Spring Term February 23, 2015 – May 16, 2015

WAYLAND MISSION STATEMENT: Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success, lifelong learning, and service to God and humankind.

The School of Mathematics and Sciences emphasizes a rigorous, ethical approach to the study of mathematics and science.We believe that success in these disciplines requires a broad base of content knowledge and the development of the critical thinking skills necessary for the ongoing acquisition, processing and communication of current subject matter.The activities of the School, both academic and professional, intentionally reflect the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His centrality to all of Creation.

Course Title and Number: MATH 1304; College Algebra

Term: Spring 2015: February 23, 2015 – May 16, 2015

Name of Instructor: Dr. Karen E. Dempster, Esq., BA, MED, EDS, JD.

Office Phone: 907-456-2365 (H), 907-978-7745 (C).

Email Address:

Office Hours, Building, and Location: Eielson AFB, Thursdays 2:00 – 5:30 PM, WBU office, second door; Tuesday Ft. Wainwright Bldg. 4391 Rm. 5, 2:00-5:30; Sun Ft. Wainwright Bldg. 4391 Rm., 5:00 PM till finished.

Class Meeting Time and Location: Tuesday, Ft. Wainwright Bldg. 4391 Rm. 5.
Catalog Description: This course develops skills in rational expressions, radicals, complex numbers, graphs, second-degree equations in one or two variables, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, sequences, series, and the Binomial Theorem.

Prerequisite: Two years of high school algebra or MATH 1300 (Intermediate Algebra)

Placement: This class is intended for students who do not qualify for calculus or trigonometry, but who have had two years of algebra with a grade of “B” or above. Students start here unless there is a reason for placing them above or

below this level.

Text: Intermediate Algebra for College Students, 9eth edition; Allen R. Angel

ISBN:978-0-321-93297-6; Pearson

Supplies:Scientific Calculator (TI-84, Math AP on I-Pad, or cell phones.)

Course Outline/Outcome Competencies: You should be familiar with the following topics and be able to use them to set up and solve mathematical models of real world problems.

Rational Expressions, Functions, and Equations

Rational Expressions and Functions: Multiplying and Dividing

Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

Complex Rational Expressions

Division of Polynomials

Synthetic Division and the Remainder Theorem

Rational Equations

Formulas and Applications of Rational Equations

Modeling Using Variation

Radicals, Radical Functions, and Rational Exponents

Radical Expressions and Functions

Rational Exponents

Multiplying and Simplifying Radical Expressions

Adding, Subtracting, and Dividing Radical Expressions

Multiplying with More Than One Term and Rationalizing Denominators

Radical Equations

Complex Numbers

Quadratic Equations and Functions

The Square Root Property and Completing the Square

The Quadratic Formula

Quadratic Functions and Their Graphs

Equations Quadratic in Form

Polynomial and Rational Inequalities

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Exponential Functions

Composite and Inverse Functions

Logarithmic Functions

Properties of Logarithms

Exponential and Logarithmic Equations

Exponential Growth and Decay; Modeling Data

Conic Sections and Systems of Nonlinear Equations

Distance and Midpoint Formulas; Circles

The Ellipse

The Hyperbola

The Parabola; Identifying Conic Sections

Systems of Nonlinear Equations in Two Variables

Sequences, Series, and the Binomial Theorem

Sequences and Summation Notation

Arithmetic Sequences

Geometric Sequences and Series

The Binomial Theorem

Attendance Requirements: All students are expected to attend all class sessions and are responsible for knowing the material covered. No quizzes or exams can be made up unless arrangements prior to the absence have been made. Any student missing more than 25% of the class will fail the class.

Disability Statement: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291- 3765. Documentation of a disability must accompany any request for accommodations.

Academic Honesty: Disciplinary action for academic misconduct is the responsibility of the faculty member assigned to this course. The faculty member is charged with assessing the gravity of any case of academic dishonesty, and with giving sanctions to any student involved.


Homework: Each section’s assignment is assigned points.Homework is due at the start of class the day it is due, and after we have taken questions on the homework.You may work together, but do not copy.No late homework will be accepted without my permission.If there are extreme circumstances, contact me (907)-456-2365. Show your work.

Extra Credit: This is optional. The only extra credit offered in this class is through test corrections/retaking similar but different tests. Test corrections may be made and turned in up to one week after the test is graded and returned to the class. Corrections must be worked on a separate sheet of paper, show the complete work for the incorrect problems, and be stapled to the front of the test. One point will be awarded for each completed and correct set of corrections plus tests. Incomplete sets will receive either half a point or no point. The accumulated points will be added to your overall course average.

Exams: During the semester quizzes/tests will be given weekly.The content covered by each exam will be explicitly discussed in class. The class period prior to each exam will include a review. The final exam is comprehensive and all students will be required to take the Final Exam.

Grading – Points are assigned for all work- homework, quizzes, tests and final. Your grade is found by dividing your total points accrued by the total points possible! Then grades are assigned to this percentage as shown below:

A: 90 – 100 B: 80 – 89 C: 70 – 79 D: 60 – 69 F: Below 60

Tentative Schedule:

Academic Honesty: Disciplinary action for academic misconduct is the responsibility of the faculty member assigned to this course. The faculty member is charged with assessing the gravity of any case of academic dishonesty, and with giving sanctions to any student involved.

Important Dates: Last day to drop without record

Last day to withdraw with “W”

Last day to withdraw with a “WP/WF”

Last Class

EOO means Every Other Odd (1, skip 3, do 5, skip 7, do 9 etc).

ODD means do the odd numbered problems

This schedule is subject to CHANGE. Assignments are reviewed each class meeting and any changes will be noted at that time.

I am always available by telephone, at Ft. Wainwright Bldg. 4391 Rm. 5, or Wednesday at Eielson AFB, 2:00- 5:30, or Sunday at 5 PM at Ft.Wainwright, in our classroom, and by at other times we both are available. Or Math.com.

ASSIGNMENTS: 8th Edition, (Blue Book)

2/24/15 Sec 5.1 Pg. 279-284 Pg. 285-286, 1-75 EOO

Sec 5.2 Pg 290-295 Pg. 295-296, 1-81 EOO

Sec 5.3 Pg 299-305 Pg. 305-307, 1-109 EOO


3/03/15 Sec 5.4 pg. 308-313 Pg. 313-314, 1-57 ODD

Sec 5.5 pg 317-324 Pg. 324-325, 1-87 ODD


3/10/15 Sec 5.6 Pg. 327-331 Pg. 332-333, 1-91 EOO

Sec 5.7 Pg 335-336 Pg. 337-338, 1-73 E00


3/16/15 – 3/20/15 SPRING BREAK

3/24/15 Sec 5.8 Pg. 339-346 Pg. 346-348, 1-95 EOO

Chapter 5 Summary Pg. 351-354

Chapter 5 Test Pg. 355-359, 1-159 EOO

3/31/15 Sec 6.1 Pg. 361-368 Pg. 368-371, 1-103 EOO

Sec 6.3 Pg 382-384 Pg. 385-386, 3-57 EOO


04/07/15 Sec 7.1 Pg. 425-431 Pg 431-433, 1-113 EOO

Sec 7.2 Pg 434-439 Pg 440-441, 1-123 EOO


4/14/15 Sec 7.3 Pg. 442-447 Pg 447-449, 1-113 EOO

Sec 7.4 Pg 449-453 Pg 454-455, 1-109 EOO


4/21/15 Sec 7.5 Pg. 457-462 Pg 462-464, 1-133 EOO

Sec 7.6 Pg 465-471 Pg 471-473, 1-97 EOO

4/28/15 Sec 7.7 Pg. 476-482 Pg 482-484, 1-131 EOO

Ch 7 Review Pg 485-488

Chapter 7 Test Pg 488-491, 1-161 EOO

5/5/15 Sec 8.1 Pg. 493-500 Pg 500-501, 1-89 EOO

Sec 8.2 Pg 503-511 Pg 511-513, 1-85 EOO

5/12/15 Final Exam and Pizza Party!