31st May 2017
Dear Councillor
Notice is hereby given that a MEETING of the FINANCE AND ESTABLISHMENT COMMITTEE will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, THE GUILDHALL, BRECON on MONDAY 5 JUNE 2017 at 7.30 p.m. to transact the business appearing in the Agenda below.
Your attendance is respectfully requested.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Fiona J Williams
Town Clerk
1. Election of New Chairman for the Municipal Year
2. Election of new Vice Chairman for the Municipal Year
3. To receive apologies for absence.
4. To receive Declarations of Interest (if any).
5. (a) To approve as a true record and sign the Pages 195 to 199 Minutes of a meeting of the Finance and
Establishment Committee held on the
6 February 2017
(b) To consider matters (if any) arising therefrom
(other than those appearing in the Agenda below).
6. To receive and consider correspondence
(a) Letter from Brecon Advice Centre
(b) Email from Brecon Tennis Club
(c) Letter from BCA Independent Advocacy Services
(d) Letter from Brecknock Play Network
7. To receive and consider applications for Appendix F(A)
financial assistance.
8. To receive Statement of Accounts paid for the Appendix F(B)
months of January, February, March and April 2017
9. To receive a report regarding Debit Card facilities Appenix F(C)
and online payments
10. To agree PR and press opportunities arising from matters discussed and items to be reported / publicised
11. Any other business (of an urgent nature and for information only)
To: Members of Finance and Establishment Committee:-
Councillor I Williams Councillor R Thomas
Councillor C T Walsh Councillor S Morgans
Councillor N Evans Councillor M Dorrance
Councillor D Meredith Councillor A M C Weale
Other Members of the Council (for information only) namely:
Councillor A Mathias
Councillor J Powell
Councillor M Matthews
Councillor S Bennett
Councillor G Ham
Councillor E Trailor
Councillor S Lewis