Your job is to create a children’s book (ages 5-10) that focuses on on Internet Safety. Each page must have some type of title or question that describes certain aspects of the internet. Helpful Links: One, Two, Three, Four

Reminder: Keep your wording very simple and font and point size easy to read. Be colorful – use appropriate graphics.

Requirements for your book:

1)  Your book must have a title page with the title of the book, an appropriate graphic that relates to the internet safety, a catchy phrase, and a By line.

2)  Your inside cover must include a specialized message to your Student at LES.

3)  You must have one page on each point and a total of 10 points will need to be discussed – Title, Description, Picture for each page (use White Space)

4)  Use appropriate graphics and fonts – colors – but keep it simple. Remember, to use the same font scheme on each page of the book.

5)  The book must be error-free before printing.

6)  Include your names as the authors (Title Page)

7)  Once approved by the teacher each book will be printed and bound together and sent to your exact Student at LES.

Evaluation: You book will be graded using the attached rubric.

Children’s Internet Safety Book / POSSIBLE POINTS / POINTS RECEIVED
Title Page:
Title: Internet Safety / 5
Appropriate Graphic / 5
Catchy child appropriate phrase / 5
By Line (Your Name) / 5
Content Pages:
Inside Cover is addressed to LES student and includes a specialized message / 10
10 Internet Safety Tips in child friendly terminology / 50
Colorful appropriate graphics on each page / easy to read font / 10
Professional Layout – Good Use of White Space / 5
Other Requirements
Book is appropriately bound / No Pts.
Spelling and Grammar – 0 Errors / 5
Total Points for Book Project / 100