<Your address here>

October 15, 2005

Mr. Herman Hill
Medical Board of California
1426 Howe Avenue, Suite 54
Sacramento, CA 95825

Re: SUPPORT for California Licensed Midwives' Standard of Care

Dear Mr. Hill:
1) Keep the emboldened Re: line above.
2. Begin the main part of your letter by introducing yourself briefly and providing a tiny bit of background that identifies why you are interested in/or have expert knowledge in regard to midwifery regulations.
(a) I am a 34 years old (teacher, lawyer, nurse, computer programmer, homemaker, etc). I am also the mother of (one, two, three, etc) and (former/current) client of a licensed midwife. My first baby(ies) was born in the hospital but I choose to deliver my last (or 1,2,3) baby(ies) normally at home with the assistance of a community midwife. I strongly support the right of childbearing women to have access to professional midwifery care, both in homes and in hospitals.
(b) I have been a practicing midwife (physician, CNM, etc) for ?? years, licensed and practicing in California since ??, etc. I also am the mother/father of ??? children. I strongly support the right of childbearing women to have access to professional midwifery care, both in homes and in hospitals.
3. I am writing to thank you for this proposed regulation which identifies a midwifery-based standard of care as the appropriate standard for the professional practice of midwifery in California.
4. I believe the proposed standards and guidelines are comprehensive, evidence-based and do an excellent job of describing the professional practice of midwifery. In addition, they promote consumer safety and thus are protective of mothers and babies who are cared for by California licensed midwives. I encourage the members of the Division of Licensing to pass the regulation exactly as proposed.
<Your names here, and you could list the names and ages of your children, if you want.