August 10, 2010
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Law Enforcement User’s Group was held at Dover Police Department, Dover, DE 19904. Ms. Lynn Gedney called the meeting to order at 9:36 a.m. Those in attendance included:
Lynn Gedney DELJIS Nicole Wilson DELJIS
Donna Massey Seaford PD David Moyer DNREC/ECU
Terry Helsel Capitol PD Michael Hibbert DSP/Troop 9
John Bell DELJIS Dawn Lynch Rehoboth PD
Dominic Carretto DELJIS Elizabeth Parsons Dover PD
Renee Rigby DSP/SBI Mary Sheppard DSP/SBI
David Hopkins Newark PD Tammy Hyland DSP Planning
Michael Wysock DSP/HQ Robert Fox DSFM
Kathy Bates JP Court Dave Elwood DSP/Troop 3
A motion to approve the minutes from the June 15, 2010 Law Enforcement User’s Group meeting was made by Ms. Renee Rigby and seconded by Sgt. Terry Helsel. The group unanimously approved the minutes and the motion was carried.
Automated System Usage Statistics –The statistics were reviewed by LEUG attendees. Please refer to attachment.
DELJIS Development Progress Report - An overview of the Development Progress Report was given to the attendees so they could track progress on action items listed. Please refer to attached report.
NIBRS – Ms. Renee Rigby stated that everything is working much better and that some errors were found in the programming. A change was made and when the reports are completed; there will be a more updated report of progress.
E-TICKET – Cpl. Mike Hibbert asked for a request in reference to the population field for the “state” field to have some logic made to set the “state” as a default for the most commonly used and not to have to continue to use the drop down feature for offender and victim.
LEISS.Net – Mr. Dominic Carretto stated that LEISS.Net will make the changes in the “state” field as well for the E-Ticket. Lt. Mike Wysock has wanted to know about the location field where the supplement can be added to include offender as unknown. Along with this was whether or not added the unknown into the field may have a rejection from the court and dismissed due to the unknown category. Ms. Renee Rigby wanted to know why it is needed for the report when the FBI requires the field to be populated. Also that this is not an easy task to complete but she will do some researching and see what she is able to present and accomplish. Ms. Donna Massey reported that the field service report has fields that are “grayed out” and if they appear while completing the report but then change the field service report to a crime report. Mr. Robert Fox wanted know about the incident page, the field where M.O. is required, if we can add the spell check feature as we have on other fields. Mr. Dominic Carretto stated the technology is over ten years of age making it difficult to find a way to change / update the fields. Also the referrals on the reports were discussed as to whether or not they referrals can be “pushed” from the login id reported; since there is no need for the feature, could possibly be changed or customized.
COGNOS – Mr. John Bell stated there are departments that have received tag reader cards and the access is limited to the police chief only and that the tags are downloaded as well as the stolen vehicle daily report. Individuals were deleting all of the zeros making it harder for the tags to be read. The zeros have been permanently removed. Lt. Wysock stated that the readers are not working at the moment and if there is any NCIC data that needs to be retrieved; that the request must be made to DSP, Mr. Mike McDonald. The needed data needs to be limited to the needs of the CJIS community and not some other venue.
E-Crash - Lt. Wysock stated that the expiration date for the operator’s license does not display as it does for the registration expiration date and wanted to know if this can be changed to be equal. Currently there is a list of charges that are viewable by using the “radio button” to see what they are but it can’t be reviewed in the narrative for traffic charges but is available in the criminal charges. So a question was raised as to whether or not the criminal charges can be added to the report even if it is traffic charges.
Ms. Elizabeth Parsons stated that the officers are still having issues of getting the locator code to show that the address has been sent already and that the report will come back with more locations. Mr. Carretto reviewed the location concern and stated that the officer can select to show the locations. Cpl. Elwood mentioned that he met with DELSoft about the errors on the locator tool. People are struggling with gaining the concept of turning on the GPS locator. Mr. John Bell stated that there can be some more training scheduled to accommodate the individuals that are in need of more time and reinforced that there is a manual that was created and approved located on the website.
Last discussion was in regards to the print out on the exchange form are not completed unless the form is approved. Therefore, a way must be pinpointed to allow the report to print before they are reviewed.
Automated Criminal Summons – Revision of the rules for the automated criminal summons are to be written but agencies have their own policies. Criminal summons cannot be on out of state people; the change in rules needs to be discussed with the Attorney General’s Office before anything can move forward. Mr. John Bell stated that the traffic charges being on a criminal summons was discussed with Judge Allen Davis and the decision for tile 21 charges was determined as not applicable. Although the decision was made there are officers who are still currently adding the traffic charges on the criminal summons and that some courts are turning the summons away while others decide to keep them.
With there being no further business to discuss, Lt. Wysock made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Donna Massey seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.
The next Law Enforcement User’s Group Meeting will be Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. at Dover Police Department, Public Assembly Room, 400 South Queen Street, Dover, Delaware