Research Paper Reference Sources (MLA Bibliography) Thursday2/12

You need at least 5 references

ONLY ONE source of information may be an encyclopedic source (examples on online encyclopedias: ,, ,

Wikipedia is a good source for ideas, but not a source for citable reference information and it will NOT be accepted.

 Blog sites are a good source for ideas, but not a source for citable reference information and they will NOT be accepted.

You must cite them within the text of your background research, so the earlier you have the bibliography done, the better off you will be when writing your paper. If your reference is not cited at least once in your paper it will not count toward the requirement (use the information and cite where it came from). When listing your sources of information, list them alphabetically. See MLA Format!!!

  • Write your reference in MLA Format:

Ex) Gauntt, Jennifer. "Music Therapist Works To Give A Voice To Children With Autism." Music Therapist Works To Give A Voice To Children With Autism. Sam Houston State University, 6 Feb. 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. <

These links are online MLA formatting sites:

What Makes a Good Reference?

1. Does the information support the requirements of the assignment?

2. Is the CONTENT of the book or site accurate and reliable?

3. Can you understand the information?

4. Is the source current? Not out of date?

5. Is your source specific and not too broad or too vague?

6. Who is the AUTHOR, what are their credentials?

7. Is the site commercial, educational, governmental, etc.? (.com, .edu, .gov, .org)

8. Can you access the information at home, if needed?

If you cannot find the information to answer these questions…your source is suspect and it is recommended that you find an alternative source that covers the same information.


Textbook, Book, Encyclopedia, websites (.gov, .org, .edu), articles (newspaper, journal, magazine), interview with an expert in the field, documentaries, expert podcast/radio show, etc.

Name: ______

Annotated Bibliography Template (Source #1)

Overall Topic: ______

Why Is This a Good Source? ______

MLA citation: ______


Type of Reference: ______

Subtopic / Summarize

Name: ______

Annotated Bibliography Template (Source #2)

Overall Topic: ______

Why Is This a Good Source? ______

MLA citation: ______


Type of Reference: ______

Subtopic / Summarize

Name: ______

Annotated Bibliography Template (Source #3)

Overall Topic: ______

Why Is This a Good Source? ______

MLA citation: ______


Type of Reference: ______

Subtopic / Summarize

Name: ______

Annotated Bibliography Template (Source #4)

Overall Topic: ______

Why Is This a Good Source? ______

MLA citation: ______


Type of Reference: ______

Subtopic / Summarize

Name: ______

Annotated Bibliography Template (Source #5)

Overall Topic: ______

Why Is This a Good Source? ______

MLA citation: ______


Type of Reference: ______

Subtopic / Summarize