YoungLife Park City
Program Summary
The Young Life Park City paid internship is a challenging and rewarding year focused on developing life-long participants in the mission of Young Life with a specific emphasis on full-time field staff. Interns play an integral role in accomplishing the missionfocus that every adolescent will have the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ and follow Him. We do this by living in the community and being the best example of Christ possible to high school and middle school students. We currently have active Young Life, Wydlife, and Capernaum ministries.
Interns will have the opportunity to be a part of every aspect of field staff ministry in order to get a holistic view of running a Young Life area.There will be a focus on personal development of each intern’s individual gifting and talents.They will also be challenged to grow in their personal relationships with Jesus, as well as focusing on learning to be an active member of Christ-centered community.
We are seeking mature, service-oriented leaders to join us in this work to reach more high school and middle students with the gospel.
Internships start July 15th.Applications are accepted August-November of each year and decisions on acceptance is completed no later than Decembereach year. Internships are 11 months long, July 15th-June 15th.
Year Long Internship Requirements
- Willingness to work hard and with diligence
- Must be seeking spiritual maturity and growth
- Mustbeatleast20 years of age
- Willingness to fundraise in order to make the program possible
- Ability to function well in close community
- Seeking career development
- Excellent time management skills
- Ability to self manage when necessary
About Park City
Park City is a small resort town located 25 minutes east of Salt Lake City, Utah. It is situated in the Wasatch Mountains and home to 2world-class ski resorts and the Sundance film festival.
Park City offers a full four seasons of mountain recreation fun. It has world class skiing, mountain biking, fly-fishing, rock climbing, and any other outdoor activity you can imagine. During summer months free concerts are hosted around town multiple days per week. Park City is also home to great local restaurants and offers a convenient mix of shopping to meet any need. Getting around town is easy with the free bus system and paved bike trails.
Program Details
Young Life Park City’smissionfocus isthat every adolescent will have the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ and follow Him. We do this by living in the community and being the best example of Christ possible to high school and middle school students. We currently have active Young Life, Wydlife, and Capernaum ministries.
Thepurposeofouryearroundinternprogramistojoinwith usin accomplishingthis missionfocus. Weareseekingpeoplewhodesireto:
Growin your personal relationshipwith Christ.
Gainasolidunderstandingof YoungLifeandYoungLifefield staff.
Experiencereal-lifeelements ofworkasaYoungLife field staff.
Contributeto your surroundingcommunity.
This programisformen and womenwhobelievein the missionofYoungLife andareseekingthe Lord’s callingin their lives.Ourfocus willbeondevelopinglife-longparticipants in themissionofYoungLife with specificemphasisonfull-timefieldstaff.Thefollowingqualificationsarenecessaryin orderto participateinthis program:
1)MustbeabelieverinJesusChrist, seekinggrowthinyour spiritual life,andcurrentlyseeking maturityinyour faith. Weare lookingfor peoplewhoareteachableandhavedisplayed qualities offaithfulnessin their lives.
2)Mustbeatleast20 years of age.Collegegraduatesandcareerpeoplearewelcomeand encouragedtoapply.
3)Thenatureof field staff work is physicallydemandingattimes.Youwill berequiredto work willingly,cheerfully,andtothe bestofyour abilityat whateverjobassigned.Youmustbeat workeachscheduled dayunlesslegitimatelysick,beontime,andsubmit to theauthorityand regulationsof departmental supervisors.
4)Candidatesmustbewillingto makethefollowingprogramandlifestylecommitments:
1)Tostayfortheentirelength of the program (11 months)unlessexceptions are madepriorto your arrival.
2)Toattend, beontimeto, andactivelyparticipatein allscheduled internactivitiesincludingBible study, fellowship,discussiongroups, worship, andmeetings withyourmentor.Wewillassistin facilitatingthesetimes,butthesuccessofthesetimeswilldependon yourwillingnessto engage andtake ownership of bothyour individual andcommunityintern experience.
3)Throughout your year,youwillbearepresentativeofPark City,YoungLife,andChristtostudents and thelocal community.Weaskthatyoucommit tobeing abovereproachin all youdo torepresenttheseriousness ofthis call.
4)Fundraising: Interns willberesponsible for raising$12,000for theyear.Thismoneywill be used to help fund internship program costs.
Young Life Park CityCommitments:
1)Thearea staff hopestomakeyouryearbothrewardingandchallenging.There will be much askedandmuch givenas weserveChristtogetherthroughourworkin the community.
2)Wewillplanandfacilitatea fellowshiptime, whichis intended to encourage yourpersonal growthwith Christ. TherewillbeBiblestudy,worship, prayer,scripturememorization, a mentor relationship, andsmall andlargegroupsharing.
3)Theareastaff willtrainandequipyoutocarryoutthe various responsibilitiesofmanydifferent jobs required by field staff.Ourcommitmentwill includeteachingthe valuesbehind eachtaskthatwedo,so that youcangaina comprehensive overview ofthemissionandpurposeof YoungLife field staff.
1Corinthians 2:2“For I am determined toknownothingamongyou exceptJesusChristand Him crucified.” John 12:26“Whoeverservesmemustfollowme;and whereI am,myservantalso willbe.MyFatherwill honortheonewhoservesme.”
Themostimportant aspectofyourinternshipwillbehow your faithwillbechallenged, stretched, and strengthenedas youdrawcloser toChristdaily. Itis recognizedthat everyindividual is ata different place in his or herjourneyandthatcultivatingarelationshipwith Godrestslargelywiththeindividual, not with theprogram.This program willfocus onprovidinginterns with thetoolsforfosteringthis relationshipwith Christprimarilythroughlearningtopracticethe disciplinesthatJesusmodeled. Interns will haveregularcommitmentsthat includestudy, worship, prayer,fellowship, and mentoring
Activeengagementandparticipationwillbenecessarytomakethesetimesfruitful.We also require each intern to be involved in a local church.
Colossians3:23“Whateveryou do,workatitwith all your heart, asworkingfortheLord, notformen.”
Field staff is a challenging and rewarding job that requires an individual to wear many hats and jump between a variety of tasks throughout the day and year. Therewillbemanydays andweekswhere flexibilityandadaptabilityare crucialas weprepareclubs, trips, banquets, committee meets, etc.This ismorethanajob;itisa commitmentto a lifestyleof work, serviceandhumility.
Romans15:5-6“may theGod whogivesenduranceand encouragement giveyoua spiritof unityamong yourselvesasyoufollow Christ Jesus, sothatwithoneheartand mouthyoumayglorify theGodand Father ofourLordJesus Christ.”
Colossians3:13-14“Bear with eachotherandforgivewhatevergrievancesyoumayhaveagainstone another. ForgiveastheLordforgaveyou. Andoverallthesevirtues putonlove,whichbinds themall togetherinperfectunity.”
Park Cityinterns willlivein community onmultiplelevels.Youwillbehousedwith a Christian family within the community that shares the vision of Young Life Park City. This is a great responsibility and requires interns to be respectful of host families by being clean within the space provided, help around the house as needed, and be respectful of other household rules.
Interns will be part of a bigger area and regional community composed of staff, volunteers, and donors.Together weare continuallylearninghowtoserveChristbetterandhowtoloveourneighbors asourselves.Muchofyour personalgrowththis yearwill be dependenton your participationin communitygrowth.A communitysuchasthiscomeswith both immenseblessings andalsodailychallenges.
Matthew9:37-38“Then hesaid tohis disciples,“the harvestis plentiful, butthe laborersare few; thereforeprayearnestlytotheLordofthe harvesttosendoutlaborersintohis harvest.”
TheLordislookingfor people whowillbelightsintheworld, bothin ministryand secularpositions. We willspendtime witheach internlookingattheirspecific giftsandtalentsandhelpingthemdiscoverhow andwheretheyfitintotheGreatCommission. Help will alsobeavailable for interns to explorepossible careerswithinandoutsideof YoungLife.
- Interns aresalaried andwill be paid approximately $1,300 per month. Youwillalso receive5vacationdays,11paidholidaysfortheyear, and an EPIC local pass valid at Park City ski resort.Vacation daysmaybeusedatyour discretion with approval fromyour supervisor. Vacation should be scheduled around camp trips, regional staff times, and area events (banquet, club, etc) as much as possible. We recommend scheduling longer vacations during summer months when school is not in session. We currently do not have the resources and ability to provide health coverage for the program.
- Housingisprovided for allinterns.Each room will be have a bed and basic furniture. Bathroom, kitchen, laundry, etc will be shared with the host family. Wedonotsuggestbringinganyextra furniture,etc.until youarriveandassessyour needs.Theaccommodationsarecertainlyadequatebutspacewillbelimited.
- Mealswillbeyour ownresponsibilitytopurchaseandprepare.
- We currently do not have the ability to accommodate pets.
- Park City is a small resort town with the amenities found in a big city. You will be close to grocery stores, department stores, and restaurants. Park City is equipped with a free bus system and miles of paved bike paths and lanes throughout the whole city. You can utilize these forms of transportation but we also recommend having a car.
- Interns will havetheprivilege ofraising $12,000 fortheyear, whichwillcover part of theirsalary and operating expenses.The reasons forthefundraisingrequirement aretwo-fold:1)ALL YoungLifestaff raisemoneyandthis is anopportunitytopracticethis skill commontoministrywork.2)Themoney helps makethis programpossible.Young Life Park Citywillprovidesupportmaterials andstrategies to help in the fundraising process.
Allinternsarerequiredtoraisehalf oftheirsupportbythe agreed upon start date.
Job Specifications
- School Season:During the schoolseason, internswillbe involved in running and planning for Young Life, Wyldlife, & Capernaum ministries. This involves running club and campaigners as well as doing contact work on a regular basis. They will also attend fall trips for Young Life & Wyldlife. As part of a regional staff team interns will serve on weekend assignments for family camp and fall weekend camps. Other responsibilities will include but are not limited to helping run our banquet, summer camp preparation, year-end giving letters, committee meetings, regional staff times, and camp fundraising.During the school year workdays and hours will vary but interns should expect to have 2 days off a week.
- SummerSeason:Interns will be actively involved in running campaigners and focusing heavily on contact work with the goal of getting more students to camp. Interns will also be required to attend camp trips for Young Life, Wyldlife, & Capernaum. Other responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, helping plan for and run our golf tournament, planning for next school year, summer newsletters, committee meetings, regional staff times, and camp fundraising. This is also a great time to take vacation and explore Utah.
Application Process:
Each applicantwillneedtocompletean InternshipApplicationandhavetworecommendations filled outontheir behalf.One recommendationisto befilledoutbyaYoungLifestaff(orvolunteer) andtheother byapastoror other adultwhoyouwouldconsidera spiritual leader in your life. You will also need to submit a resume.
Wereviewapplications August-Novemberandhopetohaveselections completed by December. Youcanfindtheinternshipapplicationandrecommendationsonlineat:
Email all application materialsto:
Wes Stout
Theapplicationwill notbeconsideredcompleteuntilwereceive your completedapplication,acurrent resume,andboth thestaffandnon-staff recommendation.
Pleasefeel freetocontact us with