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A / Attendance: We pride ourselves on a high student attendance rate. As a form tutor it is your responsibility to monitor and account for student absence through SIMS and challenge and report any persistent absence in collaboration with your Head of House.
Agilismith: Your laptop will be issued by Agilismith and they will support you with any ICT issues that you encounter. You can find the Agilismith helpdesk in the library.
B / Briefing: Staff briefing sessions take place every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning at 8:40 in the main hall. All staff are expected to attend these meetings unless you are on duty.
C / Carol Smith: Facilities Manager. Contact Carol if you need anything fixing in your classroom or notice any issues regarding the building that need addressing. Carol’s office is on the ground floor, next to the CSC room.
Child Protection officer: Contact L. Smith or P. Smith if urgent or even if you just have a few doubts...never leave a potential issue overnight..
D / Detentions: Find out your faculty policy. There will be an escalation system in place if standard class detentions fail to have an impact.
Duties: You will be expected to do one duty day per week. This will be before school 8:40-8:50 and at break time 10:55-11:15. You will be assigned to a duty manager who will give you a location.
E / ‘Every child really does matter’: Make sure that in your planning and analysis of progress data that you are actively supporting the learning progress of SEN/Pupil Premium/Gifted and Talented students as well as those who are ‘in the middle’ band. Your lessons should include elements of effective differentiation for all types of learners.
F / Form groups: Form groups are organised through a ‘House’ system and each form is made up of a mixture of Year 7,8,9 and 10students. Year 11 and Sixth from have separate form groups.
Family: We actively encourage staff to make direct contact with parents and family in most circumstances. Any phone calls/contacts with family must be recorded by yourself on SIMS.
G / Games: Our Summer Games event is held at the Smith Stadium each year. We are very proud of our rich sporting tradition and many of our students compete at a regional and national level for their age groups.
Group cover: when you are absent, you are expected to record cover work on the “Student Gateway”. This needs to be work that students can do in group cover on laptops and other work that can be completed in a normal classroom.
H / Holidays: What we all look forward to the most! In your first year, try to book yourself a short break in the winter months particularly. Enjoy your free time, ‘work hard’.
Houses (pastoral): Malvern: R. Smith Clent: M. smith Kinver: D. smith Brecon: N. smith
I / Injuries/accidents/hazards: Must be reported to our Health and Safety officer, A Smith. Part of your legal obligation is to act upon such incidents as soon as possible.
ID cards: You will be issued with an ID card which should be worn at all times. This card can be used to access the building, print and photocopy on our remote printers and can also be used as food payment at the canteen.
Isolation: Pupils can receive time in ‘isolation’ for persistent/serious negative behaviour. You will be emailed to provide work for a student. This will need to be taken to the ‘isolation’ room on the morning of the day your student is detained.
J / January: The coldest and darkest month of the year. Make sure that you get yourself home as early as possible once a week in this month. Also, any snow closures will be published on the school gateway and via the local radio stations as soon as a decision to close is made.
K / ‘Kool Aid’: ... and other energy drinks and ‘fizzy pop’ is banned in classrooms. Please adopt a zero tolerance policy on this matter. Actively promote the drinking of water instead.
Keys: You will be issued with all necessary keys by A Smith, our Health and Safety officer. A. Smith is located on the ground floor next to the CSC room.
L / Lates: We are very keen to reduce student ‘lates’ to a bare minimum. To support this, it is the form tutors responsibility to escort ‘late’ students on the same day to the smith Block cover room at 3:00pm to serve a late detention with Mr. Smith.
M / Medical room: This is situated on the ground floor at the entrance to the leadership corridor. Students should only attend the medical office if they have previously been given a note by their teacher.
N / NQT: Bespoke training sessions take place for NQTs every Thursday night. New staff who are non-NQTs are expected to attend some of these sessions; this is outlined in the CPD calendar. A. Smith provides support and guidance for all new staff and trainees.
O / Organisation: In your first year in any new job it is crucial that you are highly organised. Make sure that you plan resources well in advance and consider assessment dates/report writing dates when planning your scheme of future lessons.
P / Photocopying: You will be given 50 credits per week on your ID card, these can be used on the remote printers situated around the school. You can also email work to reprographics for bulk printing/photocopying ()
Planners: Student planners are used for a range of purposes (communication with home/recording attendance/permission to leave class/setting homework/setting detentions/form tutor monitoring and weekly signing)
Q / Questioning skills: We are committed to using effective questioning techniques to aid pupil progress through subtle differentiation in our verbal communication with our students. This is often the easiest and most effective form of differentiation.
R / Reporting a staff absence: You must call in before 8:00am on the first and every day of your absence. Please also call in or verbally inform the cover team on your day of return to work. (0123 456 7891)
Role Model: We expect all staff to be effective role models for our students. Staff should always greet their class on the corridor with a friendly ‘hello’ and promote a positive learning environment both in class and on corridors.
S / Smith’s Gym: Located at the back of N Block (car park off the SmithRoad). Staff can use this facility for free. Please speak to Smithy or one of the PE team for more details.
SIMS: the data collection system we use at Smith Academy. You will receive training on this system in the first few days that you start with us
Session “0” and “6”: Extra curricular sessions for students are often offered before and after school. Teachers are often given “time in lieu” for running these sessions.
T / Teaching and Learning: This is at the heart of everything we do at Smith Academy. You will receive a CPD calendar outlining the several opportunities available to you across the academic year.
Toilet: Pupils should only be given permission to go to the toilet during lesson time if absolutely necessary. You must fill in the ‘Permission to leave class’ slip in the student planner.
U / Underachievement: S. Smith(KS3) and P. Smith (KS4) monitor and intervene where students are underperforming in a range of subjects. If you have any concerns about your students underperforming them these staff may be a useful ‘port of call’.
V / Vocational: Learning at Smith Academy is not confined to the main school building. We run the following vocational courses at the ‘Jones’ site:
W / Work experience: takes place for Year 10 near the end of the Summer term. As a form tutor you are expected to support students in finding a suitable placement. Additionally, if you have any suitable contacts who may be willing to offer a work experience placement, please contact Ms. Smith.
X / X-tra curricular: (yes I know it’s got an ‘E’ at the start) Once you have settled in, get yourself involved in some form of extra curricular group/club/activity. This is a great way to develop relations with colleagues and for pupils to work with you in a less formal manner.
Y / Yellow: (and green and red cards) can be found in the back of every student planner. Use these to regularly check progress during lessons. This is an instant visual way to check whole class progress but also a great way for pupils to signal to you if they are struggling without having to put their hand up.
Z / ‘Zzzzzz...’:There will be so much to take in during your first couple of weeks with us. Make sure you get plenty of sleep and don’t burn yourself out..