Dorset Mind, 3 Stratfield Saye, 20-22 Wellington Road. Bournemouth. BH8 8JN
Young People Befriending Service
Contract between Befriending Volunteer & Befriending Client
This is a contract between the Young Person Befriending Client their parent/ guardian/ or carer and the Befriending Volunteer. Please read through this contract together and sign it at the bottom once you are confident that you understand and agree to the terms and expectations contained. “The client” refers to yourself (the young person who has been referred).
Client Name:
Volunteer Name:
1) Expectations
a) Dorset Mind’s expectations of Befriending Clients are:
- Clients arrive on time for their appointments
- If clients are unable to attend a session that the Befriending Volunteer will be informed as soon as possibleby phone
- Clients refrain from the use of drugs/alcohol prior to their meeting
- Clients respect their environment and their Befriending Volunteer
- Clients do not bring any one else with them to their Befriending Meetings
- Clients do not bring any pets to a Befriending Meeting unless this has been discussed written permission by Dorset Mind has been agreed in advance
- Clients communicate with Volunteers a) using the agreed means of communication b) only communicate to arrange meeting times and places
- Clients will meet volunteers at the agreed time and place
b) Dorset Mind’s Commitment to the Befriending Client (young person):
- Volunteer Befrienders will arrive on time for their appointments
- If Volunteers are unable to attend a session that the Befriending Volunteer will inform the client as soon as possible and will also inform the parent/ guardian/ carer in the unlikely event that a Befriending Client has made their way to an agreed place for an appointment
- Befriending Volunteers do not under any circumstance bring anyone else to a befriending appointment
- Befriending Volunteers do not under any circumstance bring any pets to a befriending appointment without written prior permission from Dorset Mind and the Befriending Client
- Volunteers communicate with Befriending Clients a) using the agreed means of communication b) only communicate to arrange meeting times and places
- Clients will meet volunteers at the agreed time and place
- The Befriending Clients identify, personally identifiable information and written information will be held in the strictest confidence at all times and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. This includes both identifiable and non-identifiable data.
- In the event of being made aware of risks to the Befriending Client/ a vulnerable adult or any other child the Volunteer will inform their Line Manager to discuss the appropriate course of action
- All information held about Befriending clients will be held in the strictest of confidence at all times and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. This includes both identifiable and non-identifiable data. (Please see Dorset Mind Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy’s)
2) What to expect within the Dorset Mind Young People Befriending Service:
The Dorset Mind Young People Befriending Service will involve an initial consultation and assessment between the client (you, below) and the Dorset Mind Young People Befriending Coordinator. Further to meeting the referral criteria and being offered the service, the client will be matched with a suitable Dorset Mind Befriending Volunteer.
Subsequently, the client and the Dorset Mind Befriending Volunteerwill engage in agreed upon activities previously arranged in the community. The activities undertaken will depend on your individual needs, goals, and affordability as identified in your Wellbeing Wheel and will take place in the community.
Befriending usually takes placefor 2 hours (approx) a fortnight over the course of 6 months to 1 year.
3) Communication between meetings between client and volunteer:
The preferred means of communicating arrangements about Befriending Sessions is by (please circle): email/ text
Client Mobile Contact Number:
Volunteer Mobile Contact Number:
Client email address:
Volunteer Email address:
Email/ text will be used to arrange meetings between volunteer and client. However, the agreed mobile phones and numbers must be used to cancel an appointment or to inform each other that you will be late to a meeting. Communication between volunteer and client through the agreed means must be only to arrange meeting times/dates – this is to ensure client and volunteer safety, confidentiality and clear boundaries. Breaching this will result in the match suitability being reviewed.
4) Meeting conditions:
a) Meeting places
Meetings will take place in the community and must never take place at or involve going into a client’s or volunteershome under any circumstances. Where a client (young person) experiences anxiety a Befriender may agree to meet a client in a public place as close to a Befriending Client’s house as possible but must never involve going into their home under any circumstances.
A befriending volunteer cannot allow a befriending client in their car under any circumstances, nor can the client drive the volunteer.
b) Missed meetings:
If clients miss more than two meetings without ample notice (e.g. prior to the volunteer leaving to attend the appointment) the match may be reviewed, and a decision could be made about whether the match continues.
c) Confidentiality:
Dorset Mind Young People Befriending Service is a confidential service and this confidentiality is maintained unless we are made aware of information that reveals that the Befriending Client, a vulnerable adult or another person may be at risk. We will always try and discuss our concerns directly with each client if appropriate, and what may need to happen next (if anything).
Confidentiality and the boundaries of this are explicitly explained to you. We will not be able to disclose any information to parents/carers/guardians without client consent – unless there are safeguarding concerns or risks. If there are concerns or risks we will immediately take the action that is most appropriate, in accordance with Dorset Mind’s policies and procedures. This includes informing other professionals who are working with the Young Person if there are concerns about the young person’s safety or wellbeing (including mental health).
d) Reviews:
The Befriending Volunteers are all 18+ and are provided with mandatory training from Dorset Mind. The Volunteers provide one-to-one support that promotes social inclusion and encourages young people to access their own community and create social opportunities, to thereby increase their self-confidence and social interactions. Reviews take place every 3 months, which help to ensure that matches are progressing successfully and to identify future goals and any further sources of support.
e) Data Protection:
An update email summary will be completed by the Befriending volunteer and sent to the Young People Befriending Service Coordinator at the end of each session. These are brief notes, which will be retained for 3 months along with the referral after which point they will be archieved and retained for 5 years. If we are concerned that ayoung personis at risk of harm, we will follow the Dorset Mind Child Protection Policy. We retain statistical information about our clients electronically for 5 years. Any Child Protection reports we make are kept electronically and on paper, and are retained by Dorset Mind for 5 years.
f) Confidentiality
There are occasions when Dorset Mind will need to breach confidentiality by informing other relevant professionals in the event of being aware of:
- Risks to the Befriending Client and any other Child or Young Person
- Risks to a vulnerable adult
- A terrorist, drug trafficking or any other event which could be in the public interest to disclose
The people who will need to be informed may include the following;
- A befriending Clients General Practitioner
- The Police/ Paramedics/ other emergency service
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
- Steps to Wellbeing Professional
- Social Worker/ school nurse or counsellor
5) Compliments and Complaints:
If you would like to make an informalcomplaint, please inform: the Young People Befriending Service Coordinator or Dorset Mind Service Delivery Manager. If you would like to make a formal complaint, please do so in writing and address it to Marianne Storey at the above address
Young People Befriending Service
Befriending Volunteer & Befriending Client Contract
Declaration and consent
I have also read and understand the contract between the Befriending Volunteer and the Befriending client and the conditions contained therein (above).
Young PersonSignature: Date:
Young Person Parent/Carer/Guardian Signature:Date:
Befriending Volunteer Signature: Date:
Befriending Coordinator Signature: Date:
Dorset Mind Young People Befriending Service Contract November 2017 Page 1 | 4