Name of Grant Program: Promoting Adolescent Health and School Success / Fund Code: 649


During Year 4 [school year 2016-17 (SY17)], districts will revise and carry out their plans to implement exemplary sexual health education (ESHE); increase adolescent access to key sexual health services (SHS); establish safe and supportive learning environments for students and staff (SSLE); and contribute to policy assessment and improvement (Policy) at the district and/or school level.

Please submit a response to the following questions that is no more than 5 pages (excluding contact info, which can be entered below or shared as an attachment) to help inform the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (Department’s) efforts to support statewide implementation of districts’ revised Year 4 work plans.

  1. Project Team

Please use the table below to indicate the core staff on your WISHES implementation team:

District Team Lead

Name: / Title: / Contact Info (Email/Phone): / Serves as summer contact? (Yes/No)* / Alternate Contact Info (Email/Phone) for summer:

*If no, please indicate here who will serve as the summer FY17 contact and provide their email/phone number:

Name: / Title: / Summer Contact Info (Email/Phone):

Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Administration Coordinator/Liaison (if different from above)

Name: / Title: / Contact Info (Email/Phone): / SHAC Member? (Yes/No): / Alternate Contact Info (Email/Phone) for summer:

School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Leader (or Other Key Staff/Back-up Contacts)

Name: / Title: / Contact Info (Email/Phone): / Role:

SHAC Members**

Name: / Title: / Agency/Affiliation: / Please note any Leadership Role/Sub-committee Participation: / Please provide Email for invites/ resources:

**Please note, you can use the chart below (or attach a separate list) to indicate current School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) members not already named above so long as all of the information is provided. SHAC members who provide email addresses will receive WISHES monthly resources, professional development offerings and training updates.

  1. SHAC participation:
  1. Please attach SHAC meeting minutes for SY16.
  1. How often will the SHAC meet in SY17?
  1. Please submit SHAC meeting calendar or recurring meeting time (e.g., third Thursdays, 2pm) if dates of upcoming SHAC meetings are currently scheduled so these dates can be avoided or targeted for PD or TA upon request.
  1. Improving Participation by Key School and Community Stakeholders:

School Administration: (e.g., principals, superintendents, or school committee members)

  1. How can the Department assist you in your current efforts to increase awareness and develop the support and involvement of school administrators in Year 4?
  1. Please list any upcoming meeting dates, events, or planned interactions with local or statewide school administrators that you and/or Department staff (upon request) could attend to share info on WISHES:

Families and Students:

  1. How can the Department assist you in improving the current level of awareness, support and/or involvement of students, parents and families in the review or implementation of the grant and Year 4 Work Plan?
  1. Please list any upcoming meeting dates, events, or planned interactions with families that you and/or Department staff (upon request) could attend to share info on WISHES:

Other Key Stakeholders: Please describe any additional key stakeholders/external partners that the Department can help you engage, listing any relevant upcoming meetings or resources, training TA or PD needed to engage these partners.

  1. Working Meetings and Professional Development

The Department will likely offer at least 2-3 required working meetings (e.g. October, January and May) for WISHES District Team Leads, and at least 2-3 Professional Development Events for all key stakeholders/external partners on the following Year 4 priorities identified by District Team Leads in SY16:

 Family Engagement Strategies to Support WISHES Approaches

 Gender Inclusion Policy Guidance Implementation

 Improving Access to Youth-Friendly Confidential Sexual Health Services

  1. Please describe your current staff needs for PD on these topics, including what information/skills-building would be most useful? What is the number and role of staff and community partners likely to attend PD on each of the topics listed?
  1. Preferred PD dates: Please indicate all currently scheduled dates (e.g. PD days, parent nights, all-staff meetings upcoming orientations) when it would be preferable for the Department to schedule or avoid scheduling events.
  1. On-site Training and Technical Assistance (TA)

Districts in need of additional support may utilize grant funds to contract directly with the Department’s pre-qualified Training and TA providers for individually or regionally tailored technical assistance, policy and PD packages.

  1. Districts seeking to collaborate with other districts to purchase TA or host PD can share proposals to do so here for Department staff to compile and share with other grantees.
  1. Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with Youth-Friendly Referral Partners
  1. Please submit any current MOUs outlining the referral partnerships between your agency and other youth-friendly referral partners (e.g. for sexual health services, behavioral health services and/or Safe Spaces for LGBTQ youth.
  1. Please note any challenges identifying, developing, referring, or tracking completed referrals to the above partners and describe what related TA or training would be most useful you in Year 4.
  1. School Health Policies
  1. Please list and submit a copy of all draft and/or final district and school level policies regarding ESHE, SHS and SSLE, including required policies on non-discrimination due to gender identity and sex education parental opt-out.
  1. Please note any challenges to tracking, revising or creating policy in your district and describe what related TA or training would be most useful you in Year 4.