Asset Management

No.25 December 2008


Welcome to the first issue of ‘RAMM Newsletter from the Asset Management Team’ (formerly ‘A Message to the Flock’) since the formation of the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). In this issue we have:

·  Merging of RAMM Databases

·  New Issue of the State Highways Database Operations Manual

·  Maintenance and Safety Intervention Strategies

·  Monthly Activity Reporting

Merging of Databases

In September we began merging the eight RAMM databases into one. At present we have six NZTA RAMM databases, each more or less corresponding with the six NZTA Regions. By Christmas, we hope to have one database for each of the Highways and Network Operations zones (Auckland, Waikato-Bay of Plenty, Central and Southern) and by March there should only be one database for the whole country.

We have attached a full plan for merging the databases to the email accompanying this issue. While any two databases are being merged, you will be unable to update either of them. We shall inform relevant NZTA RAMM Champions, Area Engineers and company RAMM Champions closer to the time, whenever two databases are to be merged.

New Issue of the State Highway Database Operations Manual

We intend to send out a new revised edition of the State Highway Database Operations Manual before Christmas along with the new Asset Information Annual Planner. Changes in the new edition include:

-  revised Access and Communications Policies, which are now part of the main manual;

-  new lookups; and

-  the Asset Information Annual Planner for 2009.

Maintenance and Safety Intervention Strategies

At present, there are cases where the same maintenance or safety intervention code is used in different areas, but its meaning differs from area to area. We need these codes to be consistent for the whole country, so we have decided to standardise them. Where there are changes, we shall change the safety and maintenance intervention strategies in the relevant forward works programmes. The list of standard codes is overleaf.

Note This list will not stop you from devising new intervention strategies. If you want to create a new maintenance or safety intervention strategy please contact your NZTA RAMM Champion.

Monthly Activity Reports

Please remember that consultants and PSMC contractors must provide an Asset Activity Data Form every month to their Area Engineer or NZTA RAMM Champion every month. The idea of this form is to show Area Engineers that RAMM is being updated regularly to record the changes to NZTA’s roading assets such surfacing, guard rail installation and sign replacement.

Area Engineers and RAMM Champions Please ensure that your consultants or PSMC contractors provide explanations for changes listed in the Asset Activity Data Form (eg., reseals, names of area wide treatments). If there are no changes there should be an explanation why.

Over the next few months, Michelle Cousins from MWH will be assisting with many of the day-to-day duties of the Asset Database Administrator. This includes following up outstanding deliverables.


Warwick Taylor (04) 894-6364

Philip Blagdon (04) 894-6337

Ross Allen (04) 894-6313

New Maintenance and Safety Intervention Strategy Codes

A. Maintenance Intervention Strategies

2D Resurfacing

A Pre-Reseal Repairs

B Normal Maintenance Strategy

C Selective Maintenance Strategy

D Holding Strategy

E Specified Maintenance Strategy

H Holding Strategy

HR Holding, rehab or shape correction

HW Holding, seal widening

IM Improvements

M Specified method

N Normal maintenance

P Pre-Reseal Repairs

PV Preventative Maintenance

R Restricted Maintenance

RH Rehabilitation Projects

RS Resurfacing

S Special

SR Resurfacing

U Recycle next Treatment Year 1

V Vulnerable seal

W Recycling Last Treatment Done

B. Safety Intervention Strategies

1S Flushed Seal

2S Polished Seal

4S Pavement Marking

5S Delineation

6S Vegetation Control

7S Safe Worksite

8S Crash Repairs

9S Slip Repairs

A Accidents

AL Bad Alignment

B Bleeding

BD Bleeding and Debris

BS Bleeding and Susidence

C Signs and Delineation

D Debris/Detritus

DF Debris and Flooding

F Flooding

G Geometrics

GR Guard Rail

H High Winds

I Ice/Snow

IB Ice in Winter, Bleed in Summer

IN Intersection Improvements

L Lighting

MS Safety Stuff

N Normal Maintenance

NC Network Safety Coordination Length

P Pavement

R Crash Rate Abnormal for Cornering

RA Accident Rate

S Subsidence

S3 Roadside Signage

SA Safety

SD SCRIM def > 0.05

SH Shoulder Widening

SL Slip Prone Areas

SW Seal Widening

T Texture

V Vegetation

W Water

Z Network Wide

Asset Management Section