You Tube Video Assignment
Adapted Physical Education
Dr. Cummiskey
Go to and search for videos pertaining to the disabilities listed below and meeting the following criteria:
- Be between 2:30 and 10:00 long
- Show individuals with the disability
- Provide valuable information which can teach your colleagues about the disability
Avoid videos that promote products, demonstrate a lack of respect for individuals with disabilities, or feature non-disabled individuals merely talking about a disability. Videos that are vulgar, inappropriate, or lewd should of course be avoided. Videos relating to education or physical activity are encouraged but not required.
You must select 5 videos with no more than one video per disability. After you select a video, check in Vista to ensure that another classmate has not selected the same video; you will not be given credit for duplicate submissions. Enter the web address for the video into the message section of the discussion titled “YouTube Video Sign-Up.” The videos you select will be examined later so pick only appropriate ones.
For each video, submit a half-page write-up (single spaced) consisting of two paragraphs. In the first, summarize the video. In the second, specifically explain why the video provides valuable information which would help future physical educators effectively instruct individuals with that disability. Include the web address and durationof the video in your write-up. Fit two summaries onto a single page.
The purpose of this assignment is to expose teacher candidates to real individuals with disabilities. Select not only appropriate videos but also those that expand your knowledge base. If you already have a good grasp of ADHD, pick another category. That is why several disabilities are listed including ones not addressed in class.
To Hand-in:
- A print copy of your submission on the due date (include URL in write-up)
- Your submission as an email attachment in Word 97-03 format
List of Disabilities:
Amputation & Orthopedic Impairments
Autism Spectrum Disorders (more severe)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (less severe-Asperger's)
Cerebral Palsy
Cystic Fibrosis
Down Syndrome
Emotional Disturbed
Fragile X
Hearing Impaired
Learning Disabilities
Muscular Dystrophy
Severely Disabled (non-specific general category)
Spinal Cord Injury or Spina Bifida
Traumatic Brain Injury
Visually Impaired
Grading Rubric for You Tube Assignment
Name: ______
Category/Point Value / Insufficient / Developing / TargetSummary (2) / Summary omits portions of the video, does not accurately represent the video, or is out of sequential order / Summary slightly overemphasizes or deemphasizes portions of the video, order does not correspond accurately to video / Summary accurately represents major themes of the video in sequential order
Usefulness to Practitioners (3) / Video mostly includes individuals without disabilities, individuals do not demonstrate typical characteristics of the disability / Video evenly includes individuals with and without disabilities, some misalignment with typical characteristics of the disability / Individuals with disabilities are included throughout the majority of the video, individuals demonstrate typical characteristics
Written Expression (2) / Grammar errors are more frequent or interrupt expression of ideas, transitions are abrupt or unclear, language is verbose or confusing / Occasional grammar error, transitions and expression of ideas could be more clear / Grammatically correct, good sentence structure and transitions, clear articulation of ideas(2)
Time (2) / Video does not fall within specified time parameters / Video between 2:30 and 10:00 in length
Web address (1) / Not included / Included
**No credit if the write-up is not proper length or the video inappropriately represents individuals with disabilities.