A Joint National Project of

Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR)and

Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS)




(Please tick the appropriate box)


a)All parts should be completed and “N.A.” should be stated where it is not applicable. (Both the completed form and ALL attachments must be submitted in both hard copy and on a CD).

b)Please mail the form, along with all attachments and the CD, not later than23 Apr 2014to:

Professor Andy Hor

Chairman, Organizing Committee

(A*STAR/ SNAS Young Scientist Awards)

c/o Department of Chemistry

NationalUniversity of Singapore

3 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117543


Tel: (65) 6516-2679 Fax: (65) 6873-1324

c)Eligibility: Singapore citizens or Permanent Residents born on or after 1st Jan 1979 who are actively engaged in R &D activities in Singapore. Other nationals who meet the age requirement and have been working in Singapore for the past three years are also eligible.

d)Only short-listed candidates will be informed. They are required to make a presentation to the Board of Judges in Jul /Aug 2014 (tentative schedule).

e)The decision of the Board of Judges is final.

f)Both peer- and self-nominations are acceptable.

  • Full Name and Title:
(Include Chinese characters if applicable)
  • Designation:
  • Organization:
  • Address of Organization:
  • Office Tel. No.
  • Mobile Tel. No.
  • Fax No.
  • Email:
  • Sex:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Citizenship: Singaporean/PR/
  • If foreign citizen, please state how long you have been working in Singapore and in what capacity

Academic (Tertiary)/Professional Qualifications (state year received)
Appointment Record
Name of OrganizationDepartment & Position HeldPeriod of Appointment
List major Awards & Honours, Chairmanship of Conferences/Symposia, Editorship of Journals/Books, and Invitations to give Talks
List of research grants secured over the past three years
References: Please nominate two referees who are familiar with your work and contributions and ask each to submit a confidential report (Part III of the form) directly to Fax (65)6873 1324. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that the referees submit their evaluation by30 Apr 2014
Name, Organization, Address, Email & Tel/Fax of Referee I:
Name, Organization, Address, Email & Tel/Fax of Referee II:
List of Publications [Please give a list of (journal and conference) key or representative publications and submit as attachment a maximum of three papers or three patentsthat best reflect your expertise, creativity and achievements. Include a paragraph (in the space below) of about 50 words to explain why these papers/patents are considered your best work. If the work is not done in Singapore, add a brief statement to explain the relationship of this work to your current activities and future plans]
Number of papers in Journals / Number of Conference Papers/Books/Chapters/Monographs
Local: / Conference Papers:
Number of citations (self-citations excluded) in 2011-2014 (Specify source of citations – for example, Web of Science, Google Scholar, etc)
List your three most cited papers, with the number of citations for each as well as impact factors of the journals:
Details of technology transfers / spin-off companies, if any, arising from research


Field of Work (Describe in about 30 words)
Scientific Activities (Research & others) currently pursuing (Describe in about 60 words):
Patents arising from your Research
Filed: Awarded: Licensed / Commercialized :
(Please provide, on a separate sheet, detailed information of all patents filed and awarded. Information required includes titles of inventions, names of inventors, citizenship of inventors, dates of applications/awards and registration numbers of applications/awards)
Abstract/Summary (about 250 words)
(The Review Committee & Board of Judges will evaluate the potential and track record of each candidate, vision, dynamism, and inspiration shown, as well as the scientific value and impact of each piece of work. Please give a summary of your research, highlighting the scientific and intellectual qualities and including the potential applications and future development).


Name of Candidate:

Name of Referee:

Title/Position/Organization of Referee:

  1. The committee appreciates a concise and frank evaluation of the candidate.
  2. Every evaluation would be kept strictly confidential.
  3. The following format of evaluation may be adopted.
Format For Evaluation
i) Capacity in which you have known the candidate.
ii) Duration for which you have known the candidate.
iii) Impact of candidate’s contributions.
iv) Originality and (potential) applications of the candidate’s work.
v) Any other information which is deemed important for consideration of a prestigious award.

Please submit by30 Apr2014 to:

Professor Andy Hor

Chairman, Organizing Committee of YSA 2014

c/o Dept. of Chemistry

National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 3

Singapore 117543

Tel: 6516 2679

Fax: 68731324



Name of Candidate:

Name of Referee:

Title/Position/Organization of Referee:

  1. The committee appreciates a concise and frank evaluation of the candidate.
  2. Every evaluation would be kept strictly confidential.
  3. The following format of evaluation may be adopted.
Format For Evaluation
i) Capacity in which you know the candidate.
ii) Duration for which you have known the candidate.
iii) Impact of candidate’s contributions.
iv) Originality and (potential) applications of the candidate’s work.
v) Any other information which is deemed important for consideration of a prestigious award.

Please submit by 30 Apr 2014to:

Professor Andy Hor

Chairman, Organizing Committee of YSA 2014

c/o Dept. of Chemistry

National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 3

Singapore 117543

Tel: 6516 2679

Fax: 6873 1324


Judging Criteria

  1. Potential

Is it likely that the candidate will develop into a world-class researcher in the years to come?

  1. Track Record

Has the candidate carried out any outstanding work or secured(significant) funding for research in recent times in Singapore?

  1. Vision

Does the candidate possess a clear vision or creative ideas towards the development of science and technology?

  1. Scientific Value

Does the research advance the frontiers of science?

  1. Impact of Contribution

Does the work of the candidate have a potential impact in creating significant new knowledge, in creating IP, e.g. patents, and leading to other applications or industrial R&D in Singapore?

  1. Drive and Initiative

Does the candidate strive for excellence in his/ her work and, in doing so, show great drive in his/her research endeavours?

  1. Inspiration

Is there any evidence that the candidate is a team-player and/or provides inspiration to peers?

(The candidate who eventually wins the YSA Award should meet most of the above criteria)