Your next assignment is to create a VERY clear and complete outline of what your paper will be saying. For this one, you MUST see me during office hours (or, if those times are not good for you, schedule another time to meet with me). PLEASE EMAIL ME TO SET UP A TIME BEFORE THE DUE DATE AND BRING A COPY OF YOUR OUTLINE WITH YOU. DO THIS EARLY AS POSSIBLE SO YOU CAN FIX IT BEFORE WRITING THE PAPER!

Your outline should include a thesis statement, topic sentences for each paragraph (that is, the main idea of the paragraph), and the supporting arguments and/or evidence you will be including in that paragraph. In general, you should detail exactly what claims you’ll be making AND list the specific evidence/facts/documents or arguments that will prove your claims to be correct. I would expect it to be no more than 2 pages long. Please

A sample is below. I’ve chosen to write about comparing and contrasting two movies, Iron Man (the first one) and The Dark Knight. I got tired of doing this halfway through, but the notes in parenthesis show facts you should include in your essays.

Thesis: While the two movies appear similar on the surface, they are really quite different in tone and subject matter.

1)They seem similar on the surface

a)Both are based on comic-book super-heroes

i)Iron Man comics(dates of publication, multiple comics he’s appeared in, etc.)

ii)Batman comics (dates of publication, multiple comics he’s appeared in, etc.)

b)Both characters seek to save mankind from threats

i)Iron Man vs terrorists (Ten Rings group) and Stane’s Titanium Man

ii)Batman vs Joker

c)Both lose initially but end up winning

i)You get the idea: this would include details about each hero losing and then winning

2)But the two movies are very different in tone

a)Iron Man is quite humorous; Batman is dark and serious

i)Details go here supporting 2a (specific jokey parts vs serious parts)

b)The color schemes of the movies support their tones

i)Iron Man bright and colorful (this should include specific examples, e.g. “Stark Tower” or whatever)

ii)Batman’s Gotham City is dark and dreary (this should include specific examples, e.g. “when Batman first rides through town,” etc.)

3)The villains are presented very differently

a)Iron Man fights a forgettable terrorist group and then has only a brief battle with Titanium Man

b)Batman fights Joker throughout

c)Titanium Man is just another $ hungry guy (list the evidence/details that explain his motives in the outline)

d)Joker is clearly crazy (list the evidence/details that explain his motives in the outline)

I’ve stopped after just 3 paragraphs (items 1, 2, & 3 above) but for a paper of 1000 words, you should probably have more like 5-8 paragraphs.