Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Multi-Agency Steering Group
The following document contains the Joint Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Action Plan for the period April 2013 to March 2016 and has been developed further to a review of the original individual plans for Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
The framework for the plan is based upon consideration of
The Vale of Glamorgan Corporate Plan 2013-17 and
The Cardiff Council Corporate Plan 2013-17.
The priority outcomes for the Vale of Glamorgan Corporate Plan are
- Community Leadership
- Children and Young People
- Learning and Skills
- Regeneration
- Environment
- Housing
- Health, Social Care and Wellbeing
- Community and Public Safety
The Cardiff Council Corporate Plan makes commitments
- Will work to make a better future for our city.
- Will work to create jobs & opportunity for all
- Will work to help those that need it most
- Will work together for the city and the region
- Will work smarter and better
The ASD Action Plan identifies developments and initiatives we can pursue to improve outcomes for children, families and adultsaffected by Autistic Spectrum Disorder under these broad headings. Additionally this plan will seek to address specific issues with respect to ASD as advised by the national Strategic Action Plan for Wales (Welsh Government, 2008). It will be subject to a wide consultation via the Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan ASD Steering Group to include:
- Group consultation with key professionals on current strategic and operational service developments (children and adults).
- Liaison with lead professionals with respect to relevant strategic and operational initiatives relevant to ASD.
- Group consultation with local carers and representative groups on the priority for the development of ASD-specific initiatives and services.
The development of the ASD Action Plan has been overseen by the Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan ASD Steering Group. The Group includes senior representatives from a wide range of agencies and relevant professions both statutory and non-statutory. As well as parents, carers and individuals with ASD.The steering group reports to the Learning Disability Implementation Group. This group in turn reports to the Learning Disability Strategic Board which in turn reports to the Integrated Health and SocialCare Board. The ASD lead reports to the Learning Disability Strategic Board and will take forward issues from Steering .
All people with an ASD, living or working in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, and their families, should be able to:
1.Live a healthy life
2.Feel safe and supported in their community
3.Be able to access appropriate, consistent services if needed
4.Achieve their potential and be able to participate in their community
5.Have a say in the decisions that affect them
The vision of the Strategic Framework is therefore to develop a service by which all agencies working in integrated, multi-disciplinary ways will provide appropriate services for children, young people and adults with an autism spectrum disorder, addressing their education, health, employment, social interaction and emotional needs. It will be a service which is responsive to early intervention for individuals and families where autism is an identified or emergent need.
The original action plan for Cardiff created in 2009 was based on this vision.
This new action plan will focus on 4 key areas.
Infrastructure development to effectively deliver the strategy
Actions to create and enhance services for children and adults
Provision of specialist training to professionals and others.
Actions to create greater awareness of ASD and the support available.
Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan ASD Steering GroupApril 20131
Action PlanVersion 1.0
Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Multi-Agency Steering Group
Developing an effective infrastructure
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources& source / Progress
Establish a joint Cardiff & Vale ASD Steering group, terms of reference, membership and a structure for accountability to the Integrated partnership Board / Working jointly with colleagues we will ensure that the ASD strategy is delivered in the most cost effective manner. / ASD Lead / Sept 2013 / WG Grant / Joint meetings commenced, joint lead appointed.
Establish a membership representing the interests of Children, families and adults affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorder / Membership from across the range of stakeholders will ensure that all interests are properly represented. / Steering group / Sept 2013 / WG grant / Wide range of members established.
Develop a joint action plan for Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan / Working jointly will ensure that the ASD strategy is efficiently delivered. / ASD manager / Dec 2013 / WG grant / Draft plan created, sub group reviewing
Develop a protocol for efficiently sharing information with families and individuals / Information of relevance to families and individuals will be made readily available in a proactive manner / ASD manager / Sep 2013 / Joint protocol for families and parent carers agreed with Cardiff and Vale parent federation.
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources
& source / Progress
Provide a supported forum for adults on the spectrum to have their voices heard / The needs of a wider cross section of adults on the spectrum can be heard / ASD manager / Current / CM&S
WG grant / A monthly supported forum for adults on the spectrum has been created to allow their voices to be heard
Create mechanism for enhanced parent carer involvement in creating local ASD strategy / Parent carers will be able to make their needs and views known. / ASD manager & parent reps / Sep 2013 / WG grant / Meetings have been held.
Make work of Cardiff and Vale ASD group better known / Stakeholders will be aware of the group and able to facilitate the flow of information both in and out of the group. / ASD Manager / Dec 2013 / WG grant / No
Support young people on the spectrum to participate in Youth Councils so their voices can be heard on issues that relate to them / Ensure a wider participation in main stream groups from young people on the ASD spectrum. / ?? / ?? / ?? / No
Creating and enhancing services
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources& source / Progress
Develop a multiagency care pathway for adults with ASD / Asperger’s within main stream CMHT and social services. / Adults on the ASD spectrum who are eligible for these services will receive appropriate care. / ? / ? / ? / No
Create support for siblings of young people on the spectrum / Siblings of young people on the spectrum will be better informed re the condition and will make contact with other siblings. / ASD manager, NAS branch, NAS rep / ? / WG Grant / Info from NAS received
Develop connection with the “Supporting People” initiative so that appropriate specialist support can be provided. / The supporting people initiative will be aware of how to access extra support and provide an enhanced AdultsFamilies / Asd manager / June 2013 / N/A / Supporting people coordinator met, links established.
Work with multiple agencies to improve employment opportunities for adults on the spectrum. / Agencies will have access to specialist materials. A searchable list of agencies will be available online. / ASD manager & Specialist worker / Mar 2013 / WG dedicated grant / 8 exploratory workshops delivered. Materials being generated. List of 80+ agencies created.
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources
& source / Progress
Roll out Orange Wallet Scheme / Clients will be able to have a free “Orange Wallet “ and populate it with content to communicate their needs when using public transport. Greater personal independence will result. / ASD manager / Sep 2013 / WG grant / 10,000 wallets distributed across Wales, local leaflets printed, training being provided to transport companies..
Deliver social skills training to adults on the spectrum / These specialist modules teach the required skills in an academic way. This increases personal independence as more main stream activities are accessible / ASD manager & specialist staff / ongoing / WG Grant / Fortnightly sessions delivered to 5-6 adults each session in The Vale, Cardiff and Merthyr
Support a specialist youth provision UYC for young people in the Vale of Glamorgan / Young people will be able to access a specialist provision. / ASD manager & specialist staff / ongoing / WG Grant (partial funding) / Weekly meetings being held for 10 + young people.
Support a specialist youth provision, Aspie Roots for young people in Cardiff / Young people will be able to access a specialist provision. / Anne Hodgson / ongoing / WG specific Grant / Weekly meetings being held for 10 + young people.
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources
& source / Progress
Engage with and support established travel training resource / Young people and adults will be able to access specialist travel training to increase personal independence. / ASD manager / Ongoing / N/A / Young people especially benefiting, Cardiff 75+ across a range of disabilities, Vale 25+ again across a range.
Work with outside agencies and special schools to create more employment opportunities. / Young people during transition will have the opportunity to experience life in the workplace. / ASD manager / Sep 2013 / WG Grant / Initial contacts made.
Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan ASD Steering GroupApril 20131
Action PlanVersion 1.0
Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Multi-Agency Steering Group
Training Provisions
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources& source / Progress
Provide a training program of awareness for staff / LA Staff in adult and children’s services will be better able to deliver the services they are responsible for to this client group / ASD manager Vale,
training rep Cardiff / Ongoing / WG grant / 4 sessions per annum in each authority
Provide specialist support and training for transition teams / Staff in LD transitions will have access to more specialist support and be funded to attend specialist training. / ASD manager / ongoing / WG grant / Specialist materials purchased and conference attendance funded.
Deliver appropriate awareness training to housing staff / Staff in housing will be aware of the specialist needs of this client group. / ASD manager / Sep 2013 / WG grant / Cardiff housing training delivered July 2013
Create and make available specialist training materials relating to employment / Employment Agencies and ASD support groups will have access to a range of training materials. / ASD manager & specialist worker / Mar 2013 / WG dedicated grant / Collaborative work in progress to create materials.
Create specialist training materials for GP surgeries / Primary health care practitioners will have access to training materials / ASD manager & national coordinator / Mar 2013 / WG dedicated grant / Collaborative work in progress to create materials.
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources
& source / Progress
Develop and deliver program of parent training / Parents will be able to access a series of workshops which they have developed / Training Rep / Mar 2013 / WG grant / Workshops created, timetable of delivery to be agreed.
Deliver appropriate awareness training when opportunities arise to leisure and tourism. / Staff in leisure and tourism will be more aware of the specialist needs of this client group. / ASD manger & training rep / ? / WG Grant / No
Deliver appropriate awareness training when opportunities arise to Library services / Staff in leisure and tourism will be more aware of the specialist needs of this client group. / ASD manger & training rep / ? / WG Grant / No
Fostering greater awareness
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources& source / Progress
Raise awareness of the pathway for diagnosis for Children in C&VUHB (SCAT) / Parent/ carers and appropriate professionals will be aware of the diagnostic pathway for children in C&VUHB / ASD manager and lead health professionals / Dec 2013 / WG grant / Training delivered to health staff, leaflet for parent/carers in preparation.
Raise awareness of the pathway for diagnosis for Adults across C&VUHB (Adult Diagnostic Network) / Adults and appropriate professionals will be aware of the diagnostic pathway for adults in C&VUHB / ASD manager and lead health professionals / Dec 2013 / WG grant / No, pathway not yet clearly defined
Make diagnosing clinicians aware of the work of Adult Autism Advice so that appropriate post diagnostic signposting can be offered to adults. / Adults when diagnosed can be signposted to our service for adults. / ASD manger and specialist staff / Dec 2013 / WG grant / No, pathway not yet clearly defined
Promote and make available National ASD alert card / Individuals can carry a card which provides basic information relating to the condition. / ASD manger and specialist staff / Dec 2013 / WG grant / No
Strategy & Key actions / Outcomes we’ll achieve from this action are: / Lead responsibility / Timescale / Resources
& source / Progress
Review and update current web and social media information and service directories / Adults, young people, parent/carers will be able to access a selection of appropriate information online. / ASD manager / Ongoing / N/A / No (both web sites being reworked)
Fund creation and printing of specialist training resources for primary and secondary settings in the Vale. / Staff in education settings across the vale will have access to specialist training materials created by staff at Ashgrove school. / ASD manager / ongoing / WG grant / 2 books created.
“Is it Autism” and
“Practical Autism toolbox for secondary schools”
Print runs of 500 each funded.
Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan ASD Steering GroupApril 20131
Action PlanVersion 1.0