East Somerset District Fox Trophy 2018

Dear Leader

This year’s Fox Trophy will take place over the weekend of the 13 –15thApril. We will have two routes for scouts, the novice route will be 15-20 mile and the senior 20-25 mile approximately and leaders must specify which route they will be walking by the closing date. There is no age limit on either route. If a team has a number of experienced scouts they can walk the longer route if you don’t think there up to that they can do the short route. If the team has no experience then a leader (either from the same or different troop) may hike with the team but should not help with the camping side of the weekend. Any leaders that are coming along for the weekend must inform me direct please and let me have their health form by the closing date please. Novice teams can only have a maximum of two of the team that have done a previous fox trophy. All senior teams must have at least two of the team that have previously completed a district day hike or other practice hike,ideally with a rucksack weighing 20lbs.

We will be camping on the Friday night, like last year (so please remember to bring a snack for supper),and thecompetition starts on arrival so leaders will not be able to help with supper, tent pitching, etc. Breakfast on Saturday should be in keeping with the rules on food as, although the scouts will not have had to carry the food they will still have to take the rubbish so avoid tins etc. and it will be marked for balanced menu and how it’s prepared. Details of start times and location will be sent to attending troops on the Saturday after the closing date so it is essential that forms and money are in on time in order for me to allocate start times. As teams arrive they will be checked in and have bags weighed, kit checked and route issued for completion of the route cards during the evening. These will need to be checked by the leaders in charge before lights out. If there is essential kit missing the scouts will have the chance to contact a leader or parent to bring the required items, if they do not have it they will not be allowed to start the hike.

The map required for the weekend is OL15 Purbeck and South Dorset.

The event will be run along similar lines to previous years, but please make sure all the teams are aware of the rules which are attached to this letter. A copy of the points marking system will be sent to everybody so that teams know how to get the most points from the weekend which is a competition not just about the ability to walk a route correctly but also to work as a team, camp safely and stay healthy over the weekend. It is a practice hopefully for those that go on to become Queen’s Scouts where they will need full independence and survival skills.

As with last year the teams will have to stop at the first checkpoint they pass after 12pm each day and make themselves a hot drink. This will also give them time to update their logbooks which carry a large number of points.

The emergency contact (for teams to call if they have an emergency during the hike) is Pete Divall on07970 679279or 01935 422328. Please can all troops organise their own home contact and let me have the details with the money and health forms. Also if the team will be carrying a mobile phone can the number be completed on the entry form.

The cost of the event will be £12.00 per scout (in cash please)

All money and health forms must reach Jo Padwick, 4 Plantagenet Park, Yeovil, byFriday30thMarch. This is Good Friday so feel free to let me have them before you break up for the holiday. No late entries will be accepted. Health forms MUST be fully completed and any ailment that may have an effect on the scout’s health MUST be mentioned. After the weekend the health forms will be destroyed and all information will be confidential but we need to be aware if there is a potential risk. I also need the leaders health form with CRB number for any leaders that are planning to stay by the closing date please so that I know who we have coming.PLEASE NOTE: Only the attached health forms will be accepted, please do not use ones from other events or troop ones. I will return any that are not on the correct form and if this means the closing date is missed then the team will NOT be able to participate.

Please ensure that everyone who attends is adequately equipped. It is the responsibility of the scout leader to ensure that all teams have the correct equipment and suitable food. Teams will not be allowed to start the hike if they are not properly equipped. A basic recommended list of equipment and some suggested menu ideas and unacceptable foods are included with these details. If any troops would like someone to come to an evening and explain the hike and suitable equipment then please let me know and I will organise it.

Jo Padwick (District Scout Leader)

East Somerset District Scouts

Fox Trophy 2018 Rules

The Following rules are to be complied with: -

  1. Teams will be made up of four to seven members.
  1. Novice teams will complete a distance of approx 15-20 miles and do not need to carry their tents. They will however have to strike them and put a label (which we will provide) on them and we will transport them to the next campsite/finish.

Senior teams will complete a distance of approx. 20-25 miles and must carry all their kit.

  1. At the first checkpoint after 12pm each team will be required to have a lunch stop and make a hot drink each and complete their logbooks, this will apply both days and all checkpoint staff are aware of this and will enforce it.
  1. Maximum weight of Rucksacks will be 26lbs or one third of the scout’s body weight, whichever is the lower. This will be strictly enforced.
  1. Parents will be given details of the finishing point when the teams are dropped off on the Friday night.
  1. Scouts are allowed to carry one mobile phone FULLY CHARGED PLEASE per team on the hike which will be sealed in a bag at the start of the event and is only to be used in emergency. If the seal is broken on the bag and there has not been an incident the team will be disqualified. Teams seen with any other mobile phones will be using it to ring parents to pick them up at once. Scouts must not smuggle mobile phones with them. If a scout needs to have access to his/her mobile phone for the purposes of ringing home for collection they may hand it in at the start (making sure it is clearly marked) where it will be kept safe and returned on completion. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE!!!
  1. The District will supply all logbooks on the day of the hike and only these will be accepted at the finish. Nothing will be allowed to be pre writtenbefore the event and put into the log books. No reference to your troop is to be made in or on the logbooks.
  1. Leaders that are attending the event must not help their own group and any help that is given to other groups should only be verbal. Any group seen receiving help from their own leader will lose points.
  1. Results will be announced within a couple of weeks.
  1. Emergency rations, equipment and clothing will be checked before the start and will need to be presented on completion of the hike (unless of course there is an emergency of sufficient scale to warrant using them!).
  1. Teams must have sufficient equipment to safely complete the hike. It is the responsibility of the scout leader to ensure that they are suitably equipped. A recommended list is included with these rules.Teams will be able to contact a leader or parent to bring out any essential equipment on the Friday night if it is found to be missing. Without the correct equipment the team will not be allowed to start the hike.
  1. The Judges decision is final. Logbooks will be judged by an independent adjudicator.
  1. Photographs will be accepted up to ONE week after the event. They should be sent to Jo

Padwick at 4 Plantagenet Park, Yeovil by the 21st April with the team number written on the back of each one.

  1. As with previous years, we will be marking teams on their camping as well. What we will be marking

will be listed on the website too, so there should be no excuses for anything short of top marks.

Suggested menu ideas

Pasta and Sauce with packet of tuna mixed in followed by cake and custard

Cup – a – soup (especially those with pasta added)

Savoury rice with vacuum packed cooked sausage followed by packet of semolina

Porridge or Ready Brek

Ration pack boil in the bag meals

Ration pack dehydrated meals

Raven or Wayfarer boil in the bag meals

(these are ideal for hiking although a little more expensive. Available from outdoor shops like Blacks. They are hygienic because they are boiled in the bag and cause little washing up. They are well balanced meals and are available as breakfast (bacon and beans), main meal (stew and dumplings) and dessert (choc sponge and custard) to name but a few. They could easily be eaten for all three meals in a day and even eaten cold for lunch if it is a hot day. They take up little space in the bag and the rubbish left over is very little. But above all they are easy to prepare and taste good)

There is a selection of microwave meals available from the supermarkets that are suitable to boil in the bag and cost a fraction of the price of wayfarer etc also microwave rice can be boiled in the bag

The above ideas are just a few suggestions to give you an idea. Each meal should be well balanced, high in carbohydrates, contain a fair amount of protein and low in sugars and each scout should have enough that they are comfortable and maintain a good standard of camp hygiene. The best idea is boil in the bag and you shouldn’t go far wrong.

Unacceptable Food

Raw meat ie. sausages, bacon

Meat products ie. pasties and sausage rolls

Tinned Foods

Food or drinks in glass bottles or jars

East Somerset District Scouts


Recommended Personal Kit list

/ Compulsory equipment that will be checked for before departure / Group Equipment
Socks x 2 / Hike Socks
Jumper / Fleece
Small Torch & batteries (or wind up)
Toilet Roll
Spare Change of Clothes

Wash Kit / Towel (or wet wipes)

Spare Plastic Bags
Tea Towel
Mess tins / plates / cutlery
Money to make emergency phone call / Rucksack of suitable size for scout
Hike Boots
Waterproof Jacket
Waterproof Trousers
Hat / Gloves
Emergency Rations
Water Bottle
Personal First Aid Kit (to include plasters, triangle bandage, safety pins, antiseptic wipes)
Survival Bag
Carry Mat
Food + Sweets
Sleeping Bag / Tent
Stove fuel (in suitable container)
Cooking utensils
Map + spare in sealed plastic bag
Compass + spare
Fully Charged Mobile Phone (in sealed bag)


It is recommended that teams plan a menu that is liked and eaten by the whole team, rather than each individual cooking their own preference.
This will demonstrate to those marking that the teams are capable of forward planning.
All scouts must have emergency rations which will be checked on completion of the hike

Scouts who do not have the suitable equipment to ensure their safety over the hike will not be allowed to start the hike.

The district team will remove any scout from the hike if it is felt that they are not suitably equipped for the conditions.

Weight Limit for all rucksacks will be 26lbs

East Somerset District Scouts