York Sport Squash League
The York Sport Squash League, based at York Sport Centre, offers the chance for squash players in North Yorkshire to meet and play against men and women of varying ages and standards.
If you would like to join oursquashleagues then please read the league rules and format and complete the expression of interest form by clicking here.
The York Sport Squash League has been set up to provide friendlier, competitive playing opportunities. The league runs for 48 weeks of the year, across four different seasons, in the following divisions:
· Intermediate
Start 2nd January 2017.
Fixtures and a link to the live league status will be sent to all paid members on Tuesday 3rd January 2017. The league positions will be updated on a weekly basis and results will be made available to all members via:
• Online league table found on the York Sport Website
League Information & Rules
Fixtures will be pulled at random and sent to all members at the start of the season.
Fixtures should be made by calling or e-mailing other players. Member contact details can be found on the link provided with the fixtures, on the right hand side of the page under the ‘members tab’.
If you are the ‘home’ player you are responsible for making first contact and making sure the game is scheduled.
If you are challenged, you must play the match within the week where possible. If you are unable to fulfill the fixture in this timeframe an agreement between both players of when this will be played must be reached otherwise the points (6-1) will be rewarded to the opponent who is available to play.
It is asked of you to fulfill all scheduled fixtures. Players must respond to challenges within 2 days where possible.
Registration, Entry and Fees
Members of the league are to provide the following details when registering:
• Name
• Email address
• Telephone contact number
Registration to the league must be completed by than Friday 29th October at 12pm in order to be entered for the start of the competition.
A £10.00 registration fee needs to be paid before registration is complete. This payment is for new members only. Payment ideally should be made on receipt of your application, but needs to be made before the deadline date. Without paying the registration fee your league place will not be reserved.
On receipt of payment York Sport will send you a confirmation email. Re-enrolling is free of charge, however if you drop out of the league for one season you will be required to pay your £10 registration to re-enroll at a later date if you choose to sign back up.
The cost of the court should be split between the players (payment should be made before play commences). The cost of the court is £6.00. If you are booking a court in advance payment will be need to be made on booking.
You can purchase a York Sport racket affiliate to get cheaper rate on court hire; badminton, squash, table tennis and tennis. A York Sport Racket affiliation costs £59 public and £45 Concessions, a squash court will cost £4.30 with the affiliation.
**Promotion: Throughout the month of October 2016 York Sport are offering over 50% discount to the affiliation fee at just £25 for the year.
It is the ‘home’ players responsibility to liaise with their opponent to find out their availability and to book the court. A court can be booked by visiting or calling York Sport on 01904 323856. You can also book your court online by visiting our webpage: https://user.york-sport.com/bookings/ysv. You will need your person ID number to book online; you can request this number from the sport development team.
If fixtures are missed without a minimum of 24hrs notice prior to the match time the court fees will still be payable. You can transfer your booking to another day free of charge.
The courts can only be booked 40mins at a time.
Match Play Rules
The scoring of matches will follow basic squash rules, these can be found on the England Squash website, click here. Matches will be best of 5 games to 9 points following traditional scoring rally. If the score is tied at 8-8, play the first to 10 points E.g. 10-8 or 10-9.
Matches will start after the knock up (a maximum of three minutes). The match is won when the first person reaches three games. In the event of an unfinished match the number of whole games won is recorded. I.e. 2-1
However in the event of a 3-0 win lasting only a few minutes please be courteous enough to play out the 40 minuets light time.
Points will be awarded for the following scores:
Game Score / Points3-0 / 6 1
3-1 / 6 2
3-2 / 6 4
2-2 / 3 3
1-1 / 2 2
York Sport will not provide any equipment. Players must provide their own racquets and bring squash balls to each match. Squash rackets can be hired from York Sport reception at a charge of £1.00 and squash balls can be purchased at £3.50.
Results should be entered onto a score card; these can be collected from York Sport reception and should be handed in to reception on completion of the match. Both players must sign the match card to confirm the score. Alternatively players must submit their scores to the tennis team via email at cc’ing their opponent into the email.
Scores should be submitted as soon as possible after the fixture has been played. Score card example:
Matches will be self-officiated, with the players taking responsibility for controlling the game. The final decision on any disputes must be met as a mutual agreement between the two players and should be conducted in the spirit of fair play.
Any disputes or complaints in connection with a match need to be received in writing within 3 days of the match, addressed to the sport development team at .
League Champion
On we will officially announce the winner of the York squash league at the end of the season. The Winner will be awarded with the York Sport Squash Plaque and prizes.
For more information or any problems through the league please contact York Sport Development team via email on .
Information and league status can be found on our website at:
York Sport Leagues