Density Lab
You will be asked to determine the density of three different substances. The element sulfur can be found as a fine powder, but you will be given chunks in various sizes. You will also have to find the density of rubber; again, you will be given rubber stoppers of various sizes. Finally, you will need to find the density of various pieces of glass. Before you perform this lab you will have to prepare the following:
- What information is needed to determine the density of an object? In order to measure these values, what pieces of equipment will you need? Prepare a list of all materials needed.
- The next task is to think about how to get this information, in other words, the procedure of the lab. Carefully write down the steps you will follow to determine the density of the objects.
**Directions should be clear enough that any other students could follow them. Don’t leave anything out!
- Hint: you should perform at least 3 trials for each substance,thentake the average of the three densities.
- The objects you are given are irregular in shape. The volume is not measured directly.
- You may find that when you actually do the lab, you may need to rewrite some of the steps.
Upon completion of the lab you will have to submit a lab report. It should include the following:
Data(all measurements should be recorded with the correct number of significant figures)
Also, you must graph the data of all your trials. Be sure to label your axes and to use a ruler to make the lines of the graph. You should also have a key to represent all three lines.
The conclusion should include the following information:
- Percent error for you average density of each material.
- Examine data and determine why you did not get the perfect answer (sources of error). Were any of your calculations significantly different from the others? Why? How did the error affect your data?
Hint: Error comes from accuracy/precision of equipment along with the way you performed the lab.
- What further investigations might this lead to? Is there a way to improve this lab? What would you do differently next time?
- As in all labs, discuss key concepts from class that were demonstrated or investigated in this lab.
Density Data Sheet
Size of Graduate / Smallest Increment / Mass of Glass / Volume of Water / Volume of water + glass / Volume of glass / Density of glassAccepted Value: ______Average Density: ______
Percent Error:
Size of Graduate / Smallest Increment / Mass of Sulfur / Volume of Water / Volume of Water + Sulfur / Volume of Sulfur / Density of SulfurAccepted Value: ______Average Density: ______
Percent Error:
Rubber Stopper:
Size of Graduate / Smallest Increment / Mass of Stopper / Volume of Water / Volume of Water + Stopper / Volume of Stopper / Density of StopperAccepted Value: ______Average Density: ______
Percent Error: