Name: ______Student ID#:______
University of Southern Maine
College of Science, Technology, and Health
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
CATALOG YEAR 2016-2017
University Core Requirements
1st tier
College Writing ______
E.Y.E. ______
(Applies to regular students with less than 24 class credits only)
Quantitative Reasoning ______
2nd tier
Creative Expression ______
(required course THE170 fulfills this)
Cultural Interpretation ______
Science Exploration ______
(see item D(3) in Computer Science Requirements below)
Socio-cultural Analysis ______
3rd tier(after completing 3 of 2nd tier courses)
Ethical Inquiry (required course COS 398 fulfils this) ______
Taken at any stage and may overlap with other courses
Diversity ______
International ______
Thematic Cluster or Minor
Cluster Name (Professional Practices suggested)______
3 courses ______
(at most 1 course overlappingwith student's major requirements)
Minor ______
(at least 15 credits, with at most 1/3 of credits counting towards student's major)
Three courses of 3 credits or more each from subject area(s) outside of the major at the 200 level or above; courses taken for this requirement cannot be used to satisfy requirements of the first two tiers,
but may be used for Diversity, International, or Ethical Inquiry.
Capstone(COS 420 suggested) ______
Students matriculating/changing major as of fall, 2015 (note, courses taken to fulfill these requirements must be passed with a C- or better).
Department requirements:
A. Computer Science:
COS 160 ______COS 250 ______COS 350 ______COS 398 ______
COS 161 ______COS 255 ______COS 360 ______COS 485 ______
COS 170 ______COS 285 ______COS 420 ______
B.Computer Systems: Either COS 450 or COS 457
COS 450 ______COS 457 ______
C. Three additional COS courses numbered 300 and above (excluding COS 498)
COS ______COS ______
COS ______
D.Mathematics and Science Requirement:
(1) Successful completion of:
MAT 145 Discrete Math I ______
COS 280 Discrete Math II ______
(2) Successful completion of enough additional courses from the following list to total, with the two required courses of the last item, at least 15 credit hours:
MAT 152______MAT153______MAT 252______
EGN 181/MAT 181______MAT 281______
MAT 282______MAT 392______MAT 352______
MAT 295______MAT 350______MAT 366______
MAT 355______MAT 364______MAT 383______
MAT 370______MAT 380______MAT 461______
MAT 395______MAT 460______
MAT 490______MAT 492______
(3) Successful completion of a two-semester sequence of either:
CHY 113 with CHY 114 and CHY 115 with CHY 116
PHY 121 with PHY 114 and PHY 123 with PHY 116
BIO 105 with BIO 106 and BIO 107
ESP 101 with ESP 102 and ESP 125 with ESP 126
Any one of these four options fulfills the Core second tier SE requirement.
(4) Successful completion of enough additional courses from D(2) or the sciences that when combined with the courses taken for D(1), D(2), and D(3) they make at least 30 credit hours of mathematics and science. A science course taken to fulfill this requirement must be one that satisfies a degree requirement within its discipline and if it has an accompanying lab course, the lab must be taken. Ex. If you would like to take additional BIO classes you would look at the requirements for a BIO major, and could choose from that list of classes.
______(lab if applicable)
______(lab if applicable)
______(lab if applicable)
E.Successful completion of THE 170 (Public Speaking):______
Successful completion of ITP 210 (Technical Writing):______
Revised: 10/24/2018