YMF Executive Committee

Meeting Minutes

Date:February 3, 2011 @ Houlihan’s Station Square – See attached for attendees.

  1. Finances
  2. Balance per Jim Radion

Current Balance $1,727.65

Upcoming expenses – Joint Social, Dodgeball

  1. Dodgeball:
  2. PublicityExtending registration deadline. Open to non-engineers, as long as there is one engineer on the team.
  3. Awards/TeamsLast year spent approx. $170 on trophies. Due to lower turnout, we will get one trophy for the first place team and ribbons for others.
  4. Referees – how many do we need?2-3 more still needed
  5. Equipment Condition. Nothing bought yet,may need new balls.
  6. Day of Items (Concessions) student details?Pitt & CMU will rotate students; YMF to front costs & student groups keep any profit from the sales.
  1. Community Service
  2. Can-struction updateScheduled meeting was moved, Lauren and Karen to attend. Tentatively will be held with Young Architects in October 2011.
  3. Virginias Conference – WVU 4/14-16 – CYM has some reimbursement money…judge Concrete Canoe/Steel BridgeSend Kristin an email if you would like to participate.
  4. Food Bank/Soup Kitchen later in winter?Potentially hold in the spring.
  5. Easter Egg Hunt?At Children’s Institute for approximately 24 kids. YMF would be responsible for materials and associated costs. Restriction on items: no foods or silly bandz. To be held Saturday afternoon (1:30-3:00) prior to Easter. 5-10 volunteers will be needed.
  1. Student Chapters:
  2. Schedule visit to each campus with liaison (Eric, Todd, Matt, Greg, Dan/Pete)

a)Any update from Pitt, Geneva, Point Part, UPJ? Matt Heading to UPJ for a Thursday seminar again this year.

b)YMF spoke to Pitt, CMU this year

c)may want to consider format for answering questions

d)Freshman Engineering Conference (Jennifer Nolan-Kremm)

e)Looking to move current student liaisons into the practitioner advisor role, with new liaisons. Geneva – Eric to move into practitioner advisor with Corey Meyers moving into liaison role. UPJ – Matt to move into PA role with Bill Confair as liaison.

  1. Outreach:
  2. SPAG grant –update from meeting last Friday 1/28?
  3. Where do we stand? What’s the plan of action? Timeline? Absolutely CANNOT leave until the last minute or not finish.Meeting held last week. Filming to begin late April – June depending on the weather.
  4. Upcoming Events:

-Canon-Mac Career Fair scheduled for 3/10/11Francesca to contact – this will probably be the last school event of the year.

- Pitt Freshman Conference: Conference date is April 9th, but volunteers need not be present. Volunteers needed to review & critique student technical papers. May not get to review a civil engineering paper. Contact Jennifer Nolan-Kremm for info.

E-Week @ Science Center: ASCE got new displays! A kit was ordered from national. Matt has concrete canoe cylinders & a video from UPJ. Looking for 3-4 volunteers per 2 hour time slot. There is a schedule on the Section Website event page. Contact Matt Kusic to sign up.

  1. Financial:
  2. Looking for new ideas to raise money – submit any ideas to Matt Castiglia or Jim Radion
  3. Tickets are out for Pens Raffle – drawing at Dodgeball?? Will need to make sure all numbers are turned in beforehandPotentially draw 1 winner at the beginning and one at the end of the tournament. 1000 tickets to begin with, 120 not distributed & unsure of remaining tickets not turned in yet.
  4. Where do we stand with this? Pens raffle currently projected to raise $600-$800. Will continue to sell tickets through the drawing. Matt Castiglia to obtain a container to draw tickets from.
  5. Distribution of Cheer Raffle Tickets? 86 the raffle? At this time, the Cheer Raffle is not viable due to expense of the prize; Especially considering the success of the Pens raffle and that everyone has recently been hit up to buy tickets.
  1. Technical Seminars:
  2. Set for March 23 at CDM. Mike has the details – save the date to go out after dodgeball Management & Leadership by the CEO of Universal Stainless, Dennis Oates. He is willing to speak for free IF it is for younger engineers only (He typically gets paid to speak at events), so the announcement will go out emphasizing that this is geared toward younger members (concern that older members recognize the speaker and attend due to low cost, trying to get CEUs, etc). YMF is responsible for food. Mike working on flyer to go out after Dodgeball.
  3. Golf Etiquette – Kristin & Lauren to set up with the Scally’s. Late April timeframeYMF to go to their location due to demonstrations being easier to show there. Potential golf outing in June.
  1. Web:
  3. Use web to send out announcements? Able to import d-list??Adi not present.
  4. Able to fully manipulate the social media tools?
  5. Facebook Albums on the Group page – where do we stand?A few photos uploaded but could be improved.
  6. Ideas to Improve
  1. Employment:
  2. Update? When is publishing expected?Resumes collected up through Friday 1/28/11. Will be compiled by end of next week. The resume book will be announced in the newsletter.


i. Possible Dates – Saturday vs. Sunday Feb/early March A preference for Sunday was expressed by a majority of those present. Nathan Smith to call Hidden Valley to determine how long the snow will last this season.

ii. Location – Hidden Valley much less crowded than Seven Springs

iii. Pair with Students Last year we had a good turnout from CMU.Pitt (Ryan) said they will announce in Seminar. Rides/Carpooling to be coordinated. Try to avoid spring break (March 4-12).

  1. Other News:
  2. ERYMC – January, 2011 in Portland, Maine—Kristin, Lauren, Karen & Andy represented the YMFThe next opportunity to host ERYMC is 2014. Section board support is critical. We would need to present three years beforehand at ERYMC, so this is something that does not need to be absolutely decided yet.
  3. Region 2 Meeting March 5 in Reston – all are welcome. Jennifer Nolan-Kremm has details re: hotel, registration fee, etc. No registration fee. The topic is student, YMF & main section interaction. The Sheraton has rooms for $90/night, ask for ASCE rate. National HQ in Reston, VA. Jennifer is looking for someone to take over her position. Similar duties as a Corresponding Member. Travel is reimbursed. Contact her for more info.
  4. Who wants to go? Adi & Linda have expressed interestCarpooling to be coordinated. Will likely not stay overnight & make it a long day.
  5. Start thinking about April’s Joint Social…Last year was held on Friday April 23rd. Need to try to avoid FE/PE (April 8-9).
  6. Other Section Business (Lauren)Pay your section dues if you haven’t already.
  7. ELECTIONS!Nominate yourself or someone else. Don’t hesitate to get involved if you are new!
  8. Other news/business?

a)A volunteer is needed for the section newsletter, as the current editor is stepping down. The intent is to add a newsletter committee to assist, as well as have a PR contact for each contributing group. So, the YMF will also need a PR contact to write articles, etc. TBD if new chair is needed or if it would be more appropriate to add this duty onto a current chair’s responsibilities.

b)A volunteer is needed for the section Program Chair, as Missy is stepping down after 2 years. Duties include coordination and planning for the Fall Kickoff Dinner and E Week Banquet (basically, you are busy twice a year). There is a committee that assists with speaker ideas, etc.

c)ASCE National’s VP elect has recently moved to Pittsburgh.


The above is a summary of the main topics of discussion. If there are any errors or omissions, please contact YMF Secretary Natasha Smith at prior to 2/21/11.