, Islamic Fascist pigsand little boys like Barnard.

You have absolutely NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER teaching American students your own hateful lies and propaganda, buddy. The original Nazi Party was ridden with Gays, and you're really no different.

Go and take your lies to Bir Zeit or Tehran U., the students at Cal State Northridge deserve much better than an Ernst Roehm or Arafat boyfriend.

Sieg Heil, Barnard. After all, that's your speed and philosophy - definitely NOT mine.

Alan Rockman