Mike Mahoney Bio

Yikes! It’s a challenge to summarize one’s life in several paragraphs.

Ok, after Bishop Moore I went to Notre Dame and majored in pre-professional studies.

I had the opportunity to spend sophomore year with 60 ND students in Austria. Learned some German and did lots of youth-hostel style traveling.

After ND, went to medical school at University of Florida. Did a fellowship in Nephrology under Robert Cade (inventor of Gator Aid) and joined the medical faculty for several years.

Went through the turbulent 60’s and finally exited the closet in the mid-70’s after meeting two great gay friends who served as important role models and mentors to me.

It was a wonderful time but remained difficult balancing a professional life apart from my private life. I realized I was not cut out for the academic world.

I left the university in 1985 and joined the Veterans Administration as a medical internist. I eventually ended up in Key West. Florida.

Lived in Key West for 17 years, an experience I look back upon with fond memories. Things changed significantly after the 1990’s. Quaint old Key West became a trendy tourist resort.

Many friends left due to rising costs and stagnant wages. In 2004 the Florida Keys experienced several hurricane evacuations and Key West was hit by a tidal surge.

After losing a sister from a car accident and my mom to cancer, I decided to pack it up and leave the Keys. My father had become disabled with heart disease and wanted to relocate toTallahassee. I put the house on the market (just before the crash) thinking it would sell in 6 –8 months. It sold in a week and I was forced to make several quick decisions.

I retired from the VA and moved to Tallahassee in 2006 to be closer to my dad and my brother and his wife, Barbara. My dad died in 2010 after a long illness. I was able to see himfrequently, but it was difficult watching his progressive decline.

My brother and I share a love for growing things and an interest in travel. John, Barbara and I have traveled to Egypt, Turkey and more recently, Antarctica.

For many years I dreamt of living in a tropical country. I attended several different Spanish language schools and traveled throughout Latin America.

Although my language skills remain fairly basic, but I can speak enough to get by. (If only I had studied Spanish while at Bishop Moore instead of goofing off and causing Fr. Doce grief!)

Last year, I had the opportunity to buy property in Nicaragua. I had been going to Costa Rica and Nicaragua for over a decade pondering ossibilities. More or less gave up when a certain property became available. Following a series of events, I started construction on a beach house in Nicaragua. Its neither for the fainthearted …nor the wise to attempt something like this in one’s later years. But then again, you only go around once… and the experience has provided some great stories to share with wiser more cautious familyandfriends.

My love to all
