York Road Partnership General Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2011

President Karen DeCamp opened the meeting by welcoming all in attendance. Each person introduced him/herself and identified their neighborhood or organization.


Sylvia Warren told the group about this project to develop a non-profit health care/insurance co-op. It would be part of Maryland’s health exchange as outlined in the few federal health care law. She circulated a survey that she asked folks to complete and return. See this month’s Urbanite for more information.


Otis Rolley, an announced candidate for mayor, told the group about his background – especially his academic and professional accomplishments in the field of city planning. He believes that this background would make him an effective mayor. His priorities as mayor would be education and investment in neighborhoods. For more information, go to: www.OtisRolley.com.


Streetscape Committee: Helene Perry stated that the overall goal of this committee is to enhance the appearance of the York Rd. corridor. The committee is working with the City on the Glenwood – 42nd. St. refurbishing project, obtaining additional trees along the corridor from the City’s Forestry Division, conducting an inventory of all the trees along the corridor, identifying rat holes to report to the City for eradication, addressing trash problems, and trying to find a way to enhance a vacant lot near the Cold Spring intersection. The committee meets on Tuesday or Thursday mornings during the third week of the month at 8:00 am.

Ad Hoc Liquor Committee: Karen reported for this ad hoc committee. She told the group about the June 15 meeting with the men who want to utilize the former Towers Lounge site as a banquet hall. It is unclear whether they are already using the space without proper permits.

Commercial Revitalization Committee: John Hourcade reported that this committee meets on a quarterly basis. The Farmers’ Market has been a major undertaking. The committee also works to identify projects for Loyola’s business students such as a marketing plan for the Wise Penny and for GEDCO’s “Cards for CARES.”

Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee: Erin O’Keefe reported that the 2011 goals for this committee include creating a list of upcoming projects along the corridor, marketing the area by updating neighborhood information on the Live Baltimore website, working with the Housing Department and Greater Homewood Community Corporation (GHCC) on code enforcement with the “Vacants to Value” initiative, and participating in Live Baltimore’s eastside housing tour on September 10 at Mervo.

-  New Committees: Maggie Porter reported that two committees – Public Safety and Youth, Education/Open Space & Recreation – have been somewhat inactive. New members are sought. Maggie also circulated a listing of all the committees giving the names of members as well as contact information for each committee.

Reigniting SNAP

Eileen Gwin reported on the June 15 Leadership Committee meeting during which each committee set six-month goals on specific action items. She plans to convene a meeting of committee chairs within the next few weeks to finish their six-month plans. Later in the fall the committees will work on one-year goals.

C-TAC Alliance and Neighborhood Crime Prevention

Connie Harris from the Belvedere Association explained that C-TAC stands for Citizens Teaming Against Crime. The group started in the Belvedere area when she and others recognized that they must tackle criminal activities that were having a negative impact on their community. In addition to creating a Citizens on Patrol program and a listserve to share information, a small group of neighbors worked closely with the Police Department. They were successful in getting a drug lord, drug dealer, arms dealer, and gang leader removed from their neighborhood. She is willing to talk with other communities that have similar problems.

Farmers’ Market and YRP Table

John Hourcade circulated flyers about the Farmer’s Market scheduled on July 20 and 27 and on August 3 and 10. The market will operate on Wednesday evenings between 3:00 and 7:00 pm at Loyola’s facility at 5104 York Rd. YRP will have a table at the market, and Maggie circulated a sign-up sheet for those willing to staff the table.


-  Karen encouraged neighborhoods to organize “National Night Out” events on August 2.

-  “How to Preserve Your Neighborhood’s Green Space” will be presented on July 13th from 6:30-8:30 at 4 E. University Parkway. GHCC And Baltimore Green Space are sponsors of this workshop. Contact .

-  Guilford Elementary/Middle School will host a groundbreaking of a community garden on July 24 from 3–6. Contact .

-  “Meet and Greet the Major Cookout” to welcome Major Sabrina Tapp-Harper, Northern District Commander, on Sunday, July 10, at 2201 W. Coldspring Lane. RSVP via email if you plan to attend: .

-  “Meet and Greet the Principal,” Brian Jones, at Guilford Elementary/Middle School, on Friday, July 8.

-  The CARES Food Pantry is in need of donations! Weekday mornings are good drop-off times, especially on Wednesdays.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Dent, Leadership Committee Member

The next YRP meeting will be on Wednesday, August 3, 7:15 pm at Saint Mary’s Church Hall.

The next Leadership Committee meeting will be on Wednesday, August 17. Location TBD,

Please mark your calendar!