
March 4, 2018

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“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Psalm 119:105

Prayer List

Bob Haas (improving - now on oxygen), Family of Jason Harston (killed in an auto accident), Kenny McLeod (friend of Richard Hill - kidney failure), Aiden (7 year old friend of Stella Selvaggio – leukemia), Kim Cramer (friend of the Cline’s – pneumonia), John Fairchild (Terri Lanier’s cousin – passed away),Anna Babcock,Cassie Beale, Lee Bally, Brad Carmen,Tony Selvaggio’s mother, Andrew Wade’s grandfather,Janice Kindig,Jessica Reeves,Philip and Heather Booker,John Wilder


Sign Up: To provide housing for the students on Saturday evening following the concert.

Sign Up: To bring a dish for our church breakfast on Sunday, March 4.

Financial Statement: Bruce Augsburger has completed the report for 2017. Pick up a copy in the foyer. Last week Bruce told us that the loan for our building addition has been paid in full.

Ladies Day in Springfield: Saturday, March 17. See the announcement on the bulletin board.

Heart House Bake Sale: March 22. Sign up on the list on the bulletin board to donate baked goods.

Creation Seminar: April 13 – 15, Clinton Church of Christ. See the flier on the bulletin board.

Jesus Our Helper

Encouragement from the Gospel of John

Do you have frustrations? Remember when Jesus addressed an embarrassing moment by turning water into wine. (John 2:1-11)

Do you have doubts? Remember when Jesus-from a distance-healed a boy and told his father to return home, and the father went away without questions. (John 4:46-54)

Do you have disabilities? Remember when Jesus healed a man at the pool of Bethesda that had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. (John 5:2-9)

Do you have needs? Remember when Jesus fed 5,000 people with a little boy's sack lunch. (John 6:1-14)

Are you in despair? Remember when the hand of Jesus reached out to Peter as he began sinking in the water. (John 6:16-21)

Do things seem dark to you? Remember when Jesus gave sight to a man blind from birth. (John 9:1-11)

Are you afraid to die? Remember when Jesus stood outside the tomb of a friend and shouted, "Lazarus, come forth!" while all the people cried. (John 11:1-44) - Adapted from an article by Dan Winkler