4th Grade News

Week of 10/2/17

Your monthly source of information for all things 4th grade! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Language Arts—Fourth graders have enjoyed reading “Riding Freedom,” a story of a young woman who dressed as a boy and became one of the best stagecoach drivers in the West! We will be reading the non-fiction account of Charlotte Parkhurst’s life and comparing and contrasting the fictional account from the historical account in a literary themed informational essay. Focus will be on essay structure and using evidence from the text in body detail paragraphs. Ask your 4th grader: How should history remember Charlotte Parkhurst? (Make sure they provide some reasoning for their response! )

Social Studies—We have just wrapped up a unit on Colorado Geography that included studying regions, making maps, and answering questions about real places using map keys. We will begin studying Colorado's explorers and fur traders over the next few weeks. This project will culminate with a gallery walk project presentation for parents. Keep your eye out for the date and time of this exciting display of learning.

Baken’sMathematics—We are moving on to Topic 4, addition/subtraction, but I didn’t want anyone to think that we are just forgetting about the place value unit that we just finished. Students are expected to log into Pearson Realize and show their parents the problems that they missed so that they come to learn from their mistakes. This may happen quickly, or take a couple of weeks. When you or your child let me know that they are ready, I will assign them a different Pearson place value test. This score can take the place of their existing score, but I will only allow the maximum replacement score to be 85%.

Remember, username: durango_s.first name, last initial Password: math1234

Topic 4 Learning Targets

  • I can use my understanding of place value to add/subtract numbers mentally.
  • I can use my knowledge of rounding numbers to estimate if my answer to an addition problem is reasonable.
  • I can use my knowledge of rounding numbers to estimate if my answer to a subtraction problem is reasonable.

Science—In science we have been collaborating with Mountain Studies Institute and an environmental biology class from Fort Lewis College to collect data and live specimens from the Animas River to better understand and evaluate the health of this local ecosystem. Next, we hope to continue to collaborate with the same Fort Lewis College students as they begin a unit of study about the local and global ecological impacts of climate change.