Your E*Value provides you with document facilitation of your paper(less) documents.
ALL students, please login at , entering your NetID and password information.
The MUSC College of Nursing requires PhD students to upload your RN license, your Severe Weather and Handbook forms.
Handbook and Severe Weather forms are found at:
Please fill both out and upload into E*Value along with your current RN license.
FOR DNP/MSN students:
The MUSC College of Nursing requires DNP/MSN students to upload your RN license, CPR card, your Severe Weather and Handbook forms.
Handbook and Severe Weather forms are found at:
Your plan of study must also be uploaded.
1. Log into Webadvisor at
2.Under Academic Profile, go to My Approved Education Plan.
3.Select your active program and then click submit.
4.Review your plan.If everything looks fine, click on the button that says PDF report up top.
5.Save your plan to your computer.
6. Follow the I & C directions to upload into E-Value.
FORBSN students:
The MUSC College of Nursing requires BSN students to upload your CPR card, your Severe Weather and Handbook forms.
Handbook and Severe Weather forms are found at:
The MUSC CON policy below:
ALL STUDENTS MUST be in compliance while enrolled at the College of Nursing. Students not in compliance with this policy will be denied access to online courses and/or attend clinical practice. It will be THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT to arrange for any missed work or clinical time at the convenience of the course faculty.
E*Value Immunization & Certification Instructions - Student
- Login to E*Value at using your NetID and password
- If you have a drop-down menu of programs, choose College of Nursing Enterprise Level
- On the top horizontal menu click on My Profile, Immuns and Certs, then Immuns and Certs again:
- Choose the item you want to update from the available list (students have varying requirements depending on program of study) and click the edit icon () to the right of that item:
- Input the Event Dateand, in some cases, theExpiration Date (i.e. CPR requires an expiration date; Severe Weather Form does not). The system knows which items require an Expiration Date and will not allow you to save those items without one. Upload accompanying documents as an attachment (RN license, CPR card, Handbook Receipt, Severe Weather Form, etc.). If you have uploaded a document and it is still showing as not met, it means that you have not entered an Event Date.
- E*Value will automatically complete the remainder of the fields for you, includingRequirement and Status.
- Click Save and you’re done!
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