(Your Club) Toastmasters Club 5166

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

July 16th, 2014

In attendance: ______, Chair, )other attendee, other attendee…

Meeting minutes from the (previous meeting date) wereread. Motion made to approve meeting minutes made by ______, 2nd by ______- passed.

Officer reports:

President, (name). Status of Club Success Program, …

VP Membership, (VPM name). Goals- phone call existing members to involve, touch base, create and announce membership committee to develop membership building plan.

VP Education, (EVP name). EasySpeak, club scheduling stuff, how members are progressing, who’s close...

VP Public Relations, (VPPR name). Will provide more social media presence, PR committee to be established and announced at club meeting to develop a comprehensive PR plan.

Treasurer, (Treasurer name). Year to date report attached. Credit union signature transfers in process.

Sgt.-at-Arms, (name). We need TT ribbonsand …,Treasurer will order.

Old Business:

1) Inactive members discussed- reach out

2) BBQ plans…

Active members and their E & L status discussed.

New Business:

Membership building campaigns. We will conduct 2 open houses (D55 incentive), one signage campaign by 9/30/14. Motion made by ______, 2nd by ______, passed.

Club Officer Training. Available events for Summer 2014 shared.

Successful Club Series. Finding New Members for Your Club, Creating the Best Club Climate (by ______7/23/14) and Mentoring will be conducted (by ______10/31/14). Motion made by ___, 2nd by ____, approved.

Leadership Excellence Series. Giving Effective Feedback and Resolving Conflict to be offered at the Open Houses and cross promoted. Motion made by ____, 2nd by _____, passed.

Better Speaker Series. Not discussed.

Upcoming Club Officer Meetings. August 20th, 12 noon, Il Song Restaurant,

September 17th, 12 noon Il Song,

October 15th,tba

November 19th, tba

December 17th, tba


Page Two

(Club Name, #) Toastmasters Club

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

July 16th, 2014

Possible larger meeting room to hold more members. “Keep our eyes open for possibilities.”

Send Member Survey to all members (VPM). Motion made by ______, 2nd by ______. Passed.

Create New Member Kit. VPM will see what TI and D55 have available and report back.

Create Visitor Kit. ______will see what TI and D55 have available and report back.

ClubTM Website. VPPR will tweek….

Club General Business Meeting frequency. Motion made by ____, 2nd by _____to hold it every other month. Passed.

Club Badges. Not discussed.

Club Speech contest. Date, September 10th? Chair gets CL #8 or #10 credit, helpers get CL #6. Not resolved.

Motion made for adjournment by ______, 2nd by ______s passed. Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

