Working in Partnership
Application Package
Thank you for requesting information about the Tri County Home Share Program. The Tri County Home Share Program seeks to establish community living alternatives for developmentally challenged adults living in the City of Kawartha Lakes and the Counties of Haliburton and Peterborough.
Through the promotion and support of family settings, individuals will receive guidance, encouragement and opportunities for personal growth. In addition to a room rental arrangement or a room and board situation we provide financial support, information on training and assistance with the living arrangement.
Please find enclosed the following:
- Our brochure
- A brief overview of the program
- Community Living Kawartha Lakes Mission statement and strategic plan
- The Home Share Application package.
If you are interested in entering into the Home Share Program please complete the application and return to the following address:
Community Living Kawartha Lakes
Suite 200, 205 McLaughlin Road
Lindsay, Ontario
K9V 0K7
Attention: Tri County Home Share Program
This is the first step in our extensive screening process.
If you have any further questions please feel free to call the office, Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Home Share Coordinator
Tri County Home Share Program
The Tri County Home Share Program will establish community living alternatives for developmentally challenged adults living in the City of Kawartha Lakes and the Counties of Haliburton and Peterborough. Through the promotion and support of family settings, individuals will receive guidance, encouragement and opportunities for growth.
- We believe families can have a positive impact on an individual’s growth
- We believe that all people should have access to safe, secure, affordable housing within their community
- We believe that support should be person-centered within the context of the family.
Our goal is to develop flexible supports recognizing the uniqueness and abilities of the individual and the family.
- Recruitment of providers
- Screening of providers
- Orientation and skill development opportunities
- Intake for individual seeking family home
- Assessments
- Matching and transition
- Facilitating support teams
- Agreement negotiation
- Assistance arranging respite
- Monitoring and evaluation of placements
- Support for the living relationship
- Administration, financial and procedural
Individuals requesting a Home Share
- Be developmentally challenged
- Be formally referred by another agency, advocate, family member or individual
- Provide a professional assessment if required
- Participate in an individual interview, re: lifestyle, history, support needs and preferences
- Wants a family home arrangement
- Meet the age criteria of 18 or older
- Sign a consent form releasing all criminal, mental or behavioural history
- Be on or eligible for Ontario Disability Support
- Provide a medical and dental reference
- Have access to a day program if needed
- Participate in yearly planning
Finding a match cannot be guaranteed. The Home Share Co-ordinator may not be able to proceed with matching when necessary financial resources, services and support are not available.
Home Share Recruitment
Potential Home Share Providers will be recruited through a variety of practices, linked closely with promotional activities. Specific advertisements, generic advertisements, flyers, word of mouth and presentations are some of the most successful avenues. Again, partnerships and linkages among similar agencies and services are useful strategies in recruiting people for the Home Share Program. Registries developed to assist with respite and contract placements are natural starting points for extending the possible contact for Home Share.
Potential Home Share Providers are asked to complete a registration package. Further screening includes all household members over 18 in the following areas:
- Criminal record check
- Five references
- Family lifestyle interview
- Physical home study
- Medical
- Confidentiality
- Understanding confidentiality
- Proof of home and car insurance
In addition to meeting the screening requirements, the potential providers must meet the following criteria:
- The home must be owned or rented independent of an agency
- The primary caregiver must be over the age of 18 and not immediate family of the individual to be placed within the home.
- All household members must successfully complete the orientation and screening.
- There must be an understanding that the Home Share is a private not-for-profit arrangement and another source of family income is required.
- Home Share Providers are in no way employees of an agency or the Home Share Program. There is a significant volunteer commitment that is required of a Home Share Provider.
- The Provider must be willing to be part of the community support team around the individual.
- No more than two individuals will be placed within the home, unless approved by the Ministry of Community, Family and Children’s Services.
- The Tri County Home Share Program defines ‘Family’ in its most broad and indiscriminate sense. Providers may be single, married or life partners.
- The provider must be mentally and physically healthy to provide support as a caregiver.
Matching and Transition
Matches cannot be guaranteed and priority will be given to homeless individuals.
The Home Share Coordinator will look for:
- Characteristics compatible with family life
- Availability of support dollars
- Primary support agency
- Day program
Transition periods are encouraged and typically look like this:
- Initial meeting
- Dinner visit
- Afternoon visit
- Overnight visit
- Weekend visit
More visits may be needed and include significant others. All parties will be contacted after a visit to relate their desire for further communication and building of the relationship. The transition period is very important and should not be rushed.
Community Living Kawartha Lakes
Mission Statement
Community Living Kawartha Lakes empowers people with developmental challenges, with their families, to achieve their unique personal goals. Community Living Kawartha Lakes leads in fostering healthy inclusive communities.
Vision Statement
People enjoy meaningful lives through connection, contribution and choice.
Values Statements
The persons we serve - their goals and choices - are at the heart of all we do.
We affirm the human worth, dignity and full citizenship – with all its rights and responsibilities – of every person.
We commit to fostering inclusive, natural and supportive communities around those we serve.
We hold ourselves accountable to each other, to those we serve, our community, our funders and our donors in a spirit of trust and stewardship.
We engage and collaborate with community partners in mutual efforts to create inclusive communities and meaningful choices for all we serve.
We value and foster leadership and excellence in all people in our organization and in our community
Community Living Kawartha Lakes
Strategic Directions 2012 to 2017
CLKL will align all programs, services, communications and governance with the organization’s Mission, Vision and Values.
CLKL will position itself to capitalize on the potential opportunities and effects of Ministry of Community and Social Service’s ‘Transformation of Services’ initiative in order to provide the most flexible and responsive services for persons with developmental disabilities.
CLKL will nurture and foster an environment that supports both Employees and Board leadership and innovation.
CLKL will build supports for inclusive neighbourhoods by engaging the community in developing natural networks and service capacity in partnership with a variety of community and area resources.
CLKL will continually seek out meaningful partnerships with and engage the advice, involvement and direction of the individuals and families it serves.
CLKL will align current funding and human resources (employees and volunteers) to serve its renewed Mission and Vision, its own deeper integration into the community of area service organizations, and will re-examine and develop policies which determine its fundraising purposes and capacity
The Tri-County Home Share Program seeks to establish community living alternatives for developmentally handicapped adults living in the Counties of Haliburton, Peterborough and the Kawartha Lakes. Through the promotion and support of family settings, individuals will receive guidance, and encouragement and opportunities for growth.
In addition to room and board, you can receive financial support, training and assistance. You will be a very important part of a team, sharing in ensuring that we foster personal development and community support.
The application and orientation process is the first step in building lasting relationships. Your initiative and cooperation is greatly appreciated, as you will be required to complete this form and participate in a series of interviews. Asking you to clarify your abilities and expectations and strengths, ensures that everyone can make informed choices.
Applicant: (Primary Caregiver) ______
Address: ______
Home Phone:______Work/Cell Phone:______
Other people residing at the above address?
Name M/F Age Relationship
Pets? ______Smoking? ______
Do you own or rent this home? ______How long?______
If rent? Landlord name/address: ______
If residing here less than two years? Previous address/landlord:
Describe your Neighborhood ______
Transportation?______Bus Route? ______
Applicant’s Present Employer:______How Long? _____
Address: ______
Applicant’s Previous Employer: ______How Long? _____
Address: ______
List present employment of other people in the household.
Please list relevant education and skills ______
Describe relevant experiences ______
Describe your family’s general health. (Vaccinations) ______
Give an overview of your family history.______
How did you hear about Tri-County Home Share ______
Why do you want to be a Home Share Provider? ______
Describe the person with whom you would share your home. ______
What do you need to know about the person? ______
What does support mean to you? What support could you offer?
Would you participate in the following screening practices?
Criminal Record Check ____
Home Study____
Proof of Insurance____
Tri Count Home Share Program
I have met with and received an overview and explanation of the Tri County Home Share Program.
If and when I/we are matched with a homesharer through this service, I/we undertake to be guided by the general policies and guidelines of the Tri County Home Share Program. If, by the decision of the Tri County Home Share Team, or any reason my/our application is not accepted, I/we the applicant(s) relinquish any right to question or appeal such decisions. All decisions by the Tri County Home Share Team are confidential. My/our file remains the property of Community Living Kawartha Lakes.
The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that: (1) he/she is not obligated, if called upon, to perform the services herein applied for, and (2) that the Association and the Tri County Home Share Program is not obligated to accept, match or actively seek to match him/her with a homesharer and (3) as a part of the Service’s matching process, additional personal information will be elicited from the applicant by the Tri County Home Share Program.
DATE: ______
Please list five references that have known your family over two years. These individuals will be contacted by mail to complete a brief questionnaire.
1.Employer Reference
Name: ______
Address: ______
City/Town: ______
Postal Code: ______
Phone: ______
2.Friend’s Reference
Name: ______
Address: ______
City/Town: ______
Postal Code: ______
Phone: ______
3.Family member but not spouse
Name: ______
Address: ______
City/Town: ______
Postal Code: ______
Phone: ______
4.Character Reference:
Name: ______
Address: ______
City/Town: ______
Postal Code: ______
Phone: ______
5.Volunteer/Past Employer/related experience
Name: ______
Address: ______
City/Town: ______
Postal Code: ______
Phone: ______
Date:______Signed: ______
Home Share/Provider/Home Share /Home Share Application Package/June 12