The Irish Medtech Association, Enterprise Ireland, and IDA Ireland are proud to announce the 11th annual Irish Medtech Excellence Awards. There are over 450 medtech companies operating in Ireland which employ 35,000 people. We want to recognise your achievements and reward your performance which makes Ireland one of the best places in the world for medtech.Irish Medtech Association/Ibec, Enterprise Ireland, and IDA would like to invite all their members and client companies to submit an application for the Irish Medtech Excellence Awards 2017. For further information please visit the official awards website

Medtech Partner/Supplier of the Year Award2017

This is the second year that the Medtech Awards will recognise a partner/supplier of the year. Of the 450+ companies in Ireland, 50% are contract design, development and/or manufacturing. As such we are delighted to introduce this award to recognise the contribution these companies make to successful medtech ecosystem here in Ireland.

Does your business have a long-term vision for sustainable growth? Tell us about it. Your submission should focus on a particular project or initiative and demonstrate the following:

  1. Strategic vision, and evidence of execution (30)
  2. Improved operations, including quality products and/or innovative services offered; delivery performance, competitiveness, cost savings ideas and servicing (40)
  3. Sales and business development; growing list of major customers (10)
  4. Professional development of staff (10)
  5. Evidence of civic and/or community contributions (10)

The project description should not exceed 2,000 words.


It is important that some components, the ones which are most interesting from a public relations perspective can be made public. Submissions are strictly confidential and will be destroyed after the judging process. However, an overview of the winning entries will be featured in the press release which will be issued to the national and regional media. The judging panel are experts who have no vested interest in the medtech sector, and each sign and NDA prior to judging.


Applications should be submitted by completing this form. The project description should not exceed 2,000. Closing date for entries is Friday 22 September 2017.

The awards will be presented by Matt Cooper at the Black Tie Dinner on Thursday 7 December 2017 in Galway.

The Medtech Company of the Year 2017 will be chosen on the night and a first runner up. The other categories are Emerging Company of the Year, the Academic Contribution to Medtech Award, Medtech Partner/Supplier of the Year Award and the eHealth Innovation of the Year Award. This year will see the introduction ofBest European Medtech Week Campaign Award 2017. All winners will receive specially hand crafted trophies.

For more information about the application and judging process please visit



Should you have any queries, please contact Sue O’Neill at or on 087 9013311

Please ensure the appropriate authorising manager has reviewed and signed the submission.

Project details should be entered below, max 2,000 words.

Please use Arial, size 10font.

Diagrams, graphs etc may be used.

Company Name: / Company name here...
Address: / Address here...
Contact name and title: / Name and title...
Telephone: / Telephone no. here...
Email: / Enter Email here...
Project Title: / Project title here...



Project Team Leader (name and title): / Enter Email here...
Telephone: / Telephone no. here... / Email / Enter Email here...
Company: / Company name... / Department: / Department name...
Project Title: / Enter title here...


Primary benefit of project to company under the theme of “building and sustaining business growth”
200 words...


Number of Project Team Members: / Enter number here...
Name 1: / Type name... / Name 2: / Type name...
Name 3: / Type name... / Name 4: / Type name...
Name 5: / Type name... / Name 6: / Type name...
Name 7: / Type name... / Name 8: / Type name...

If more than 8 members, please supply names at the end of the project description.


Authorising Manager (name and title): / Company name here...
Signature: / ...... / Date: / /


Please describe your project in detail, considering the criteria and following headings:
Type answer here...
Project Description...
Benefit to Company...
What is unique about the project...
Please list the key facts that can be made public (for PR purposes, should your entry win):
Key facts...(This section does not count towards the 2,000 words, please give as much detail as you can)


Please upload it on the awards website

Closing Date: Friday 22Septemeber2017

Acknowledgement of receipt of your form:

The Irish Medtech Association will acknowledge receipt of your Application Form. If you have not received confirmation of receipt of your Application Form within 48 hours, please contact Irish Medtech Association (see contact details below).

Queries on any issue to:

Sue O’Neill at or on 087 9013311