Your location can be found on Volunteer Map #1. You are volunteer R1.

If assistance is needed, contact one of the event chairpersons via walkie talkie or cell phone:

Cheryl Bryant (410 608-4672) or Elizabeth Lewis (215 906-4853)


When teams arrive the student volunteer leaders will greet them and direct them upstairs to Unit Check In.

  • Confirm the # of performers and staff declared by the Director. Complete the “2018 Master Attendance Record” to reflect this info. Have the student volunteer leader stamp the performers after the count has been confimed. Ask the director where the performers should be stamped (underside of wrist is ideal).
  • Direct the student to escort the team to the assigned staging area while (only) the Director checks in.
  • Things to be done during check in:
  1. Distribute the envelope with WRISTBANDS: Explain that the blue wristbands will allow access to the front side and back side bleachers. Performer handstamps will allow access only to the backside bleachers.
  3. Ask the Director if he / she plans to do a SOUND CHECK. Inform the Director that sound checks can begin onehour before the start of the show or at breaks only. The Director should give the LABELED CD to the announcer after completion of the sound check. (they should already know all of this info)
  4. Directors must SIGN & DATE the FIRE ESCAPE ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Retain the original forms and turn them in at the end of the night.
  5. Inform the Directors that CRITIQUE will take place in Rm 118 (which is near the gym).
  6. Allow Directors to sign up for an optionalSTRETCHING session. Stretching is not required, and it will take place before the team starts “rotation”. Stretching is not a part of “rotation” – it is not the same thing as body warm-up (the 1st stop during “rotation”). Using the Stretching Schedule provided, inform the Director of the scheduled time. Give them a STRETCHING PASS and write their assigned time and location (Area A, B, or C) on it. Instruct the Director to give the pass to the stretching monitor at their designated time (the monitor will help them find their assigned place to stretch).
  7. Ask if the team plans to stay for finals. If they will be leaving before finals, text Elizabeth Lewis (215 906-4853) to let her know. She needs this information so that she knows when to deliver their candy grams.
  8. Point out the direction of Body Warm-Up and Stretching, and ESCORT the Director to the team’s assigned staging area once everything is completed. Let the Director know where the bathrooms are located.

Other / Important Info:

  • If spectators accompany a team, inform them that they must enter the school via the spectator entrance (back side of school – GYMNASIUM doors). There should be NO SPECTATORS parking in the main lot – tell them that they must drive around to the spectator entrance. Please do not let them walk through the school to get to the spectator entrance.
  • The staging area will be set up to accommodate ½ of the teams. Signs will already be placed on the walls with the team name in each corresponding area. Teams have been asked to vacate the staging area within an hour of performance due to the size of the event and the limited space available for staging. After the first ½ of the show (or whenever a team vacates their area), take down the 1st team name and use the staging area for the remaining team as assigned. There will be a team name under the one that you take down.
  • After teams perform, most of the performers will change their clothing and return to the gym via the 1st floor to watch the rest of the performances and / or visit the concession area. There are signs directing them to these areas.
  • You may close the Unit Check-In area after the last team has arrived and completed the registration process.
  • If you wish to watch any of the performances before or after your volunteer shift, you will need your volunteer badge or t-shirt to access the gym. Please turn in these items as well as any supplies before you leave.

Thank you for volunteering your time and energy!