Dear All,
You will no doubt be pleased to know that the very popular Youlbury outdoor activity and BBQ is coming up again on the 11th, 12th and 13th September 2015. This is great news as it is great fun and confidence building. The event is open to all families of all ages.
Friday night is available to stay over as families with children up to school year 6 from 6.00pm free of charge to enjoy the evening and get to know other families. Drinks and snacks will be available but we will not provide an evening meal. You may bring something to cook yourselves using the facilities at the centre if you wish. Breakfast will be provided on Saturday morning. Rooms will be allocated on a first come first served basis so please respond promptly if you would like to take up this option.
Saturday morning activities will probably be for families with younger children aged 6 -11years old and in the afternoon other older members of ODCS can join us for activities on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. This may change a little depending on numbers and room availability. Lunch will be provided on Saturday and a BBQ will follow the activities at the end of the afternoon both free of charge.
Sunday activities will finish for the FYD aged young people at 12.30 for departure at 1.00pm
Attached is a programme of activities for you to indicate your choice preference for each child. Preferences will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Maps, location and details of activities are available on the following website. . To look at details of the activities go to activities and click on the box to display details including age appropriateness. Please also write in any special dietary requirements on this sheet. I will then try and give you your choices as far as possible. Children are the responsibility of parents at all times. Most activities are lead by the Centre’s leaders and the youth leaders will be responsible if parents are not present for those aged between 12 and 25 as part of the FYD youth group.
The activity choices needs to be sent with the completed consent and medical form and returned to me as soon as possible please. You can do this by e-mail or post them to Townsend Cottage, 70 North Street, Marcham, Oxon OX13 6NQ. These forms are required for all participants please.
Overnight people will need warm sleeping bag (or single sheet/s and duvet/blankets), pillow, wash kit and towel, hearing aid/ cochlear implant batteries and medication.
If you are able and willing to make a contribution to the BBQ by way of a side dish or dessert /cake, again that would be much appreciated but please indicate this on the activities form to help us to plan.
Finally please feel free to phone/text or mail me if you have any questions 01865391594 or 07854641474.
We look forward to seeing you there,