Your Document’s Title

Your First Name Middle Initial. Last Name

Keiser University

Course Name

Instructor’s Name



Start your text at the beginning of this line. The abstract should be one paragraph in length (approximately 150-250 words.

Type the Title of Your Paper Here

Start the text of your paper at the beginning of this line. Do not type “Enter” at the end of each line. Type “Enter” at the end of each paragraph. Your word processing program will end each line appropriately. Check section 3.03 of the APA Manual for the correct Heading Style for sections and subsections of your paper.


Start your references at the beginning of this line. Type “Enter” only at the end of each source’s entry information: the cursor will be repositioned correctly to enter your next source. Notice that each entry is formatted with a hanging indent, meaning the lines after the first line are indented.

Your second source entry will begin here once you type “Enter” at the end of the first source. All subsequent entries will begin at the correct place after you type “Enter”.