Your tips on saving
Steven: I do save regularly, one small direct debit and then usually and cash I have left over at the end of the month I put away.
Antoinette: Every month I try to put away, like, half of my wages into my savings account
Essan: I put money aside in a jar – I’ve got a one-pound sort of jar and it’s called our date jar and whenever me and my girlfriend have spare pounds we just put it in there and when it reaches a certain amount we get to go on a date.
Emily: I’m just starting to save so, I’m living with family at the moment so I don’t have to pay rent and just saving it in a bank account. I’ve got a joint account with my boyfriend.
Clark: I try, I’ve just started saving as much as I can – basically when I get paid I try to keep half of whatever I get as savings.
Donna: I save in bonds as well; hundred pounds a month and you do fifty-pounds out of his bank every month, like in his own building society though.
Gary: Whatever loose change we have of our own we just put in our own separate tins..
Donna: ‘Cause I have more than him so I don’t want to share….yes I do.
Gary: Wait ‘til the tins are full up and that’s it
Donna: Cut them open. . . we have them ones that are sealed that you can’t open ‘til they’re full, well you can open but we don’t ‘til they’re full do we . . so we save a lot
Gary: If we need to do anything like that we go into our tins really.
Donna: If it’s that emergency we’d need to break into the tins I think – I wouldn’t touch my bonds and you don’t touch your savings really do you
Gary: My little hide-away fund
Donna: Hide away . . .oh
Julia: Well I just have a savings account and then other things such as; I’ve got pets so I’ve got pet insurance for those sorts of emergencies.
Gordon: What’s in the ISAs, not exactly a load in there but that’s the emergency fund basically.
Steven: I do have some money put away, I have tried to change career which has cost me some money so I don’t have as much as I used to have but generally if I don’t put away each month even if it’s something like a hundred pounds I get quite annoyed with myself as I do try to save every month if possible.
Antoinette: I just include it in my savings in case anything does happen and then my savings is there if I really needed it for an emergency
Emily: I did actually stop smoking so that is something I have cut back on.
Steven: Going out with friends, nights out, maybe not going out for as many meals – last minute events have to say no to occasionally
Nikki: Well I have stopped smoking so that’s made me save a lot more money
Antoinette: Going to restaurants, I don’t really go as much because I don’t feel it’s necessary so I can use that money to save to things I actually want
Donna: We’re only allowed one fill up of each vehicle per month after that you’re on your own, you have to walk it or you fill it up out of your own money.
Nikki: Budget. If you can, budget, budget
Steven: Keep an eye on your account be careful of . . .don’t go out on spending sprees and then think where has all my money gone – keep an eye on it, keep an eye on your account regularly I think
Antoinette: Be strict on yourself and spend within your means; don’t go above your means because that could be detrimental
Essan: Get a banking app yeah and then you can just check how much you’ve got all the time; it’s tactical.
Emily: Move in with family if you can that’s helped a lot because we’ve got a little bit of savings now whereas before we didn’t have anything we were living hand-to-mouth so it really helps.
Donna: Have a sealed tin that would be mine or take it straight out of your, like, out of your bank into another account you know straight away at the beginning of the month it’s gone, that would be my tip.