Minutes of the Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Held Wednesday 20thApril 2016
12:00 – 13:00
Malcolm Beck (Chair)- Patient RepRichard Aslin- Patient Rep
Linda Nelson- Patient RepDr Adnan Akram- GP
Michelle Hartley- P ManagerJean Doult- Meds Manager
Maureen Phelan- Med SecretaryKaren Thompson- Administrator
Apologies: Janet Westmoreland - Patient Rep, John Johnstone – Patient Rep
Minutes of previous meeting held 20th January2015 agreed as a true record.
Matters arising
RA reported he had spoken to the local councillor from Brunshaw area regarding the flagstones for the ramp at the front of the premises to see if anything could be done with regards to the Councils insistence that these be removed and replaced with York stone under the List Building Consent Regulations. Lianne Pate did visit the surgery and has said she will investigate. Practice to not action until further instructions from Council received. MB is on the Civic Trust who are responsible for the local parks and they have removed York stone as it was too attractive for thieves.
MH reported performing rights licenses (PRS and PPL) now in place and background radio in the waiting areas.
Burnley Patient Participation Network
RA reported that ‘dementia’ was an area of discussion at the recent meeting and for Burnley to become more ‘dementia friendly’. The aim is to use the ‘emergency alarm’ buttons which are scattered around the town centre for use. RA to find a map which will show the locations of the buttons. Rob Dobson from Burnley Council is delivering the dementia initiative and can be contacted on .
All the staff at Yorkshire Street Medical Centre have completed the training and are ‘dementia friends’.
Medicines Manager staffing was also discussed at the recent BPPN, however the CCG have not responded to requests for a local forum/training session for all practices to join. The only response was to highlight the Pharmacy Technician Service available via East Lancashire Hospitals Trust whereby a technician is able to support patients with medication issues/concerns.
The District Nurses not carrying ‘supplies’ of routine dressings and medical items had also been discussed at the BPPN. No satisfactory response as yet been relayed to the Network except that the district nursing service fell under the remit of ELHT.
Staffing Changes
Dr Adnan Akram has now been appointed as the new partner GP at the Practice. Adnan started at the beginning of April but has worked at the practice as a locum GP in the recent past. Adnan will carry out surgeries on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays.
We are also looking to recruit a new practice nurse and this post is currently being advertised.
Sheila Holmes our Health Care Assistant has recently left the Practice. Sheila has worked at Yorkshire Street for over 20 years and was a valued member of our team. Sheila has moved to live nearer her daughter and all the team and the patient group extend their thanks and best wishes to Sheila and her family.
Jean our Medicines Manager will be retiring at the end of this year and the Practice is looking to train another member of the team to continue with the valuable work Jean has done so well.
Care Quality Commissioning
On the 9th February this year the Care Quality Commission inspected the Surgery. Members of the PPG were on hand to offer feedback to the inspectors. We recently received the report and are very happy to report that the Practice has scored overall ‘Good’ with one area of ‘outstanding’ for the care of ‘Families, children and young people. The report is available to view on the CQC website
Any other Business
RA reported that the system for receiving ‘discharge medications’ from ELHT has improved.
RA wanted to highlight an issue with ordering ‘warfarin’ whereby the patient ‘yellow book’ has to be presented to the practice each time of ordering. MH to see if the ‘warfarin clinic’ can be linked to the electronic system for receiving blood results which would enable GPs to view the most recent blood result and dosing electronically.
MB reported that the ‘Walk for Life’ is to continue for the present time. Walks are every Thursday at 10am from the front of the surgery and open to anyone wishing to walk, meet new people and general get some fresh air and exercise.
MB asked about the Pharmacy First service which is available to all patients who are eligible for free prescriptions, but can obtain certain medications ‘over the counter’ from their local pharmacy without consulting a GP. Information is available on reception or from local pharmacies.
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 20thJuly 2016 12 noon