Information Sharing and Consent
Your consent to the sharing of your personal information
The information contained in this leaflet is for you if you area carer who supports someone who needs care and health services. It explains:
- How we keep your personal information
- How and why we share information
- Your rights
Swindon Carers Centre, Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group, Swindon Borough Council, GP surgeries, local voluntary and independent care services are working closer together to improve the services and support that you receive. Providing these services will sometimes require us to share information about you. In case we need to do this we need your approval or 'consent’.
Why do we need your personal information?
Sharing information about you helps us to provide a better service by:
- Reducing the number of times you are asked the same questions when you access help from other agencies.
- Helping you and staff make better and quicker decisions about your support needs.
- Allowing agencies to work more closely together for your benefit.
- Keeping you better informed of plans to support you.
What information are we likely to share?
General information: This includes your name, date of birth and address. Basically anything that will help us to identify you and allow us to keep in touch with you
Information about your personal circumstances: This may include sensitive information such as your health and care needs, ethnic background and next of kin. It also includes details of other agencies who provide you with help and support.
How do you give us your consent to share your information?
To consent to information sharing, you should read this leaflet. You may wish to discuss it with a member of our staff or a volunteer before completing the Consent and Monitoring Formspecifying any restrictions you may want to be put in place.
If you do not return this form we will assume that we can share your information with all agencies.
How do we keep your personal information?
When using the Carers Centre’s services, we will keep information about you on an electronic database. The information you provide will be held securely. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, we will only keep the information we need to allow us to provide you with the services you require.
What rights do you have?
You have a right to make your own choices and decisions about consent to information sharing.You will be able to choose what information can and cannot be shared with others by signing the consent & monitoring form. We will not share your information without your consent.
You have the right to request access to information held about you: You have the right to see any information we hold about you, to correct any factual errors, to request that information be deleted and to record any disagreement with the recorded opinion. Any request to see the information we hold about you must be made in writing to Swindon Carers Centre.
You have the right to know what information about you is being shared: Everyone who has access to your information is aware of, and adheres to the following:
Charity number 1061116 Company number 3305621 Company limited by guarantee
- Data Protection Act
- Human Rights Act
- National and local policies
- Contracts of employment and secondment contracts
- Professional codes of conduct
- Volunteer codes of conduct
Charity number 1061116 Company number 3305621 Company limited by guarantee
You have a right to withdraw consent to information sharing: Refusing or withdrawing consent to information sharing does not affect your access to Swindon Carers Centre services. However, it may result in difficulties or delays in the provision of services by other agencies.
Please note that in line with safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, there may be circumstances when legally we must pass on your information to the appropriate authorities without your consent.
Where can you find out more?
If you want further details about information sharing or would like access to your personal information held by Swindon Carers Centre, please contact us on 01793 531133.
If you would like access to your personal information held by the organisations listed below, please contact:
Charity number 1061116 Company number 3305621 Company limited by guarantee
Swindon Borough Council:
The Data Protection Officer
Swindon Borough Council
Civic Offices
Euclid Street
Swindon SN1 2JH
Tel: 01793 463404
Charity number 1061116 Company number 3305621 Company limited by guarantee
What you need to do
- Please read this leaflet carefully
- Complete the consent section of the registration form and sign and date the form
- Return your registration forms to FREEPOST, RTLS-JATH-KECC, Swindon Carers Centre, Sanford Street, Swindon SN1 1QHor use the FREEPOST envelope if one has been supplied.
How information about you will be used:
- The information you provide will be used to help Swindon Carers Centre provide support for you in your role as a Carer. Where you have given consent, this information may also be shared with our partners to help plan and monitor the services we provide. This information will be held securely for the duration of time in which you are a client of Swindon Carers Centre.
- Agencies may use anonymised information for statistical purposes
- Please note: the only reason that information will be passed on without your permission is if there is a legal requirement to do so or if there is a risk of serious harm or threat to life.
- Your information will be held securely on paper and on our database in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Charity number 1061116 Company number 3305621 Company limited by guarantee