Theresa P. Glore

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1310 Eastern Parkway

Louisville, Kentucky 40204

Phone: 502/ 454-5992 Mobile Phone: 502/593-2512



B.A., Political Science, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky (1975)

M.S., Community Development, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky (1986)

Certificate, Health Care Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Program for Health Care

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Harvard School of Public Health (1994)

Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (1994) – Inactive at present time

Other Graduate Study:

McGregor School of Antioch University, Masters of Arts Program in Conflict Resolution

Yellow Springs, Ohio; Primary Focus: Citizen engagement in governmental policy development (1995-1998)

Additional Education & Training:

University of Louisville School of Business and Sullivan Business College: Completed

30 hours in accounting (1982-1983)

Grantsmanship Center, Los Angeles, California; completed a 37-hour course in proposal development and funding (1981)


Consultant, Healthy & Ready to Work National Resource Center ( May 2007-Present

Consultant with a federally funded national technical assistance center focusing on transition of youth with special health care needs to adult health care, education & employment. Provides technical assistance & training to state maternal child health programs, assists in the development of tools and materials and coordinates quarterly topical calls and peer support technical assistance.

Consultant (Self-Employed), Public Health and Human Services Planning and Program Development. February 1996-Present

·  Grant writing, fund development, and program development for Gate of Hope Ministries International, Inc., a non-governmental organization headquartered in Kigali, Rwanda that trains lay crisis counselors & community HIV/health educators; provides conflict resolution training; trains clergy and other community leaders to be civic leaders; and supports micro-enterprise development targeting rural women & young adults living in poverty (Ongoing volunteer work began in July 2007, approximately 30 hrs monthly)

·  Developed grant proposals for KentuckianaWorks (the Louisville Metro Workforce Investment Board) for government and foundation/corporate funding (9/05-1/07) including federal Educational Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Center grants for low-income, first generation college students

·  Project consultant to Jefferson County Departments for Health and Human Services Neighborhood Place Community Assessment and Planning Project (8/96-6/97) and the University of Kentucky Center for Health Services Management and Research/ United Way of the Bluegrass “We CAN” health and human services needs assessment project (5/98-1/99)

·  Conducted focus groups for the Center for the Study of Social Policy and the Neighborhood Place Cross-Training Project (2/96-4/96); University of Kentucky Center for Health Services Research and Management (12/97-2/98)

·  Research and development of proposals for public health department negotiations with Regional Medicaid Managed Care Partnerships in Regions I, II, V and VIII (6/97-12/98); Negotiation training for public health directors (9/98)

·  Writing and proposal development; clients included Volunteers of America, Seven Counties Services, and Kentucky ACTION (Alliance to Control Tobacco in Our Neighborhoods)

·  Grants writing training for public health staff, school health nurses and other groups

·  Presenter at the Governor’s Conference on the Future of Public Health (March 1997); Resource person/facilitator to Department for Public Health’s Public Health Improvement Planning Group (1/98-12/98)

Executive Staff Assistant, Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Louisville, Kentucky. January 2003- January 2005 (Retired from State Government effective 12/31/04)

Oversaw grants and program development; facilitated development of community collaborations to support families and assist youth to successfully transition to adulthood. Analyzed and reported on agency operations to the Commission Board and other stakeholders. Prepared and managed the Federal Maternal Child Health Block Grant; coordinated comprehensive needs assessments and community resource mapping; developed and negotiated university contracts & contracts for professional services. Facilitated the development of community partnerships, including the STRONG Partnership in the Louisville-Metro—a partnership of over 30 agencies and families and the one-stop Neighborhood Places to streamline services for persons with disabilities and their families. Managed administrative transfer of state IDEA, Part C program with a budget of $40 million from Department of Mental Health to the Commission.

Other positions held at the Commission included Internal Policy Analyst IV (July 2001- January 2003) and KY TEACH (Transition Program) Administrator (October 2000 – July 2001).

Procurement Branch Manager, Department for Public Health, Frankfort, Kentucky. February 2000-October 2000.

Administered department’s procurement program for local health department funding, university contracts, and contracts for professional services. Included contract development, negotiation, payments and management of over $100 million in state and federal funds. Led conversion of local health department contracting process to include implementation of over 300 contracts in less than 2 months. Administered department’s vaccine/medical supply distribution center. Supervised ten staff. Detailed to the Office of the Secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services to prepare a contracting manual for the Cabinet.

Health Program Administrator, Division of Local Health Department Operations, Department for Public Health, Frankfort, Kentucky. January 1999 – February 2000.

Staff assistant to division director. Grants writing, general facilitation and process design for special projects. Special projects included: developed training materials for KCHIP (children’s health insurance) outreach and coordinated data compilation and reporting for local health department participation in statewide KCHIP outreach; represented department on Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-supported Covering KIDS Coalition; liaison to the Department for Medicaid Services Medicaid Managed Care Program; marketing of public health services to Medicaid Managed Care Partnerships; and development of local health department budget expansion requests to the Commonwealth’s General Assembly.

Director of Program Development, Volunteers of America of Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky. October 1995-January 1997.

Director of grants and program development for one of Kentucky’s largest and most diverse social services agencies. During tenure secured new private and governmental funding to support family preservation, statewide AIDS housing needs assessments, street-level outreach for HIV prevention, community corrections and substance abuse treatment programs, health education and drug and alcohol assessment and treatment for the homeless.

Planning Administrator, Kentucky Health Policy Board and Department for Public Health, Frankfort, Kentucky. March 1995 – October 1995.

Detailed, at the request of the Chair, to the newly developed State Health Policy Board to research and develop recommendations for the State Health Plan and State Certificate of Need guidelines. Also provided technical assistance to local health departments for the implementation of two public health community assessment and planning models (APEX-PH and PATCH) and to hospitals required to complete an assessment and plan as a condition of the Medicaid disproportionate share program.

Manager, Health Promotion Branch, Department for Public Health, Frankfort, Kentucky. October 1990-March 1995.

Supervised 16 staff and the fiscal and programmatic operations of 4 program areas: community-based health education (including tobacco prevention); HIV education and targeted prevention efforts; HIV services, including care coordination; and the state behavioral risk factor surveillance survey. Accomplishments included:

·  Secured the department’s first federal grant for tobacco control and prevention through a competitive process

·  Increased HIV prevention funding two-fold through a competitive grants process; regional planning process received national acclaim and invited by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Academy for Educational Development to provide technical assistance to other states

·  Implemented community health status assessment program and outcomes-based health promotion programming in 19 of the state’s largest health departments, which led to the identification of tobacco prevention objectives (corresponding to Healthy People 2000) voluntarily by 18 of the health departments

·  Arrived at a three-fold increase in funding for community-based health education; number of health departments funded annually increased from 10-12 to include all 52 departments

·  Lead author of the 1994 report “The ABC’s to Comprehensive School Health Education for Kentucky’s Children” issued by the Kentucky Health Care Access Foundation

·  Represented Association of State and Territorial Public Health Educators on CDC’s outcomes committee for the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant; Association liaison to the National Public Health Officers/ CDC HIV Committee; member of US Health and Human Services networked health communications workgroup

·  Secured funding and oversaw development of state HIV case-management program; developed HIV care consortia program to fund locally-determined needs; developed HIV home health and continuation of health insurance programs

·  Detailed to the Cabinet for Human Resources Secretary’s Office to develop a public education branch in the Cabinet’s Office of Communications. Served as branch manager of the new unit. Team leader for production of Cabinet calendar/ resource guide, which received first prize in the Governmental Communicators Blue Pencil Awards

Other Positions in State Government:

·  Supervisor of Planning and Grants, Kentucky Department for Employment Services

·  Supervisor (& AIDS Health Education/ Risk Reduction Coordinator), Kentucky AIDS Education Program, Department for Public Health

·  Health Care Consultant for Primary Health Care, Health Resource Development Branch, Department for Public Health (included serving as liaison to the state’s federally funded primary care and rural health clinics and placement of National Health Services Corp physicians and other medical personnel in medically underserved areas)

·  Senior Casework Specialist, Department for Community Based Services (Determined eligibility for Medicaid, food stamps and other income-assistance programs)