Key Names and Addresses

This Young Persons/Young Adults handbook belongs to:


The name of my Key Worker is:


The Manager of Roxby House is:


The Regional Director is:


My Social Worker is:






My GP is:






My Dentist is:






The Address of the Home is:


Roxby House, Winterton Road, Roxby


Nr Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 0BJ



01724 733777




When you move in
Facilities: / Your Bedroom
Toilets/Bath/Shower Rooms
Communal Areas
Respect for others
Equal Opportunity Policy
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
Young People/Young Adults’ Meetings
Personal Finance
Personal Property
Personal / Sexual Relationship
Mail & Phone Messages
Mobile Telephones
Your File
Open File Policy
The Role of Staff
The Role of the Key Worker and Your Personal Plan
Complaint’s Procedure
Health and Hygiene
Fire: / What to do on discovering a fire
What to don on hearing the fire alarm
Medical Emergencies
All Other Emergencies

Welcome to AALPS North

The aim of this booklet is to give you basic information about AALPS North and the Company.

AALPS has separate sites as shown on page 1.

AALPS North is part of the Options Group of Services. AALPS North provides a range of services for young people or young adults with autistic spectrum and other learning difficulties.

Premises are registered with CQC, Health and Social Care act 2008. This means that we follow the guidelines of the Act to ensure that you receive the best possible service, to help you achieve your personal ambitions.

Our service is a partnership between young people or young adults, staff, families and local authorities. You will have the opportunity to voice your opinion about all decisions concerning you and the way the service is run.

It is our aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment, which will offer you the opportunity to develop your potential to the full, with whatever support you may require.

When You Move In

You will be given a tour of your accommodation and the rest of the premises when you move in. You will be shown the fire exits and fire equipment. Please take particular notice of this.

Staff will explain what to do in an emergency, e.g. in case of fire

Staff will explain the rules in detail, the daily routines and the aims and objectives of AALPS North.

An inventory will be taken of the contents of your room as well as property that you bring with you. You (or someone on your behalf) will be asked to sign a form to confirm your agreement to the contents.

You will be expected to keep your room and flat clean and tidy, with some support from staff.

Respect for Others

AALPS North is a community of staff and young people. Our purpose is to help you and the other young people / young adults in the community to achieve your aims as set out in your personal programme. Part of your programme is to develop the skills to cooperate with other people, to give and to take. The staff team makes a commitment to you, to show respect for you as a person and to preserve your dignity. We expect you to do your best to show the same respect for others.

Equal Opportunity Policy

AALPS North operates an equal opportunity policy. This means that we value all young people / young adults, regardless of their sexuality, disability, race or religion. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form within AALPS North.


AALPS North aims to provide a healthy and safe atmosphere for all our young people, staff and visitors. Smoking is not therefore permitted in any of the buildings.

If you already smoke you will be encouraged, as part of your personal plan, to give up, with the support of staff. Young people / young adults who do smoke may do so out of doors, during recognised breaks or leisure time, under staff supervision. Smoking materials should be given to staff for safekeeping when not in use.

Alcohol and Illegal Drugs

Alcohol consumption is not allowed at AALPS North, other than in moderate amounts or at times of organised celebration. This would include Christmas, other religious festivals where alcohol is a traditional part of the celebration, special anniversaries, birthdays etc.

AALPS North takes a very serious view of possession or use of illegal drugs, both of which are absolutely prohibited under any circumstances. A young person or young adult in possession of or using illegal drugs may be asked to leave, subject to the discretion of the Director.


Visitors are welcome. Please notify staff if you are expecting a visitor. Visitors will need to sign in and out, to comply with fire regulations.

If at all possible, visitors are requested to avoid the main times when you are involved in your programme in the Centre (normally 9.00 am to 4.00 pm on weekdays when the centre is in session). There are no facilities within the project to accommodate overnight stays by relatives or friends of young people. Details of bed and breakfast accommodation in the area are held in the administration office.

Young People’s / Young Adult’s Meetings

Young people or young adults meetings are held every 8 - 10 week’s with staff, to share information and ideas. These meetings give you the chance to have a say in how AALPS North is run and you are encouraged to attend.

Personal Finance

The personal allowance is an amount of money that is allocated to you on a weekly basis to cover the cost of personal items that you may require during your period of residence.

The personal allowance is funded in various ways dependant upon your age and personal circumstances.

If you are aged between 16 and 18, your personal allowance will be provided by AALPS North. The rate of this allowance is equivalent to that provided by the Department of Social Security (DSS). If you are aged over 18 your personal allowance will be provided to you by the Department of Social Security. This is usually paid on a weekly basis in to your own bank account.

It is standard practice to have this allowance paid directly to a bank account that can be operated by yourself and/or the manager at AALPS North.

Personal Property

You are responsible for your own belongings. You may, however, give valuable items to staff for safekeeping. A record will be made. The item will be returned to you at your request. Your personal property is only covered by the Home’s insurance policy .to a limit of £500 per claim. We strongly advise that additional insurance be taken out in your favour if you are bringing valuable items into the project that you do not wish to hand to us for safe keeping. You must ensure your room is locked when you leave it.

Personal (including Sexual) Relationships

We understand that you may become involved in a personal relationship, whilst living at AALPS North. Your girl or boyfriend will be allowed to visit during the usual hours. As with other visits you will need to notify staff that you are expecting a visitor. Overnight visits are not possible.

You may also become involved in a personal relationship with another young person or young adult at AALPS. Staff will be able to explain how the rules of AALPS North apply to these situations as well as offering any other detailed personal support that you may require.

Personal relationships with members of staff are not allowed.

The staff at AALPS North will give as much support as they can to help you in any issues concerning your personal or sexual life, without judging you.

Mail and Phone Messages

Any mail received on your behalf will be given to you immediately. Staff will also pass on telephone messages to you promptly.


You areable to use the office phones in. Please ask a member of staff if you need to use the office telephone.

Mobile Telephones

The use of mobile telephone at AALPS North is restricted. If you have a mobile telephone you will not be allowed to bring it into the Centre. Mobile phones must be turned off during meetings and reviews. You may use a mobile phone in your room during the evenings and weekends, before bedtime.

You are responsible for looking after your mobile phone and you or your family are responsible for the payment of all your mobile phone bills.


You have the right to occupy your rooms in privacy. Staff will normally only enter your room with permission. Staff will always knock before entering your room. In certain circumstances, however, staff may enter your bedroom without permission:

  • Where there is genuine concern for your safety, health or welfare.
  • If there is strong suspicion that illegal drugs are being used in the room.
  • Where maintenance, security and inspection works need to be carried out.


The information you give the staff about yourself will be treated as confidential and will not be passed on to other people outside the staff team without your permission. Staff may need to share information about you with other professionals involved in your care. You will be kept informed of occasions when this is necessary.

Your File

As a young person or young adult at AALPS North there will be a file on you that is kept in a locked cabinet. The file will include your personal plan. Staff will write notes on day to day matters relating to your care that they consider important. For example, details of contacts with staff or observed behaviour may be noted in the file.

Open File Policy

You can ask to see the contents of your personal file. If you wish to do this please contact your key worker who will explain anything you do not understand. If you disagree with anything in your file you will have the opportunity to have your views recorded and inaccurate information changed. Your file is not open to any other young person/young adult or your family, although your family can have access with your permission.


The staff at AALPS North are there to support you and to manage the daily affairs of the house. When you move in they will do their best to help you settle in, by providing you with the things you need and showing you around.

Staff will provide you with skilled practical assistance and emotional support, to help you achieve your programme. They will not intrude and will take your views and ideas seriously.

The staff team are also responsible for Health and Safety, including Fire, Maintenance and Hygiene and for the day to day running of the service.

AALPS North is managed by the Registered Manager and Senior Management Team. The Life Skills Instructors provide care and support 24 hours a day 7 days a week, over two shifts. There is an Administration Team and Maintenance Team.

The Role of the Key Worker

When you move in you will be allocated a key worker who will work closely with you, your family/carer and referrer to complete your personal plan.

Your personal plan will set out clearly, what your targets are and how it is intended that they should be achieved. The plan covers every aspect of your life at AALPS North. Your personal plan forms the basis of our contract with you, which is expressed in full in the Young Person’s or Young Adult’s agreement. Your personal plan will be reviewed regularly and you, your family and referrer will be encouraged to participate fully in these reviews.

Complaints Procedure

If something or somebody at AALPS North is making you feel unhappy, or if you feel that you have been treated unfairly, you have a right to complain.

To start with, you should talk to your key worker about the problem. If, for some reason, you would prefer not to talk to your key worker, you can raise the matter with another member of staff, one of the managers, or go straight to the Registered Manager. The person you tell will try to find a solution to the problem immediately. You can also contact your Social Worker, whose name and address are in the front of this handbook.

If you need help to do this you can ask a friend, relative or fellow young person/young adult to help you out.

If the problem continues or if you would prefer to have a written record, you can complain in writing. Your key worker, or another member of staff will help you fill out a Complaint Form. You can also ask another young person/young adult or relative to help you complete the form. The form will then go to the Registered Manager, who will reply to you within one week to explain the steps that will be taken to resolve the problem.

If you wish to complain about the Centre Head you can send your Complaint to the Director at Options Group, whose address is: -

Options Group

Turnpike Gate House




Tel: 01789 767800

Fax: 01789 767801

Alternatively, if you prefer, you may contact the CQCI who are responsible for the registration and Inspection. Their address is: -

City Gate


Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel: 03000 616161

Fax: 03000 616171

Staff will record details of all complaints in a young person’s/young adult’s complaint file. The complaints file and a copy of the Complaints Policy can be found in the office. Any member of staff will be happy to go through the policy with you.

There are a number of other organisations that can help you to make a complaint, or who will take one up on your behalf, if you so wish. These include:-

Mencap - Yorkshire & Humber

East Parade



Tel: 01423 568162 Fax: 01423 520867

Mencap – South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire

6 Nightingale Court

Nightingale Close


S60 2AB

Tel: 01709 830956 Fax: 01709 836233


National Autistic Society


4th Floor

72 Maid Marion Way



Tel: 0115 911360

Health and Hygiene

When you move in you will need to tell your family doctor, or GP, about your change of address. If you have moved out of your GP’s area, you will need to register with a new GP. Staff will help you to do this. Your key worker will work with you to make sure that you have regular visits to your GP to have a general medical examination, at least annually.

Your key worker will also work with you to ensure that you have regular dental check ups and an eye test at least once every 2 years.

Hygiene is extremely important to prevent the spread of diseases. Young people like you may be at risk of picking up or transmitting infections if you do not take proper precautions. To minimise risks, you are requested to observe the following simple rules:-

Always wash your hands after:-

  • visiting the toilet
  • sneezing or blowing your nose
  • at anytime when your hands become dirty


Any prescribed medication must be taken as directed by the doctor. When you first move in, access to your medication will normally be via the staff, who will keep your medication in a locked cabinet, for safety reasons. Part of your personal programme may be, as soon as you are ready, to encourage you to take responsibility for taking your medication and for keeping it securely in your own room. Staff will provide any support that you require.


Fire can kill and must be treated extremely seriously. Please read the fire procedure carefully and make sure you know what to do in case of fire. If you need any help, or have any questions, ask a member of staff immediately.

Fire exits are clearly marked and fire alarms and extinguishers are conveniently located.

Note: The fire alarm is tested every week on a Friday. Staircases and fire exists must be clear of any obstructions at all times.

What to do on discovering a fire

  • Activate the fire alarm by breaking the glass at the nearest fire point.
  • Dial 999 on the telephones and ask for the Fire Brigade. 999 calls are free so you can use any payphone outside of the home if it is unsafe to use the one on the ground floor.
  • Clearly give your name, the address and telephone number 01724 733777
  • Close doors and windows if it is safe to do so.
  • Leave the building and wait outside at the front.
  • Follow any instructions you receive from staff.

What to do on hearing the Fire Alarm