Please use the same number for young person and mother from the same family. Please ensure that this same number also is also used for related demographic information that you provide in the excel spreadsheet. Thank you.
Young Person “Measuring Change” Pack
AVA Community Group Programme
(Ages 12-18)
- Instructions for group coordinators and facilitators
- Information sheet (to be detached and given to child/young person/mother)
- Consent form (remains in pack)
Time 1
- AVA Community Group Programme Questionnaire
- Kidscreen
Time 2
- AVA Community Group Programme Questionnaire
- Kidscreen
AVA Community Group Programme
Measuring change
Checklist for young person pack
ITEM / BEFORE / AFTERInformation sheet to young person
Consent form
AVA Community Group Programme Questionnaire
Please make sure that all clear boxes have been ticked before returning this pack to the evaluation team at
Middlesex University.
Thank you.
AVA Community Group Programme
Measuring change
The evaluation of the AVA Community Group Programme consists of both qualitative and quantitative research strategies.
We are asking coordinators and facilitators to help us in implementing the quantitative measurement strategy.
What does the quantitative measurement strategy consist of?
3 SHORT questionnaires that we are asking you to ask children and mothers to complete, before and afterthe groups. These are:
1) The Community Groups QuestionnaireWhen: Before & after.
Who: Child only.
Exists in 2 versions: younger children and older children. / 2) Kidscreen
When: Before & after.
Who: Child & mother.
One version for all age groups. / 3) CHI-ESQ
When: After only.
Who: Child & mother.
Exists in 2 versions: younger children and older children.
Is there anything else that you need to collect for the Middlesex University team?
We are also asking for some basic demographic information on children and mothers, which you can enter anonymously on the excel sheet we have set up for you. The information requested should be information that you already collect.
What about consent?
We have produced a short information sheet and consent form for children and mothers to sign before they answer any of the questionnaires. Please explain that the project is being evaluated and that the questionnaires help us to demonstrate the difference that the project makes to them.
We have created “measuring change packs” for you. These can be downloaded from the members forum on AVA website.
Username - community groups
Password - m3mber
There are 3 “measuring change” packs:
- Child’s pack (4-11 years of age)
- Young person’s pack (12-18 years of age)
- Mother’s pack
All you need to do is to download the appropriate pack, print out and staple together a copy for each child and each mother. The pack contains all the information that each child and each mother need to complete and stapling them together ensures that each child’s and each mother’s before & after questionnaires remain together.
PLEASE give the pack to each child and mother to complete before they take part in the groups. This is most usefully done at the referral/assessment stage.
Keep the pack somewhere safe during the course of the groups.
Return the pack to the child and mother at the end of the last group so they can fill out the remainder of the information.
PLEASE remember to give the children and mothers the information sheet (you can tear this out of the pack). Keep the consent form in the pack. We will separate these from the data when we receive them.
What do you do with the information pack once it’s been completed?
- Packs: please post completed packs to the following address:
Dr Sevasti-Melissa Nolas
Department of Social Work (Rm EH228)
School of Education and Social Work
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QQ
- Demographics excel sheet: please email this sheet to
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team at Middlesex or Jo Sharpen at AVA if you have further queries about the questionnaires.
Sevasti-Melissa NolasTel: 01273 678569/
07989 330704 / Erin Sanders
Tel: 020 8411 5084 / Lucy Neville
Jo Sharpen
Tel: 020 7549 0275
Many thanks for helping us implement the quantitative strategy of the evaluation.
Your support and corporation is invaluable for helping us demonstrate the difference we know these groups can make to children and mothers.
Information Sheet for
Children and Young People Participating in the
AVA Community Groups
Information sheet for children
Please read this information carefully before deciding to talk to us.
What are we doing?
The adults who run the groups that you are going to participate in would like to find out what difference these groups make to you. They are working with some other adults at Middlesex University who will help them to find out what difference these groups make to children and young people.
What will I have to do?
We will ask you to answer some questions about how you feel at the moment and what you think about certain things. There are no right or wrong answers. This is about what you feel or think. We will ask you the same questions when the groups have finished.
Why would we like you to answer these questions?
We would like to know what difference coming to the group makes to you. We want to collect as much information as possible about that difference so that we can make the groups the best that they can be for other children and young people.
Do I have to respond to the questions?
No. You do not have to respond to the questions if you do not want to. You can also change your mind about respondingto these questions. If you decide not to respond this will not affect you or your mum and you can still come to the groups. You can tell your mum or group leader if you don’t want to respond to the questions.
Will others be able to tell it was me who responded to the questions?
No. We do not ask you for your name on the response sheets. This means that no one can tell it is you who told us something. We are interested in what all children and young peoplefeel and think before and after coming to the groups and we look at this information from all children and young people together. This means that we will not tell others what you have told us.
What will happen to what I tell you?
The information you give us will be stored safely on a computer at Middlesex University. Only the adults working on this project will have access to the information. We will use the information you give us to find out what children and young people think about the groups and how the groups can be made better.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee at Middlesex University.
Further information and contact details:
Dr Sevasti-Melissa Nolas (Project Leader)
Department of Social Work (Rm EH228)
University of Sussex,
BrightonBN1 9QQ
Tel: 01273 678569
Consent form for young people
Title of research: Evaluation of the Children and Young People’s Community Group Workshops
Name of researcher:
Please put a tick next to each statement:
- I have read/someone has explained to me and I understand the information sheet for the above study. I have had time to think about the information, ask questions and I am happy with the answers I have been given.
- I understand that I do not have to take part if I don’t want to. I also understand that I am free to change my mind about taking part at any time and I do not have to explain why I’ve changed my mind. Changing my mind will not affect me or my mum and we can still come to the groups.
- I understand that some information about me (e.g. how old I am, if I’m a girl or a boy, or where I come from) may be shared by the group leader with the researchers from Middlesex University. This information will be “anonymous” which means that it will never be linked to the real me (e.g. my name or where I live). I give permission for such information to be shared anonymously and analysed by the research team.
- I agree to take part in the above study.
- I do not wish to take part in the above study.
Name of participant Date Signature
Name of researcherDate Signature
Thank you for agreeing to take part in the evaluation of the Children and Young People’s Community Group Workshops
Further information and contact details:
Dr Sevasti-Melissa Nolas (Project Leader)
Department of Social Work (Rm EH228)
University of Sussex,
BrightonBN1 9QQ
Tel: 01273 678569
Before group (time 1)
AVA Community Group Programme Questionnaire
Part 1
Read the sentences below. Do you agree with them? Circle your answer.
- Some fighting and hitting (between a dad/boyfriend and a mum) is OK
TrueNot sureFalse
- Violence happens in a lot of families
TrueNot sureFalse
- An argument can clear the air and settle things
TrueNot sureFalse
- Sometimes, mums do things they deserve to be hit for
TrueNot sureFalse
- Children are to blame if dad/boyfriend hits mum
TrueNot sureFalse
- Children should try to stop parents from fighting and hurting
TrueNot sureFalse
Part 2
- If the adults in your house were fighting, what could you do to keep safe?
- Would you try to stop the fighting?
YesNot sureNo
Part 3
Read the following statements. What do you do when you are angry with someone? How often do you do this? Draw a circle around your answer:
All the time (5)Lots of times (4)Sometimes (3)Not a lot (2)Never (1)
a)I tell someone when I’m angry with them
b)Get help to settle the problem
c)Plan to get back at the person
d)Shout or scream at the person
e)Hit, punch or kick
f)Go away to calm down
g)Break or throw things
h)Try to think of how the other person feels
- Anna and John can hear their Dad and Mum arguing downstairs. Dad is angry that the house is in a mess. Anna and John are in their rooms. They can hear the fight getting worse. They hear a smashing sound. They hear their Mum shout, “why did you break that?” Then they hear their Dad hitting their Mum.
a)What should Anna and John do? Circle your answer:
i) Go downstairs and break up the fight
ii) Ring 999
iii) Telephone a neighbour or relative for help
iv) Stay in a safe place and stay out of the fight
b)Whose fault is it that their Mum is getting hit?
ii) Dad’s
iii) Anna and John’s
iv) No one’s
Thank you for sharing your views with us!
Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People
Child and Adolescent Version
8 to 18 Years
Date: ______
Month Year
How are you? How do you feel? This is what we would like you to tell us.
Please read every question carefully. What answer comes to your mind first? Choose the box that fits your answer best and cross it.
Remember: This is not a test so there are no wrong answers. It is important that you answer all the questions and also that we can see your marks clearly. When you think of your answer please try to remember the last week.
You do not have to show your answers to anybody. Also, nobody who knows you will look at your questionnaire once you have finished it.
female male
Yes / Which one? ______
About Your Health
1. / Have you felt fit and well? / not at all/ slightly
/ moderately
/ very
/ extremely
2. / Have you felt full of energy? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
3. / Have you felt sad? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
4. / Have you felt lonely? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
5. / Have you had enough time for yourself? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
6. / Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
7. / Have your parent(s) treated you fairly? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
8. / Have you had fun with your friends? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
9. / Have you got on well at school? / not at all
/ slightly
/ moderately
/ very
/ extremely
10. / Have you been able to pay attention? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
very good
After group (time 2)
AVA Community Group Programme Questionnaire
Part 1
Read the sentences below. Do you agree with them? Circle your answer.
- Some fighting and hitting (between a dad/boyfriend and a mum) is OK
TrueNot sureFalse
- Violence happens in a lot of families
TrueNot sureFalse
- An argument can clear the air and settle things
TrueNot sureFalse
- Sometimes, mums do things they deserve to be hit for
TrueNot sureFalse
- Children are to blame if dad/boyfriend hits mum
TrueNot sureFalse
- Children should try to stop parents from fighting and hurting
TrueNot sureFalse
Part 2
- If the adults in your house were fighting, what could you do to keep safe?
- Would you try to stop the fighting?
YesNot sureNo
Part 3
Read the following statements. What do you do when you are angry with someone? How often do you do this? Draw a circle around your answer:
All the time (5)Lots of times (4)Sometimes (3)Not a lot (2)Never (1)
i)I tell someone when I’m angry with them
j)Get help to settle the problem
k)Plan to get back at the person
l)Shout or scream at the person
m)Hit, punch or kick
n)Go away to calm down
o)Break or throw things
p)Try to think of how the other person feels
- Anna and John can hear their Dad and Mum arguing downstairs. Dad is angry that the house is in a mess. Anna and John are in their rooms. They can hear the fight getting worse. They hear a smashing sound. They hear their Mum shout, “why did you break that?” Then they hear their Dad hitting their Mum.
c)What should Anna and John do? Circle your answer:
i) Go downstairs and break up the fight
ii) Ring 999
iii) Telephone a neighbour or relative for help
iv) Stay in a safe place and stay out of the fight
d)Whose fault is it that their Mum is getting hit?
ii) Dad’s
iii) Anna and John’s
iv) No one’s
Thank you for sharing your views with us!
Health Questionnaire for Children and Young People
Child and Adolescent Version
8 to 18 Years
Date: ______
Month Year
How are you? How do you feel? This is what we would like you to tell us.
Please read every question carefully. What answer comes to your mind first? Choose the box that fits your answer best and cross it.
Remember: This is not a test so there are no wrong answers. It is important that you answer all the questions and also that we can see your marks clearly. When you think of your answer please try to remember the last week.
You do not have to show your answers to anybody. Also, nobody who knows you will look at your questionnaire once you have finished it.
female male
Yes / Which one? ______
About Your Health
1. / Have you felt fit and well? / not at all/ slightly
/ moderately
/ very
/ extremely
2. / Have you felt full of energy? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
3. / Have you felt sad? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
4. / Have you felt lonely? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
5. / Have you had enough time for yourself? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
6. / Have you been able to do the things that you want to do in your free time? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
7. / Have your parent(s) treated you fairly? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
8. / Have you had fun with your friends? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always
9. / Have you got on well at school? / not at all
/ slightly
/ moderately
/ very
/ extremely
10. / Have you been able to pay attention? / never
/ seldom
/ quite often
/ very often
/ always