
Project: Storyboard


Description: A storyboard is a series of drawings that lay out the sequence of events and scenes for a film. Your job is to imagine that you are planning an educational film about genocide. Use a story board to show your plans for characters, setting and plot.

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____/ 25 : 8 hand-drawn cells of high artistic quality (shows clear character, setting, and conflict).

_____/ 15 : The cells work together to tell a meaningful story meant to educate the viewer.

_____/ 20 : Each cell has a typed caption of 3-5 sentences explaining the event or image within the cell.

_____/ 25 : Includes a 1 page essay about the genocide researched using the 5 W’s and H.

_____/15: The essay is organized using compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure.

Points earned: ______/ 100


Project: Pamphlet


Description: Pamphlets are a popular way to inform and educate people about an issue. They are graphically appealing and provide short, easy-to-read passages that capture the eyes and minds of a specific audience. Create a 3-fold pamphlet (using Microsoft Publisher) to raise awareness about genocide.

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____ / 10 : Pamphlet is computer generated as a tri- fold paper.

_____ / 20 : Each page contains a carefully selected graphic with caption related to the topic on that page.

_____/10 : At least 4 types of text features are used to make the information easy for the reader to follow.

_____/10: Information is presented in either compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure.

_____/ 35 : Each page is full of well-written text meant to inform the reader about the topic. (10 or 12 point font)

_____/15: Information is accurate; proper grammar and conventions are used.

Points earned: ____/ 100


Project: Speech


Description: Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton. These are famous figures that have known the effect a well planned speech can have on an audience. Your job is to write and deliver a powerful and emotionally charged speech about your topic, genocide.

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____ / 30 : The 500-1000 word speech (that’s 1-2 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font) is neatly typed and uses correct grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.

_____ / 30 : The speaker uses a strong, authoritative writing voice to inform the audience about their topic or convince their audience to become aware of the topic (using loaded language).

____ / 15 : The speech is well organized in either compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure.

____ / 25 : The speech is enthusiastically and professionally delivered to the class.

Points earned: _____/ 100


Project: Painting


Description: They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Visual art is one of the most exciting and far-reaching modes we have as humans to express out internal thoughts and feelings. By creating art, the artist hopes to convey and recreate a particular feeling or moment for their viewers. Your job is to create a work of art which, through color, texture and theme, can raise awareness about genocide.

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____ / 25 : The original painting clearly depicts a theme related to the chosen topic. Elements such as color, brush strokes, and lines are carefully used to develop mood in the painting.

_____ / 25 : The painting is accompanied by a 2 paragraph explanation of the painting (what it is of, what colors and pictures symbolize, and how it will be used to educate or raise awareness about the topic).

_____/30: Includes a 1 page essay about the genocide researched using the 5 W’s and H. The essay is organized using compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure.

_____ / 20 : The painting is of high artistic quality and reflects the time devoted to it.

Points earned: ____/ 100

(Visit this site to view in color and see more examples!)


Project: Children’s Book


Description: As you know, your job is to educate and raise awareness about genocide in this project. Have you ever thought about how you might do that with younger children? Much of the reading and viewing you have done in this unit would be too upsetting for a 1st or 2nd grader. However, many authors have taken on such themes as death and divorce and presented them in a way that these young children can understand. Your job is to create a children’s book that will begin to help children understand the concept of genocide.

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____/ 10 : The children’s book has a solid cover and back, with a minimum of 10 pages of text

_____/ 30 : Each page contains 5 or more typed sentences and an appropriate graphic (can be hand-drawn or computer-generated) of high artistic quality.

_____/ 20 : The graphics and language used is age-appropriate for the audience (ages 5-8).

_____/ 20 : The book educates or raises awareness about the topic in an appropriate manner using an original set of symbols (as in an allegory).

_____/10: The book uses compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure.

_____/10: The final page of the book provides a key to the story, explaining how individual symbols relate to aspects of your genocide research.

Points earned: ____/ 100

Some examples to get you started:

The Butter Battle Book by Dr. Seuss

The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss

The Terrible Things by Eve Bunting

Project: Mobile


Description: A mobile is a craft that can hang from the ceiling and has several pieces hanging from it. You can use a variety of resources to make the mobile, such as coat hangers, popsicle sticks, straws, paper clips, real sticks, etc. For this project, you will ‘hang’ researched information and images about the genocide from the mobile. This will create a beautiful display for your presentation!

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____/ 20 : At least 8 images (hand drawn and/or printed) hang from the mobile. They are good quality and are mounted (on card stock for example).

_____/ 20 : Each of the 8 images has a corresponding 3-5 sentence ‘caption’ attached to the reverse side or located elsewhere in the mobile.

_____/ 10 : The images and ‘captions’ work together to tell the story of the genocide and educate the viewer.

_____/ 25 : The written elements are written in complete sentences, are edited, and contain factual information found in your research.

_____/15: The mobile is organized using compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure. (Think about using color coding or number/ letter coding to help the viewer follow each part in order!)

____/ 10: Overall, the mobile is neat and has been ‘crafted’ to be publicly displayed.

Points earned: ______/ 100

You may want to visit this website for mobile ideas and directions (or get creative and make your own design)!

Project: T-shirt and Advertisement


Description: When catastrophic events occur, such as genocides, products and advertisements are often created to educate and raise awareness. You will design a T-shirt that raises awareness about your genocide topic. Then, you will create an advertisement that educates others about the genocide in greater detail that convinces readers to “purchase” your T-shirt.

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____/ 10 : The front of the T-shirt includes an appropriate ORIGINAL symbol (picture) to represent the genocide as well as an ORIGINAL slogan (motto or catchy phrase used to grab the buyer’s attention).

_____/ 15 : The back of the T-shirt includes 4 graphic aids with informational captions of 2-4 sentences (these should include facts from your notes, not just telling what the picture is of).

_____/10: The language used in the advertisement is persuasive and uses research information to convince readers to “buy” the T-shirt in order to help raise awareness about your genocide topic.

_____/ 25 : The advertisement provides additional research information about the genocide that answers the 5 W’s and 1 H. A minimum of 2 different types of text features are used to help present this information.

_____/ 10 : The T-shirt and advertisement is visually pleasing and is worn on the presentation day.

_____/30 Includes a 1 page essay about the genocide researched using the 5 W’s and H. The essay is organized using compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure.

Points earned: ______/ 100


Project: Musical Performance


Description: They say a picture is worth a thousand words- but what about a SOUND? Music is one of the most popular and far-reaching modes we have as humans to express out internal thoughts and feelings. By creating music, the musicians hope to convey and recreate a particular feeling or moment for their listeners. Your job is to create a piece of music which, through rhythm, melody, tone, and/ or, can raise awareness about genocide.

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____ / 25 : The 1-3 minute piece is an original composition with melodies, tones, and rhythms that reflect the story of the genocide (and lyrics, if sung).

_____/ 25 : The composition is accompanied by a 2-3 paragraph, detailed explanation of the reasoning behind the melodies, tones, and rhythms (and lyrics if applicable).

_____/30: Includes a 1 page essay about the genocide researched using the 5 W’s and H. The essay is organized using compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure.

_____ / 20 : The composition will be enthusiastically and professional performed for an audience on presentation day.

Points earned: _____/ 100


Project: Musical Performance – Includes Vocals


Description: Vocal music is one of the most popular and far-reaching modes we have as humans to express out internal thoughts and feelings. By creating music, the musicians hope to convey and recreate a particular feeling or moment for their listeners. Your job is to create a piece of music which, through rhythm, melody and lyrics, can raise awareness about genocide.

You will be graded on the following aspects:

_____ / 20 : The 1-3 minute piece is an original composition by the group reflecting the efforts and contribution of each group member.

_____/ 20 : The melodies, tones, rhythms, and lyrics used are a reflection of a story the writer’s want to tell about the topic.

_____/ 20 : The composition is accompanied by typed lyrics. The lyrics have been chosen for their depth, musical quality, and relation to the theme (not because they rhyme or fill-in the spaces).

_____/20: A 2-3 paragraph research essay is included which gives a detailed explanation of the themes and topic the song was inspired by (your researched genocide). Information is provided in compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence/time order, or description/list text structure.

_____/ 20 :The composition will be enthusiastically and professional performed for the class.

Points earned: _____/ 100