Cindy Hauska, B.S., M.Div., CSLC

As an HLC Certified Spiritual Life Coach (CSLC) I had to complete a vigorous certification curriculum that is based upon three decades of research and successful spiritual life coaching clinical field testing.
HLC’s CSLC use a proven coaching training system, forms and subjective measuring techniques, which will help you quickly achieve your self-help goals.
I will study your unique case history so that I can co-create a Self-program formula designed specifically for you, so that your affirmations and visualizations will manifest your desires.
During your first few classes your CSLC will facilitate five different self-help diagnostic exercises that will swiftly determine your most important self-help objectives, which will help you create the permanent behavioral changes that you desire.
As an HLC Certified Spiritual Life Coach, I will:

  • Clinically measure and quantify your self-help success so that you will be able to see for yourself how fast you are improving.
  • Train you how to tap into your innate multi-sensory abilities.
  • Teach you how to do feeling exercises that will increase your intuitive powers.
  • Instruct you how to emotionalize Universal Laws because when you learn how to emotionalize your behavior, your behavior will change and the imprint will be permanent.


SEE: The FIRST HEALING INTENTION is to help you SURFACE YOUR UNCONSCIOUS BELIEFS. There always is an original belief that is the root cause of why you feel and think the way you feel and think. When you were a child you used your ego to defend and protect you. Now that you are an adult who has adult powers, these childlike negatively conditioned responses are inhibiting your growth because… YOU CAN'T FIX WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE.

FEEL: The SECOND HEALING INTENTION is to RECONNECT YOU WITH YOUR INTUITIVE FEELINGS. The Language of Feelings (Lesson #4 Self-mastery Textbook) is the Language of Spirit, but since most parents don't allow their children to express their feelings, they unconsciously transmute and/or repress them. For example, if, as a child, you were not allowed to express anger, then as an adult you will either repress it or transmute it. HLC’s Self-mastery Exercises will help you to FEEL what you are really FEELING because… YOU CAN'T HEAL WHAT YOU ARE UNWILLING TO FEEL.

HEAL: The THIRD HEALING INTENTION is to TEACH YOU HOW TO DO CLINICALLY TESTED CORRECTIVE EXERCISES until you create the permanent behavioral changes that you seek. Once you can SEE the truth and FEEL what you have emotionally denied, minimized, transmuted, or repressed, then you can perform corrective exercises to teach yourself new Self-empowering behaviors. Corrective exercises will teach you how to emotionalize your truth (HEAL). When you learn to emotionalize your behavior, your behavior will change and the imprint will be permanent.

  1. P & P Principle (Pain and Pleasure Principle): because all humans are “wired” to move towards “pleasure” and away from “pain.” The P and P Principle is at the core of all of HLC’s self-help exercises that have been proven to create permanent behavioral change.
  2. Conscious Creation Manifestation Techniques: are a series of specific actions that bring about an expected end result: your desires. These techniques were created based on three Universal Laws and are implemented using seven tools of Self-programming: (1) Nothing will change until you allow it be what it really is...Love. (2) No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time; therefore you are either resonating “love,” which will help you manifest what you want OR “fear,” which will push away what you want to manifest. (3) Your beliefs create your reality because whether you believe you can manifest what you want or believe you can’t, you are right.
  3. 100-Day Self-parenting Visualization Exercise: to modify your brain’s fear-based neuro-peptides into safe and serene endorphin feelings. Neuro-peptides are chemical reactions that flood your blood stream with fear-based feelings that make you want to “fight” (to protect yourself) or take “flight” (run away to feel safe).
  4. Dis-creation: is a mastery technique that uses “Tabula Rasa” to clean the slate of your mind of old negative programming. You need to clear away your historical emotional debris so that you can create what you want on a clean slate of mind. You can say affirmations until your tongue falls out, but they won’t bring you “long-term success” because your mind is too cluttered with negative beliefs. These negative beliefs will contradict what you are trying to consciously manifest, until you learn how to “dis-create” (stop) creating them.
  5. Three levels of 1st Party Communication Exercises: create permanent behavior change by helping you to internalize and emotionalize your daily life experiences, as opposed to merely conceptualizing your life lessons. The permanent change formula is: INTERNALIZE + EMOTIONALIZE = PERMANENT BEHAVIORAL CHANGE.

PLEASE NOTE: the above five primary permanent behavioral change techniques are just five exercises that are used in conjunction with
49 other mastery exercises.

CLIENTS are people who are interested in holistic health, nutrition, meditation, Reiki, Tai Chi, Concept Therapy and yoga. Typically our students have read books by authors such as: Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Edgar Cayce, Ram Dass, Stephen Levine, Eckhart Tolle, Gandhi, Pema Chodron, Swami Muktananda, Stuart Wilde, Emmet Fox, Charles Fillmore, Gary Zukav, John Bradshaw, Neale Donald Walsch, Richard Bach, Ernest Holmes, Catherine Ponder, Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain, John Gray, and Marianne Williamson… to name only a few.

Many CLIENTS are homemakers, holistic practitioners, medical doctors, counselors, chiropractors, massage therapists, yoga instructors, meditation teachers, reflexologists, hypnotherapists, NLP practitioners and transpersonal psychologists.

Often CLIENTS have attended schools and training organizations such as Omega, Esalen, Clayton College of Natural Health, American Institute of Holistic Theology, Forum, Avatar, American Society of Alternative Therapists, Columbia Commonwealth University and California Studies of Integrative Medicine.

CLIENTS often belong to organizations such as Unity, Science of Mind, A Course in Miracles, Siddha Meditation, Self-Realization Fellowship, Shambhala and many other spiritually based organizations.

  • Who want a professional, spiritually-based life coaching program that is comparable with “Ivy League” college level curriculums.
  • Who desire the convenience, regimentation and flexibility of scheduled tele-classes.
  • Who want to learn with an instructor who will customize a personal program to fit specific needs.
  • Who know that the Law of Healing states that "I heal one soul at a time starting with mine," because Professional Spiritual Life Coaches know that they can only heal others to the degree that they are healed!

See My Coaching Page