Mr G Stevenson,
RFO to Baildon Town Council,
Baildon Community Link,
35, Cliff Avenue,
BD17 6NX
12th May 2017
Dear Mr Stevenson,
To the Chairman and Members of Baildon Town Council
Internal Audit of Accounts for the Financial Year ending
31st March 2017.
I am pleased to inform you the internal audit is complete. Various matters arisingincluding my previous reports werereviewed anddiscussed with the Responsible Finance Officer and no matters came to my attention giving cause for concern.
Cash Book / Bank Account Reconciliation Statement
I checked and agreed the cash book / bank account reconciliation statement for the
31stMarch 2017 and can confirm the Town Councils` cash balance at that date was £146,024.
Annual Return 2016/2017
I checked the Annual Return and supporting documents and found them to be in order and ready for submission to the External Auditor.
Issues Discussed
1]Risk Management - Computer Security and Financial Records.
I recommend that Members or a Committee of Members familiarise themselves with computer back up procedures so as to ensure the smooth continuity of Council
affairs in the event of a computer breakdown. Also, to consider whether arrangements are in place to cover for any unforeseen prolonged absence of the Clerk and or the RFO.
2] Fidelity Guarantee
I recommend that the level of Fidelity Guarantee be reviewed with your insurers.
3] Minutes
Each page of the minutes should be initialled by the Chair of the meeting.
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Internal Controls
I confirm I have carried out appropriate tests and checks on the accounts and internal controls in accordance with YIAS Internal Audit Plan and found them to be satisfactory.
Yours Sincerely,
K C Stephenson
Partners :-K C Stephenson Tel :- 0113 2585610
R F Entwistle Tel :- 01423 797817
Email –
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