Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Aerospace Technology & Manufacturing Process
Samcheonpo Seaworld Hotel , Sacheon ,Korea Oct. 8, 2015
The 15 th International Symposium on Aerospace Technology & Manufacturing Process(ISATMP-15, 2015)
Announcement and Call for Paper
October 8, 2015, Samcheonpo Seaworld Hotel , Sacheon ,Korea
Organizer: The Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers (KSMPE), Korea
Research Center for Aircraft Parts Technology, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Co-Organizers: Gyeongnam Province & Sacheon City, Korea
The symposia have the aim of developing active academic and technological communications between the leading aerospace & manufacturing industry districts of Gyeongnam in Korea and Tokai in Japan. Since the 1st symposium was held at Gyeongsang National University, Korea in 2000, the symposium has been held every year. (2nd: Japan, 3rd: Korea, 4th: Japan, 5th: Korea, 6th: Japan, 7-14th: Korea) The 15th International Symposium on Aerospace Technology & Manufacturing Process(ISATMP-15, 2015) is organized to be held at The Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers (KSMPE) & Research Center for Aircraft Parts Technology, Gyeongsang National University, Korea as follows.
Papers in all areas of Aerospace Technology & Manufacturing Process are invited
Oct 8(Thu), 09:00-13:00 Paper Presentation and Discussion
(Place : Samcheonpo Seaworld Hotel , Sacheon ,Korea)
14:00-15:30 Visiting to Air Show
- FEES -
Registration (including the Symposium Proceedings, Banquet and Technical Tour):
Deadline of Title & Authors Submission: August 10, 2015
Title / A Study on the cutting force analysis of ship camshaft using by FEM- - - -Authors(Affiliation) / Author Name 1, Author Name 2(Affiliation)
Presenting Preference / Oral( ), Poster( )
Author Personal
Information / Name :
E-mail :
Tel :
Presentation File or Full Paper Submission:
The Presentation file or full paper should be sent by August 25, 2014.
- The manuscript formats refers to the ISATMP-15, 2015 Paper Template Format File..
Please submit Title & Authors and presentation file or full papers to
Professor Sungki Lyu
Research Center for Aircraft Parts Technology, Gyeongsang National University,
900 Gazwa, Jinju, Gyeongnam 660-701, Korea
Phone: +82-55-772-1632, Cell Phone: +82-10-3564-6072,
Fax: +82-55-772-1578, E-mail:
Please do not hesitate to contact me shown above if you need any further assistance and information.
Prof. Taejo Ko(Dean, The Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers (KSMPE), Korea)
<Template Format>
Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Center
(use Arial 14 boldface capital)
First Author1, Second Author2 and Others3 (use Arial 14)
1 Full address of first author, including country (use Arial 11)
2 Full address of second author, including country
3 List all distinct addresses in the same way
Abstract (Times New Roman 12 boldface capital)
Abstract is to give a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results of the paper and is to be 400 words maximum. It should be placed in the third space under the author names. All of the text should be centered within the width. (use Arial 11)
Keywords: List the keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index. (use Arial 11)
For Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion, Reference etc(Subtitles) use Times New Roman 12 boldface capital
For the rest (Text) of the paper, please use Arial 11
Please note that:
1. A copy of camera-ready manuscript and one photocopy of the paper should be submitted to the Organizing Committee no later than August 25, 2014. All manuscripts must be in English.
Please mail them to:
Professor Sungki Lyu
Cell Phone: +82-10-3564-6076, Fax: +82-55-758-3468
2. The text area for your manuscript must be 17 cm wide and 24 cm high. Do not place any text outside this area. Use good quality, white paper of approximately 21 x 29 cm.
3. The section headings are in boldface capital and lowercase letters. Second level headings are typed as part of the succeeding paragraph.
4. Paper Length(1-2 Pages) or Presentation Length(15-30).
Author-prepared papers should be typewritten in English and including all tables, figures and acknowledgments.
[Sample] Development of a Novel Cold-bending Method for Dissymmetric Structural Steel
Zhezhu Xu1, Long-Jun Liang1, Hyogyu Choi2 and Sung-ki Lyu3
1Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea
2JH Co. Ltd, Gosung, Korea
3School of Mech. & Aerospace Eng., Gyeongsang Nat. Uni. Jinju, Korea
Bending parts are widely used in the industry like buildings, bridges and train rail. Bending technique is an important indicator which can evaluate the development level of national industry. Dissymmetric structural steel bending process has problems such as thickness imbalance and partial damage. In this paper, in order to overcome the problems of dissymmetric structural steel bending process, a novel cold bending method for channel flage up was developed to replace the traditional induction heating bending process.
Key Words : Dissymmetric structural steel, cold bending, Mold
Fig. 1 Problems of dissymmetric structural steel bending process
Fig. 2 Novel cold bending method for channel flage up using a mold
This work was financially supported by Gyeongnam Technopark, Korea.
[Sample] A Study on Backlash and Tooth Contact of Helical Conical Gear Pairs
Long-Jun Liang1, Zhe-Zhu XU1, Jai-Hwa Kang1,
Jin-Gyeong Kim2, and Sung-Ki Lyu1,
1 Gyeongsang National University, Korea
2 Dongi Industry LDT, Korea
Korea is the best country for ship-building. But nowadays, the speedboat and yacht are not mostly developed yet. For the sleek lines of ship, more innovative transmission system should be obtained in the ship industry. In general, marine transmissions often use the straight shafts and the helical gears. So it makes problem that engine-room requires large space. In this case, conical gear is the best solution for this.
Conical involute gear, or beveloid gear is very useful in machine design part. But it had not been using until several years ago, because there are some weak points, such as point contact phenomenon of tooth bearing at crossed axes and skewed axes except for parallel axes theoretically, and limited tooth width in terms of addendum modification coefficient which change along the axis of gear.
However, conical involute gear is rising as new gear technology. AUDI has already used conical gear in passenger's car gearbox which is called S-tronic to transfer power from transmission's output shaft to front axle and ZF makes Down Angle Transmission for marine gearbox. They not only show conical involute gear can be applied to commercial gearbox recently, but also know that conical gear is very useful and has many attractive applications.
In conclusion, until now, this technology is not generalized, but it will be increased more through many applications. So, in order to get conical gear design technology by ourselves, this thesis is conducted.
As preciously stated, this paper was written to gain useful information of marine gearbox design applied conical gear through the measurement of backlash, computer analysis and tooth contact test of helical conical involute gear pairs.
Keywords: Involute, Conical Gear, Marine Gearbox, Backlash
This work was supported by ATC Program of Ministry of Commerce and Energy(MOCIE), Gyeongsang National University, South Korea.