You are never too small to make a big difference.

Welcome to Lake Oconee Academy Pre-K.

We are so excited to have you on our journey to help our students get involved in the global society in which we live, work, and play. We believe it is important for students to problem-solve, think critically, respond creatively, communicate appropriately, and collaborate with each other while allowing individual exploration. After all, we are preparing our students to become the innovators, creators, and designers of today and tomorrow!

In Pre-K we learn about the importance of using our “helping hands” in ways to help others. We also learn about the importance of respecting our teachers, school and community.

Please see the detailed directions attached that explains our summer project experience. It encourages ways in which our students can express an act of kindness and make a big difference in a small way.

Please contact the Pre-K Team with any questions or concerns.

– Pre-K Teacher

– Pre-K Teacher

–Lower School Director

Let’s Get Started. . .

Step 1- Read

Visit LOA’s library or your local library and read one of our favorite books, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. Please choose a favorite toy companion (action figure, stuffed animal, Barbie, baby doll etc.) to read this book with. You will also take them along on your summer experience showing your acts of kindness in the community.

Please discuss with your child the moral of this story that teaches children about giving and the importance of showing kindness to others.

Step 2- Think/Reflect

How will you spend your summer? Where will you go, what will you do to help others? We encourage you to participate in “Acts of Kindness” where you live, work, and play. Please choose at least one way to make a difference in the world. (A total of at least 1 act is required, but if you would like to do more, you may!)

See examples below:

Live (Home)

  • Grow a plant or a flower from a seed! Watch your plant grow!
  • Choose a chore that you can help with this summer: Make your bed, help feed your pets, dust, sort laundry
  • Explore your own backyard- What did you find?
  • Pick up trash near your home
  • Choose your own way to ‘serve’ at your home

Work (Community)

  • Bake cookies for local community helpers – firemen, policemen
  • Make a care package for the local ER (crayons and notepads)
  • Clean out your toys and donate them to your place of choice
  • Visit your local humane society; find out how you can help!
  • Visit your local nursing home
  • Choose you own way to ‘serve’ in your community

Play (Travel)

  • Take your companion on a journey (camp, traveling, sports) and document your experience.

Step 3- Document

Please document your “Acts of Kindness” and your summer experience! You may choose to make a journal, a scrapbook or a poster! You can add drawings, pictures, and writings. Be as creative as you would like, but remember this is your project, not mom and dad’s (but it is okay for them to help!) Please be prepared to share your project on the 1st day of Pre-K and bring your favorite companion to school with you!

Pre-K is such an exciting time! We cannot wait to watch your children grow and learn!

Please go over these additional summer work practice items with your child.

  • Trace and write your name (3 times per week)
  • Count to 10 and higher if you want!
  • Practice letter recognition (3 times per week)
  • Shape and color recognition
  • Scissors and gluing skills
  • If you wish, please download Starfall – an interactive website for kids.


“You’re never too old, too wacky, or too wild

to pick up a book and read to a child!”

(Read to your child daily)

Have a fantastic summer experience!!