YMCA of Greater Westfield
WAVE Swim Team
Parent Handbook
The YMCA of Greater Westfield is committed to providing a high quality and meaningful experience for all members of the swim team through the offering of a fun, challenging and developmentally appropriate program for swimmers of varying ages, abilities and commitment levels. While the development of swimming strokes, techniques, and speed are a main focus, our program equally emphasizes character development; especially the four core YMCA character values of honesty, caring, respect, and responsibility. In addition, the program seeks to foster sportsmanship, good physical habits and the healthy enjoyment of swimming as a lifelong activity. We seek to develop swimmers not only as individuals, but also as members of a team, providing all swimmers with many opportunities for success and personal growth.
Description of WAVE Training Groups
Wave Runners - Developmental Group
A developmental program for swimmers aged 5 to 8 years. This program meets 3 days per week. This program is designed for the swimmer who is not yet ready to train and compete on a regular basis, but who can safely swim 25 yards on their back or stomach.
A developmental program for swimmers aged 5 to 8 years. Participants must be able to swim 25 yards of at least one competitive stroke. This group will work on stroke development with a concentration on all strokes as well as the IM, starts and turns. This group competes in all league meets, championships and some invitationals. USA swimming is also an option. This program meets 3 days per week. Participants must attend a minimum of 2 practices session per week.
A developmental program for swimmers aged 9 to 12 years. This group trains 5 days per week. Participants must attend a minimum of 3 practice sessions per week. This group is designed to develop perfect stroke, start and turn technique and positive practice habits. Dry land sessions are required. This group competes at all league events, championships and invitationals. Membership in USA swimming is encouraged.
A more advanced program designed for swimmers 10 to 18, who wish to continue their development in the pool but want some flexibility. Participants must attend a minimum of 4 practice sessions per week. Swimmers should begin to develop practice habits that will lead to perfect attendance. Swimmers are encouraged to make more of a time commitment to their swimming that will lead them to the Silver group. Dry land sessions are required. Participants must be ready to swim longer, more challenging workouts. Swimmers in this group should start to make swimming their top athletic priority. This group competes at all league events, championships and invitationals. Membership in USA swimming is strongly encouraged. Swimmers aged 10-12 must have the permission of the Head Coach to participate in this practice group. Swimmers in this group must attend 1 practice session per week during high school season if participating on a high school team.
A program designed for swimmers 13 to 18, who wish to maximize their efforts and dedicate themselves to the sport. Participants in this group must attend a minimum of 5 practice sessions per week and must attend 75% of all scheduled practice sessions during the season. Participants must also have shown a history of dedication to the sport. This group competes in all meets including league, invitationals, regionals, age group championships, zones and nationals. Membership in USA swimming is highly encouraged. Swimmers will only be admitted with the permission of the Head Coach and the coaching staff. All swimmers in this group will be evaluated on a monthly basis. Swimmers will be placed in the Black Group if she or he proves to be unable to make the necessary time commitment. Dry land sessions are required. Swimmers in this group must attend 1 practice session per week during high school season if participating on a high school team.
High School
All swimmers wishing to swim in this category must make a commitment with the coach before registering.
Important Responsibilities and Roles
Lane Assignments
Coaches may adjust practice groups and lane assignments for swimmers. Ideally, swimmers would stay in one assigned lane for each practice; however, with families' fluctuating attendance and commitment levels, coaches often need to move swimmers around to utilize lane space best. While it may not appear logical or "fair" to some parents, coaches assign lanes based on many factors including the swimmer's willingness or desire to swim in a certain lane, practice attendance and habits, age, and emotional and physical development, as well as swimming ability.
Parent Responsibilities
Swim team is a family program. As much as swimmers must be responsible, so must the parents as well. Parents should plan on coming into the YMCA frequently to check bulletin boards and mailboxes. Parents are responsible for information released in newsletters and other communications, which are in mailboxes at the YMCA and posted on the team website: www.westfieldymcawave.org. The team website will be our major source of communication. Please plan to check the website daily. Parents of young children should come in to help their swimmers get to practice. Parents should get their swimmers to practice on time, as stretching for injury prevention takes place first and special announcements are often made in the beginning. Late swimmers are a disruption to practice. Parents with concerns or questions should plan on talking to coaches after practice, or scheduling a time with coaches. All parents on the team are expected to volunteer at the dual meets in which your child is swimming and all parents are required to help with team fundraisers, as well.
Parents may sit in the bleachers, lounge, as well as head home or run errands, etc., while swimmers are practicing. However, parents are not allowed on deck during practice for all groups. Many other teams have this policy and it is with your child(ren) in mind that we have adopted it. Swimmers who are not ready to be away from their parents for the length of a swim practice are probably not quite ready for the team. Any questions or concerns with this policy can be addressed with the Head Coach or Program Operations Director.
The participant of the Swim Team must be a full member of the YMCA of Greater Westfield. A full membership is classified as either part of a family membership, a high school, middle school or grade school membership. The membership is required to be current through the end of the program session that you are registered. Fall/Winter Season and/or the Spring/Summer Season individually can be paid in full at the time of registration or in monthly payments.
Team Uniform
All swimmers are required to be in a team uniform at all meets. This uniform includes a team swim cap and a team swim suit. Caps are always available for purchase at a reasonable cost. Other apparel will also be available for sale. Additionally, all swimmers are required to purchase their own training equipment. Swimmers should carry their equipment bag back and forth to practice with them every day.
Required Training Equipment
· Waverunners: mesh bag, water bottle, fins, kickboard, snorkel
· Red: mesh bag, water bottle, fins, kickboard, team suit, team cap, snorkel
· White: mesh bag, water bottle, fins, pull buoy, kickboard, team suit, team cap, snorkel
· Black: mesh bag, water bottle, fins, paddles, pull buoy, kickboard, team suit, team cap, snorkel
· Silver & HS: mesh bag, water bottle, fins, paddles, pull buoy, kickboard, team suit, team cap, snorkel, old sneakers
*** Our local dealer is Fenton’s Athletic Supplies. Fenton’s will come to the YMCA and organize a time for the team to order equipment. You can also order equipment from Finis – www.finisinc.com – and use the discount code - westfield - for a 20% discount.
Swim Meets
All swimmers must be in practice the day before a swim meet in order to compete in the meet. Any swimmer who is too sick to attend practice the day before the meet is not, in most cases, going to be well enough to compete the next day. Occasionally, special circumstances will prevent a swimmer from attending practice the day before a meet. On these occasions the swimmer or parent should communicate with the Head Coach, well in advance, in order to have the swimmer excused from practice but remain eligible to compete in the meet.
League Meets
All swimmers should plan to compete in all of the league meets. A swimmer must compete in at least 2 league meets in order to be eligible to swim in championships. If a swimmer is unable to compete in a league meet they must notify the coaching staff in writing that they will not be able to attend. Any swimmer who does not show up for a meet they committed to swim in will be assessed a $20.00 fee if they fail to inform the coaching staff that they will not be available.
Regarding attending YMCA Nationals, Sectionals, and other big meets a distance away, we recognize the hard work necessary to make Nationals or other cut times, yet full funding of swimmers’ attendance at these events will place a very large expense upon the team budget. The swimmers and their families will be responsible for some of the team cost that go with this type of meet. We will provide coaching at these meets if the swimmers decide to attend and we will always encourage attendance at these meets, especially if several swimmers qualify. The costs will be based on the number of swimmers that will be attending the meet. At no time will the coaches travel solely with the swimmer(s). All swimmers must provide their own transportation, housing, meals and adult supervision.
Meet Relays
Coaches determine all relays for all meets. In many circumstances, the relay determination will be according to times and the computer will "pick" the fastest relays; however, coaches may choose relays based on the competition, practice or meet attendance, or other factors. In most cases, swimmers will not know their placement in relays until the meet or the session in which the relay is scheduled.
YMCA of Greater Westfield Administration
The Wave Swim Team is a vital program of the YMCA of Greater Westfield. As a YMCA of Greater Westfield program it operates under the jurisdiction of the administration of the YMCA of Greater Westfield. The YMCA core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility and the “Rules that Govern YMCA Competitive Sports” are the foundation upon which the program operates. These values and rules are intended to provide a fair and equal chance for all to compete. The YMCA provides coaching and lifeguard staff, administrative support and the pool facility time for practice and competition for the YMCA Wave Swim Team.
The YMCA Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility for programs and services associated with the YMCA of Greater Westfield Wave Swim Team. The YMCA of Greater Westfield’s executive staff, aquatics director and coaching staff are accountable for the administration and management of the program.
The coaching staff is responsible for most of the day-to-day operations of the swim team. Coaches determine skills on which to focus and workouts to be used at practice, based on individual needs of swimmers, the team, upcoming meets, and overall training needed. Coaches supervise all practices, working directly with a group of swimmers. Coaches prepare dual meet line-ups, meet and championship entries, and organize relay line-ups for all meets. The coaching staff will determine events and/or is available for consultation about event choices for invitationals, U.S., and championship meets. The coaches set the U.S. Swimming and other invitational meet schedules for the YMCA Wave Swim Team. Coaches ensure that the YMCA facility and equipment are available for swim team use. The coaching staff works with the swimmers to improve their strokes, mental preparedness, endurance, strategy and goals.
The YMCA of Greater Westfield swimmers are members of the YMCA and should act in accordance with the Swim Team Code of Conduct. Swimmers should have YMCA membership cards and should keep them current from year to year. Swimmers must bring membership cards to the Y and it is recommended they bring a lock to lock their locker each practice. Swimmers should be aware of and demonstrate the Y’s positive core values of honesty, caring, respect and responsibility.
The WAVE swimmers have responsibilities to themselves, their teammates, their parents, the team itself, and to the YMCA. Swimmers are expected to attend practices and meets and to give their best effort and attention to the coaches. Swimmers may need to attend a minimum number of meets or practices regularly to attend certain meets.
While it is realized that swimmers have “off” days (days when they have difficulty getting in the water and/or finishing sets at practice), those days can be very disruptive to the practice, other swimmers, and coaches. After the 2nd “off” day (practice session), where the swimmer may be asked to leave practice early to shower, etc., a meeting will be scheduled with the coach, swimmer, and parents to discuss the situation. Younger swimmers disrupting practices may be asked to sit out on the pool deck and behavior will be discussed with parents, as well.
WAVE swimmers are expected to show respect toward each other, opponents, coaches, officials and other parent volunteers. They are also representatives of the YMCA of Greater Westfield and should hold themselves to the highest level of behavior and conduct. Each swimmer should cheer for all teammates in their races. Swimmers should always thank their opponents for a good race. Swimmers are expected to participate in a team cheer both before and after a dual meet.