1. Endorsement Standards

You will need to focus on knowledge and perfomance standards for your next relicensure period. Go to the website listed below. Select one knowledge and one performance standard for each endorsement area you are renewing. Copy and paste the chosen standards below.

  1. District Initiatives and Action Plans

You will also need to address the district initiatives and/or school or department action plans. You may need to contact you principal to get a copy of the current plan for your building. Select a minimum of two objectives that complement the standards chosen above. Copy these objectives exactly as they are written here.

3. Proposal

Reflect upon your students and classroom. Write a proposal that focuses on improving student performance over the next endorsement period. The proposal should identify the students’ needs and briefly explain how you plan to address the standards and objectives you’ve chosen above in step 1 and the action plan objectives in step 2. The proposal should include specific data that supports your proposal. Examples of acceptable data include

  • Your observation as classroom teacher
  • Observations and discussion with colleaugues
  • Accuracy of assigned work
  • Quality of completed work
  • Results of classroom quizzes, unit tests, projects
  • Results of standardized testing (e.g. NECAP, SAT, DRA)
  • Results of Vermont’s standards-based assessments (e. g. writing and math portfolios)
  • Results of local assessments (e.g. reading records)
  • Motivational and engagement issues (e.g. attendance, completion of class work and homework)
  • Behavioral issues, classroom management results ( transitions, office referrals, student social skills)
  • Learning styles, multiple intelligences
  • IEP accommodations needed for student success
  • Parent connections
  1. Goals

Write three individual goals indicating how you plan to meet your proposal. (Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound. (SMART Goals) No one goal necessarily addresses all five standards, however, all five standards must be addressed by the combination of goals.) Goals must:

  • Address Classroom data.
  • Strengthen professional knowledge and performance standards and practices for your area of endorsement(s).
  • Be aligned with district initiatives/ action plans.
  • Incorporate The FIVE STANDARDS FOR VERMONT EDUCATORS: A Vision for Schooling (a.k.a the “Apple Book” soon to be replaced by “Model Core Teaching Standards” ).
  1. Standards for Vermont Educators

Insert your individual goal numbers from above into the table below to indicate how they address each standard.

Standard / Goal Number

Revised Aug ‘07