2014USTA League Year
The following are the regulations for the 2014 USTA League Mixed DoublesTennis Program in the Mid Carolina Tennis League of the South Carolina District of the Southern Section. They apply to the MixedAdult18 and over; 40 and over; 55 and over; and 65 and overleagues.
0.01 STATE LEAGUE COODINATOR (SLC). The following person is appointed to implementandadminister the South Carolina State USTA Mixed Doubles League Tennis Program:
Susan Turner
48 Upper Pond Rd.
Columbia, SC 29223
803-201-1016 cell
MIXED LEAGUE COORDINATOR (MLC). The following person is appointed to implementand administer the Mid Carolina Local League Mixed Doubles Tennis Program:
Susan Csencsits
410 Rainbow Circle
Clover,SC 29710
(803) 222-7792
0.03 USTA, USTA Southern Sectional and USTA South Carolina Mixed Doubles League regulations take precedence over the Mid Carolina Tennis League Mixed Doubles League Regulations.
1.02C. The SC State and Local league coordinators shall have the authority to interpret the SC State and MCTL Local League Mixed Doubles Rules.
1.04B (5) TEAM CAPTAIN. Each team shall appoint a team captain to handle administrative affairs and to represent the Mid Carolina Tennis League matters. It is recommended that the Team Captain be a playing member of the team, however any MCTL member can captain. The team captain must either be present or have an assigned acting captain at every match. In the event the captain must assign a substitute captain, the captain must call the opposing captain a minimum of 24 hours before the scheduled match, informing the opposing captain of the acting captain’s contact information.
1.04C (2)OFFICIAL SCORING. The winning captain must enter the team’s match scores into TennisLink within 48 hours after the match. The losing captain must confirm on TennisLink thatthe match scores are correct within 48 hours afterentry. Should the winning captain fail to enter the scores within 48 hours, the losing captain may enter the scores and the winning captain confirm. In all circumstances, all match scores must be entered within 48 hours after play and confirmed within 48 hours of the entry. If a score is not disputed within 48 hours, then the score as first reported will stand as good. Adefault is scored as
6-0, 6-0. A retirement (injured or sick player stopped playing) is scored as match stood. i.e. 2-6, 1-3 retiredand the system will automatically credit the receiver of the retirement with enough games to make them the winner of the match. (2-6, 6-3, 1-0 for tiebreak)Scores are to be entereddated on the date the match was finished not as scheduled, such as for a rain make-up.
1.04C (3) ADD-ONS. MCTL will allow player add-ons untilJuly4th.
1.04D (4)LOCAL LEAGUE SEASON. The season for the Mid Carolina Tennis League Adult Mixed Doubles Local League, hereby referred to as MCTL Mixed, shall be played as scheduled by the coordinator starting approximately the week ending May 23rd, 2014.
104D(7) ) The Mixed State League Coordinator, in consultation with the Director of Leagues, will determine the number of teams at the Mixed 18 & Over 2.5, 10.0 and 55 & Over 9.0 levels that qualify for the Mixed State Championships when the rosters for these levels have been submitted. Legal team rosters for these levels must be submitted by the initial mixed league deadline date for the area in which
the team is registering.
1.04E(1) Each team must maintain its roster through the state championshipwith at least 60 percent of its players with South Carolina residence (the player’s primary residence is to be defined in USTA records as South Carolina). This will be monitored by the Local Mixed Doubles League Coordinator.
1.04G(6) Players who qualify for SC Mixed Doubles State Championships may only advance on two teams. A player may advance on one team in two different age levels (18 & over, 40 & over,
55 & over, 65 & over) or a player may advance on two teams in the same age division( 18& over, 40& over, 55& over, 65& over) at different NTRP levels. A Player may not advance on more than 2 teams in any of those combinations. NO accommodations for scheduling will be made at the Mixed State Championships
2.01A Levels of Play
2.01A(1) The South Carolina Mixed Doubles League Program offers team competition for
18 & Over men and women with levels of straight 2.5 and combined 5.5,6.0 – 10.0. The League also offers team competition for 40 & Over men and women with levels of 6.0 – 9.0 levels. Local winning teams may advance to State competition. A Mixed Doubles league is offered for 55 & Over men and women with combined levels 6.0-9.0 and 65 & Over men and women in combined 6.0 – 8.0 levels. All State rules, as outlined, apply to all Mixed Doubles Leagues unless otherwise noted. A player may compete in 18 & Over, 40 & Over, 55 & Over and 65 & Over Mixed Doubles Leagues in accordance with the appropriate rules.
- Straight 2.5 (example of combinations 2.0 & 2.5 or 2.5 & 2.5)
- 5.5(example of combinations 2.5 &2.5 or 2.5 & 3.0)
- 6.0 (example of combinations 3.0 & 3.0 or 2.5 & 3.5)
- 7.0 (example of combinations 3.5 & 3.5 or 3.0 & 4.0)
- 8.0 (example of combinations 4.0 & 4.0 or 3.5 & 4.5)
- 9.0 (example of combinations 4.5 & 4.5 or 4.0 & 5.0)
- 10.0 (example of combinations 5.0 & 5.0 or 4.5 & 5.5)
If a partnership desires to play together and do not equal an above level, they may play up, i.e. 3.0 and 3.5 may play 7.0 together because they are not more than one point apart.
2.01A(2) Only 2.0 and 2.5 rated players may play at the 2.5 level.
2.01A(3) Using combined NTRP level, the combined NTRP level of the mixed doubles team cannot exceed the combined NTRP ratings level entered.
2.01A(4) The NTRP difference between members of an individual mixed doubles team may not exceed 1.0.
2.01C (5) TEAM LINEUPS. Captains must print scorecards from TennisLinkand have their lineups entered on the scorecard prior to the scheduled match time. Promptly at the scheduled match time, captains must simultaneously exchange their lineups. Captains are to have their players on the assigned court promptly at the scheduled match time with no delay. From the original scheduled match starting time, a 10-minute warm up ONLY is allowed. Players must begin their matches promptly at this time. If a different location must be used, the home captain is to notify the opposing captain no less than 24 hours prior to the match and inform which courts need to be played at the different location.
Matches may be postponed prior to match time under the following circumstances:
-The match facility has closed the courts and confirms they will not be open at match time (applies at staffed facilities, such as Rock Hill Tennis Center).Team members should not call the tennis center, they should call their captain! The tennis center cannot cancel a league match only the captains can.
-The Home Team Captainverifies courts cannot be ready for play by match time due to existing – not potential – weather conditions (applies at facilities with no staff, such as Shiland or Clover High School).
-In either circumstance, the home captain is responsible for communicating this information to the opposing captain.Matches will not be postponed due to the possibility of unplayable court conditions unless impending severe weather would endanger players traveling to or waiting to play matches. Under these circumstances, both captains must verbally agree to postpone; otherwise, players will adhere to the match schedule.PLEASE COMMUNICATE VERBALLY WITH EACH OTHER. Messaging, e-mails, and tweets do not count as communication.
The home captain should communicate unplayable court conditions to the opposing captain as early as is practical. If no agreement to postpone has been reached by the two captains, players must assume the match will be played as scheduled, and act accordingly.Failure to appear to a match when courts are playable and no postponement agreement has been reached will result in an individual match default at affected positions or a team default when a complete team is missing.
1)If possible, play rained out matches before the next scheduled match. Captains must reschedule and notify the local league coordinator via e-mail () within 24 hours regardingrescheduled day, time, and location. For your convenience, RHTC has courts available onFriday nights for makeup matches.
2)To facilitate match completion before the next league play, teams may play the matches on different dates, times or locations.
3)If captains cannot agree when to play, the LLC will set a date, time and location to facilitate completion of match play. If a team doesn’t show up for the match scheduled by LLC then it will be a team default.
If there is a rainout on the rescheduled date, then the same above rules apply. In all cases, any rained out match will be completed within 2 weeks of the original scheduled match or otherwise captains contact the LLC for rescheduling.
2.01C (5) b1. Playoff Accommodations for State and Sectional Championships.
Teams with players playing at state championships who could not field a team for a match should contact the other team’s Captain and the LLC to advise how many players are affected and the names of those going to State. If this precludes fielding one or more lines, you and the opposing team captain (in coordination with the LLC) should schedule one or more lines to play before the State or Sectional Championships or within one week of the scheduled play date. This accommodation only covers players at championships; it is not a ‘carte blanche’ pass to reschedule lines due to vacations, illness, and accompanying spouses not playing at State.
Scheduled Dates for State Championships FOR Mixed Leagues are:
2014 State League Championships ; All age Levels Sept 12-15 Florence, SC
2.01C(5)f To receive a line default you must be present and ready to play, unless the two captains made a previous arrangement and sent that to the LLC via e-mail. ()
2.01D COACHING AND SPORTSMANSHIP. Once match play has begun, coaching is not allowed.
All players are expected to conduct themselves according to the rules and guidelines of “The Friend at
Court.” Players should be instructed by their team captains that cursing or racket throwing are forbidden.
Tennis is for good clean competitive fun.
2.03 AREA AND SECTION CHAMPIONSHIPS. The winning team from each skill level division will advance to SC State Championships. To be eligible for advancement,a player of a team must have played a minimum of two matches for MixedAdult 18 & Over and 40 & Over Leagues and one for 55 & Over and 65 & Over Leagues. A retirement received counts as a match played. Only one (1) default received will count as one of the required matches.Championship play is round robin format. Entry fee for State Championships is $20.00 per player. If there is more than one flight in any level, the LLC will determine the method of selection for the progressing team. Any daytime flight will play against a night/weekend flight within a level to determine the winner to advance to State Championships. SC State Championships play a Round Robin format.
As per 2.03M (2) SC State rule,each team advancing to Championships will, along with their roster and $20 per person fee, send a check for $250 made out to USTA/SC. That $250check will be held by the LLC (Susan R. Csencsits) and either destroyed or returned upon said teams’ completion of the Championships. Should your team default out of the Championships, that check will be sent to State to cover withdrawal/default fees.
2014 Mixed Adult 18 & Over, 40 & Over,55 & Over, and 65 & Over Leagues State Championship
September 12-15, 2014 – Florence, SC
3.03ALOCAL GRIEVANCE and APPEALSPROCEDURES: Local Grievances are reviewed at the Local Level by the LocalGrievance Committee. Local Grievances are submitted to the LLC who will forward to the committee.The LLC will select a chairman and committee members for the Local Grievance Committee and the Local GrievanceAppeals Committee. If the grievance is related to a member of the committee, a non-partisan substitute member will be appointed. All local grievance and appeal complaints will be submitted to:
Mid Carolina Mixed Doubles Tennis League
410 Rainbow Circle
Clover, SC 29710
Regulations 3.00 for proceduresGrievance or Appeals must be submitted in writing (email accepted) to the LLC. See National League that must be followed to file Local Grievance or Appeal Complaints.
Courtney Hipp, Chairperson Matt Talford, Chairperson
Chris Christopher, Member Bobby Hood, Member
Joanne Lehman, Member Lou Csencsits, Member
Approved: 4-3-14
Susan Turner, SC Mixed Doubles League Coordinator