Arcola Home & School

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 7 pm

In attendance: Manisha Baman, Jenny Anderson, LoriAnn Verna, Sue Gabriel, Ronda Neider, Lana Sampson, Susan Landis, Kara Helzner, Kathleen Schlenker, Anita Burry, Kristi Simkins, Meg Cinelli, Christine Capece, Michael Simeone, Michele Byrnes, Carla Tuhacek, Barbi Griffiti, Heather Kearney, Angela Stoffle

Welcome: The meeting was called to order and all in attendance were welcomed by Jenny Anderson, who introduced the H&S officers. The minutes from the September meeting were accepted for approval by Lori Ann Verna and Carla Tuhancek.

Treasurer’s Report: LoriAnn Verna – To date $10,426 has been collected for the No Frills Fundraiser , which is approximately $2,000 off of our goal for the year. We are still accepting donations, so if you haven’t yet contributed to the No Frills Fundraiser, please get your money in. Any amount is appreciated. We have received approximately $500 from Genuardi’s Escrip Program.

There are new deposit and reimbursement forms on the website. You need a form to submit deposits please—it should give a total of the checks/cash you have collected. Both old and new versions of the forms will be accepted at this time.

Christine Capece asked “Whom should get the reimbursement forms for volunteer clearances?” Janine Marzewski said they should be submitted to her directly.

Guest Speaker: - Janeen Marzewski

1.Volunteers – Over 300 volunteers have signed up so far. Please continue to send in your clearances and get your TB tests. About 40 people have sent in the 3 items needed (2 clearances plus the TB test results). These need to be forwarded to the board for approval before volunteer cards can be sent out. It will take approximately one month for parents to receive their reimbursement money after submitting for it.

Question by Anita Burry – Can you submit clearance forms from last year?

Answer – Yes, these will be accepted. Send in copies and keep your originals. Send via mail, drop off at administration building, or send via interoffice mail to the attention of Janeen.

Question – Is the high school nurse the only nurse in the district who can administer the TB tests?

Answer – Yes, at this time. Also, she is very busy dealing with the flu at the moment so it may take some time to get an appointment. Please be patient.

2.Education Foundation – This has been designed to help to make Methacton a stellar organization. It is a non-profit organization and donations will be tax deductible. We should have a tax ID by the end of October. The first event will be “Echos of Methacton.”This will be an alumni reception which corresponds with homecoming and will include hot/cold hors devours, musical entertainment, and basket raffles by various High School clubs/groups. As of 4/10, the Education Foundation should be able to accept matching funds from companies. Teachers and others are welcome to designate the Foundation for their United Way Funds. Volunteers are welcome to come on board.

3.Wellness Program – This is a developing committee of district staff, students, and parents. We will be evaluating the nutrition standards for PA schools and how we apply this to healthy meals at Methacton. We are planning a wellness/safety festival for March 13th, which will include Officer Stead discussing emergency systems, fire safety, health and exercise activities and local hospitals performing health checks. If you are interested in participating please contact Janeen by November 1st to be on the committee. The next meeting will be held December 7 th at 7 pm.

Question by Christine Capece – Will people travel around to various stations to get info, screenings,etc?

Answer – Yes, we are also looking at including yoga and DDR. The fest will be for the district as well as the community.

4.H1N1 Update – Dr. Quinn appeared on CBS and in the Times Herald 2 weeks ago to discuss the Swine Flu in schools. Methacton is well prepared with hand sanitizers, teaching cough/sneeze etiquette, and encouraging parents to keep sick kids at home, as well as adults including staff and volunteers

Question – Jenny Anderson – Will hand sanitizers stay in place after flu season?

Answer – at this point we are planning to do so.

Comment – Angela Stofflet – H1N1 is also a spring and summer disease so be prepared.

Principal’s Report: Lana Sampson, Acting Principal – Ms. Sampson thanked everyone for coming.

1.Transportation – Parent drop off and pick up is ready in the back of the school. There will no longer be shuttles for transport in the Kmart parking lot.

2.Construction – Girl’s and Boy’s Bathroom being renovated two at a time. Administration areas are still being renovated, as well as the science labs. Phase II of move to Skyview to be discussed 10/20 with Dr. Quinn. Parents will be updated on website and info will be sent home. One week prior to a move, students will be notified and updated.

Christine Capece asked how many students and which ones were being moved.

Answer – There will be 35 classrooms/teachers moving to Skyview, which will mostly be 7th grade, traveling teachers, and the 6th grade Classics Team. The timeline target is November.

Sue Gabriel – How long? And how will the move take place?

Answer – They will be moved in clusters (groups). Eighteen classrooms upstairs are slated to move first, then traveling teachers in another cluster, and so on. Administration, secretaries, and nurse’s office will be moving back to Arcola in mid-February.

Sue Landis – What about specials?

Answer – Specials will still be held in Arcola so students will travel back to this building for them.

3.Other information- If you are picking a student up who regularly take the bus, please send a note to the attendance office.

We had an Intruder Drill and Fire Drill last week.

Yearbook orders - $23 until 11/30; envelopes to be found outside of Mr. Hurley or Mr. Ford’s room.

Homework Club started for all grades, to be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Service Clubs including National Junior Honor Society began on 10/14. All other clubs will begin next semester.

The Playschool needs more 8th graders to volunteer to help out. See Mrs. Whiston.

The Acme Tapes Program – collection container is in the Commons area.

Library – the book fair was a success, earning a total of $7,200 in sales. Of that, $1,800 was deposited in the Library Home & School account. Parent volunteers were contacted to help in the library.

Dr. Quinn started “Superchats” – meets with staff and answers questions.

Friday 10/23 from 3-4:30 pm is Sixth Grade Fall Fest.

Monday 10/26 – Picture re-takes

PACT Meeting – 10/28 – from 9 – 10:00 am in New Student Dining Room – the Guidance Department will discuss Middle School topics.

Red Ribbon Week – this year will be coupled with Character Counts. Everyone will get a special cup. Mrs. Alexander is working with Guidance Dept and will plan activities and prizes for week of 10/26-30.

On 10/21 at 7 pm – 8 pm: Guidance is presenting a Financial Aid evening with speakers from MCCC and the PA Dept of Treasury.

On 10/6, which was an in-service day, teachers met with presenters from the School Wires software and the Delaware County Intermediate Unit who spoke on Differential Instruction.

11/11 is the end of the marking period.

11/19 - report cards

4.Nurse’s Report – Arcola has a 5% absentee rate, which is actually lower then normal. Of that 5% was due to fever related illnesses. The students are doing a great job with hand washing and coughing in sleeves.

Student Council Report – Kara Helzner

10/23 Sixth Grade Fall Fest

10/20 – Methacton Spirit Day

Eighth grade officers have been chosen.

10/20 – All officers meeting for 6, 7, and 8th grades to discuss the bucket initiative.

For November, a 7th and 8th grade activity is being planned. Possible date is 11/13. It will be held after school from approx 3 pm – 5:30 pm on a Friday.

Over Thanksgiving week, the movie “Up” will be shown on the News Journal.

December – watch for the Door Decorating Contest to be held 12/1-18/09.

School Board Report: Pam Morris, given by Sue Gabriel

Diane Barry was a guest speaker, presenting on The Apollo Magazine. There was a discussion on the district’s H1N1 preparedness. Teacher negotiations are ongoing, no specifics were given. District Council presented its Up Close and Personal. At the 10/20 meeting, Mrs. Sampson will be presenting Arcola’s M Awards. Letters have been sent out to recipients. The Meeting will be held at the High School’s LGI Room. On 10/27, Arcola will be presenting our Up Close and Personal.

Michael Simeone – Please don’t forget the School Board Election on 11/3.

District Council Report: Sue Gabriel – Meeting was attended by H&S leadership, principals and administrators and are held four times per year; any parent can attend. Next meeting will be 11/9 at Eagleville Elementary at 7 pm. Check the website for info.

Caring Committee: Carla Tuhacek – Thank you notes were received from the staff for the first day of school popcorn surprise, from Joan Munroe for reimbursement of funds for classroom items, and for those who volunteered to help at the Book Fair.

A thank you note was read that was from the sister of an Arcola mom who had passed away right before school started. Arcola parents provided meals for the month of September, which was very much appreciated.

The Caring Committee helps those in need in our district. Please contact Carla if you know someone who could use help. Everything is kept confidential.

Committee Reports: Sue Gabriel

Please send your Acme tapes in – collection box located in the commons area.

CopyCenter is on hold during construction.

E-Alert/Daily News Journal – Volunteers needed.

Peggy Hoffman – Escrip – please renew your registration this year.

Fall Fest is being held next Friday 10/23.

Red Ribbon Week is being coordinated by Will Peck and Julia Alexander.

School Directory – updates are being tweaked; hopefully it will be distributed at the end of October.

Spiritwear – orders are being processed.

Mini Grants – requests are coming in.

Co-Presidents Reports: Manisha Baman –Announcements:

Arrowhead Vendor Night – if you are a Methacton parent who would like to participate contact Linda Fisher.

Wendy Erikson of the Methacton Advocacy & Education Network (MAEN) would like to announce that the organization holds meetings the third Thursday of each month in the Eagleville library. Go to info. The next meeting is Thursday 10/22 from 7 to 9 pm.

Come out to the next school board meeting for Arcola’s Up Close and Personal plus special entertainment! Tuesday 10/27 at the High School LGI Room.

A new Co-Recording Secretary is needed as Laurie Grabenstein is no longer able to help at this time. *Note-Angela Stofflet is now filling in for Laurie.

Post Prom Kick Off Meeting 10/14 at 7 pm in the High School Library. Annual Golf Outing will be held 7/18 at Shannondell.

ESL Meeting to be held Thursday 10/18 at Eagleville from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Parents are needed to babysit but must have their security clearances already.

The next Arcola H&S Meeting will be held on Tuesday November 10th at 9:15 a.m.

Jenny Anderson made a motion to adjourn.