You should complete this proforma if you wish to notify the Society regarding changes you have made, or are planning to make, to your accredited programme(s)

You should return your completed document, together with any additional supporting information provided,by email

Your submission will be considered by members of the Partnership and Accreditation Team, who may refer your application for consideration by our reviewers. Dependent on the extent of the changes being outlined, we may request a full new programme submission.

1. The programme(s)

Full name of programme as it appears on award certificate / Mode of study (tick all that apply) / Intake from which change(s) will apply
Full-time / Part-time / Blended learning / Distance learning

If you are submitting changes that pertain to more than one accredited programme, please add further rows to this table as required.

2. The education provider

Name of awarding institution:
Academic unit(s) in which the provision is based:
Full address:
Email address:
Date of submission:

Contact details of the person responsible for notifying us of the change(s)

3. Changes to your provision

There are three categories of change that the Society needs to know about.Please indicate, below, which category/ies your change(s) pertain to, and provide a description of the change(s) as requested.

Overview of change(s)
Changes to learning outcomes and delivery
  • Changes to the way that the required core curriculum is addressed (e.g. new or redesigned mandatory components of the programme)
  • Changes to the overall student experience (e.g. change of mode of delivery).
  • Changes to the learning outcomes for mandatory psychology curriculum components (including those arising from a change to the module credit structure).
  • Temporary or permanent programme closure (i.e. not recruiting for more than one year).
/ Y/N
[delete as appropriate]
Changes to staffing and/or student numbers
  • ≥ 10% change in student/trainee numbers on the programme.
  • ≥ 10% change in staffing (i.e. turnover) and impact on the breadth of expertise across the programme.
  • Appointment of a new Programme Director or other change in programme leadership arrangements.
  • Change in placement co-ordinator for an accredited Doctoral programme.
  • Change to the administration or technical support arrangements for an accredited programme (e.g. from in-house to central/shared services).
/ Y/N
[delete as appropriate]
Changes to programme location and/or infrastructure
  • If a change to the structural or physical location of the programme results in the programme being delivered by a different programme team, the programme will need to be submitted for accreditation as new provision.
  • Any change to the physical location (base) of the programme that impacts on the primary resources (e.g. labs) to which it has access.
  • Any change to the structural location of the programme that could present a risk to the stability of the programme’s staffing base (e.g. mergers, staff redundancies).
/ Y/N
[delete as appropriate]
Description of change(s)
Please provide a description of the change(s), and how, in your view, the changes you have made or are proposing will enable the programme(s) to continue to meet the Society’s accreditation standards. Please also outline any internal review or decision-making processes that have applied, or will apply, to which the change(s) being notified.
Where appropriate and useful, you may provide additional supporting documentation (e.g. revised module templates, minutes or reports from relevant internal review or approval processes). Where this has been provided, please signpost it clearly in the description below.

4. Changes to programme leadership

If the change detailed above relates to a change to the person with overall professional and academic responsibility for the programme, or other key contact change (e.g. placement co-ordinator for an accredited Doctoral programme), please provide their details below, and a copy of their CV.

Email address:
CV appended: / Y/N [delete as appropriate; if N please provide brief explanation]

5. Confirmation

By submitting this proforma to the Society, the person named below confirms that all information relating to the changes being notified is accurate at the point of submission.

Signature (electronic):
Date of submission:

Please return your completed document, together with any additional supporting information provided, by email to


For office use only
Name of Partnership and Accreditation Officer:
Name of Committee(s):
Please indicate how the changes notified have been considered (highlight as appropriate):
Changes to learning outcomes and delivery / Office / Reviewers
Changes to the way that the required core curriculum is addressed (e.g. new or redesigned mandatory components of the programme). / ✗ / 
Changes to the overall student experience (e.g. change of mode of delivery). / ✗ / 
Changes to the learning outcomes for mandatory psychology curriculum components (including those arising from a change to the module credit structure). / ✗ / 
Temporary or permanent programme closure (i.e. not recruiting for more than one year). /  / If needed
Changes to staffing and/or student numbers / Office / Reviewers
≥ 10% change in student/trainee numbers on the programme. /  / If SSR breached
≥ 10% change in staffing (i.e. turnover) and impact on the breadth of expertise across the programme. / ✗ / 
Appointment of a new Programme Director or other change in programme leadership arrangements.
Undergraduate/conversion /  / If needed
Postgraduate / ✗ / 
Change in placement co-ordinator for an accredited Doctoral programme. /  / If needed
Change to the administration or technical support arrangements for an accredited programme (e.g. from in-house to central/shared services). / ✗ / 
Changes to programme location and/or infrastructure
Change to the structural or physical location of the programme that results in the programme being delivered by a different programme team / New programme submission
Any change to the physical location (base) of the programme that impacts on the primary resources (e.g. labs) to which it has access. / ✗ / 
Any change to the structural location of the programme that could present a risk to the stability of the programme’s staffing base (e.g. mergers, staff redundancies). / ✗ / 
Outcome: Approved/Rejected/Visit required [delete as appropriate]
Date: Please indicate the date of correspondence communicating the outcome to the education provider.